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Ylands Update 1.8 – Awesome Achievements Out Now!

Ylands Update 1.8 is out now, and with it comes tons of new features and quality of life changes that are sure to make old and new players' life easier, and spice up their gameplay!

The update titled Awesome Achievements does just that for the game. Introducing achievements and titles that will allow players to customise their character and have more things to look forward to and farm towards.

Bohemia Interactive's CEO Marek Spanel even released a statement, saying that he feels with the release of update 1.8, the team are really getting close to the game's original vision, and that it is only a few more updates before they can fully realize the nearly infinite potential of Ylands.

Are you dying to know what's been added? So are we! So here are all of the things that Update 1.8 – Awesome Achievements has to offer for players:

  • Larger Maps (up to 8 x 8 kms)
  • Achievements and titles
  • New tutorial for beginners
  • Polished multiplayer game
  • Butterfly, Corn Bandit, and Ghost Nut pets
  • QOL gameplay improvements
  • Crafting improvements and fixes

Additional to all of this—and easily the most important feature added to the game—is the ability to enjoy all of your exciting new adventures with your favourite animal companion! Because truly, any game without this feature just isn't complete. 

Ylands Update 1.8 – Awesome Achievements is out now!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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