Gnomoria Preview
Preview - 16th Apr 2013 | By Emsey P. WalkerA first glance at Gnomoria reveals a colourful map and absolutely no instruction of what to do or where to go. This could quite easily be enough to put you off trying it, but in…
A first glance at Gnomoria reveals a colourful map and absolutely no instruction of what to do or where to go. This could quite easily be enough to put you off trying it, but in…
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon takes everything you love about 80's action and sci-fi movies and pumps it full of performance-enhancing pills from a bottle that reads 'Warning:…
A gameplay trailer has just been released showcasing Dark Souls 2 for the first time.The 12 minute trailer was predictably rather reserved in revealing any mention of new features…
Currently available to download is the Injustice: Gods Among Us demo, a taster of what’s to come on April 19th when the game hits the shelves here in the UK. And what’s to…
You could say that Marvel is pretty big right now. You could, but you would be wrong. Marvel is massive right now. With a string of successful movies, as well as a number of TV…
A voice actor stepped onto a smoke-filled stage, flanked by a giant screen with two assassins lurking in the ramparts. His gravelly voice urged us to remember the places we've…
Star Trek has been in development for over three years and with a following like the ‘Trekkies’, we had high expectations when entering into a hands-on event for the title and…
I'd heard a lot about Red 5 Studio's Firefall prior to playing it but didn't actually know that much about it. I knew that it was a free-to-play MMO, I knew that it was still in…
The Trials franchise started back in 2008 on our beloved platform, the PC, with Trials 2: Second Edition (previously it was a browser-based flash game) and the sounds of keyboards…
Nowadays, it's rare to come across an online shooter with some originality instead of just another generic, modern-military, 'shooty, bang, bang' game. Luckily, developer Adhesive…
There's a lot riding on not just Dead Space 3 but the franchise as a whole. With the Resident Evil series not being quite as great as it once was, EA's space-faring trilogy is…
BioShock Infinite has remained one of our most eagerly awaited games since its announcement way back in 2010. However, the last time we saw the game over a year ago we were…
Namco Bandai and Level-5's Ni No Kuni has been pushed back to a February release, so those of you who were hoping to get hold of the game at release will now have to wait a week.…
If the demo is representative of the final product, Ni No Kuni is unlikely to disappoint.
Navyfield II: Conqueror of the Ocean is an upcoming free-to-play MMO real-time strategy title focused on naval warfare in the theatres of World War I and World War II.