Sensei! I Like You So Much! Preview
Preview - 4th Jan 2025 | By Erin McAllisterTags: #Bean, #Shipping, #WAFF
Tags: #Bean, #Shipping, #WAFF
A charming turn-based tactics game.
The New World is a lot less than was advertised
Turning trash into treasure.
they mostly come at night, mostly
Why does the giant mole have dynamite?
Cats and cards.
To be heroes, legends, or murder-hobos.
Will Backstage: Murdered Sleep be a scary and disturbing game to play, or will it just be lame with a story you have seen a hundred times before?
Every now and then it’s nice to take a step back from the more serious sim-racing I fill my time with and drop into a title that aims to inject a little more arcade-style fun...
Finally, I can live my dreams of travelling and selling books.
Coo, Coo, Coo, Coo.
I LOVE tiny houses!
Hunting down a witch.
Remember to pack light and trust me… don’t drive drunk