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World of Warcraft: Legion Release Date Announced

World of Warcraft: Legion Release Date Announced

This is it folks, unlike the "leak" we reported on last year, this is the real deal. World of Warcraft players across the globe can celebrate because the new expansion Legion, will be released on 30th August, 2016. That's actually pretty damn soon right? Better think about resubbing soon!

wow legion header

Along with the announcement, Blizzard have given us a nice, lengthy press release to feast our eyes on, which you can find here, but we'll detail the basics below.

Turns out that pesky warlock Gul'dan is taking himself and his green armies to the shores of Azeroth to wipe out both the Alliance and the Horde! Rude! Both factions will be discovering new territory (of course) and teaming up with the new hero class, demon-hunter in order to survive. There are new artifact weapons, a new honor system and something called a class hall - which sounds a bit like the Garrisons feature but with other members of your class accessing it too. 

Players who want to, can pre-order Legion and will unlock a level boost for one character to level 100, and for the first time in Warcraft history access to the new class demon-hunter, which is interesting to say the least.

Emsey P. Walker

Emsey P. Walker

Junior Editor

Emsey is a lover of games and penguins. Apparently she does some writing too...somewhere...

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Dombalurina - 11:05pm, 18th April 2016


SpacemanJupiter - 09:08am, 20th April 2016

I doubt I'll take the plunge. I've done fine without it for many months now and I loathe having to ever do the endless grind again. There are just too many other things in life to enjoy. Well, that and I play WOTLK on a private server with max gear and no more grinding, ever. I'm loving this non progressive thing.

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