Zombi U On Xbox One?
With poor sales and an underwhelming E3, Nintendo's latest console isn't exactly a popular destination for gamers. Unfortunately for the Japanese giants, the struggling console is also set to lose an exclusive. That's according to a post on the Australian ratings board, that lists Zombi U, published by Ubisoft, as an Xbox One title.
Zombi U launched alongside the Wii U and took advantage of the functionality of the console's gamepad. Needless to say, an Xbox One version will see significant differences to the original due to the lack of second screen functionality.
It's also safe to expect improved graphics and performance thanks to the Xbox One's superior hardware. Just how long this port has been in the works and when it might release is unknown, but hopefully Ubisoft can provide some clarification in the near future.
TGK - 08:10pm, 22nd June 2015
A game that made a loss, is being re-released, with the format being changed completely, therefore more man-hours will be put into it.
Has the world gone mad?
Rasher - 12:21pm, 23rd June 2015
agreed, the game wasn't that good, it is not going to do any better
Ewok - 09:43pm, 24th June 2015
I cam here to make exactly the same comment. Apparently it's coming to PS4 as well. Seems like a pretty terrible idea, even as a £10 download I can't image many people going near it.
Calmine - 10:02pm, 24th June 2015
Was a really bad game? Might be worth a play if it comes to PC. Then again it is Ubisoft...
Rasher - 02:52pm, 29th June 2015
lol Harsh but funny
TGK - 08:18pm, 29th June 2015
It wasn't TERRIBLE (I've only played a little, got the game brand new for less than a fiver) but it's certainly flawed.