Flat Heroes Preview
Flat Heroes is an arcadey game where you play as a square and proceed to beat challenges set in a level/world. Basic in design, it delivers by the handful, until the game becomes near impossible to beat alone without a lot of determination.
Its design choice caught my eye. Being clean and precise with controls, my expectation of the game was solid 2D platforming with cool mini games to help flesh out the content. Delivering on that front, the level design of each level gave it a morish feel that left me losing track of time when I should have gone and focused on my chores. Oops.
Featuring six worlds with 15 levels currently, the game is pretty feature complete from the get go: the main campaign has the option to “Speedrun”, playing all levels in a world and being rated with three squares based on your time. At first I thought that the game took a safe route for gameplay: evading projectiles and emphasis on level design and layout; rather than quick responsive movement to dodge something by the skin of your teeth - not say I beat the first world without dying repeatedly. But as I went through the game, planning and responding to each level was the difference between beating it in the first couple of tries to dozens of attempts (playing with a controller is highly recommended).
Sadly that's the fastest time I've got for speed running a world.
Each level lasts around thirty seconds if done without dying - for the most part. However, the lack of instructions or text directions is slightly aggravating as some levels require the use of a certain mechanic to complete it. Which is made slightly worse with the inclusion (and emphasis) of multiplayer, as not everyone will know the control scheme. Maybe this adds to the fun of a coach co-op/vs match, bickering and having banter at each other’s skill.
It’s here that issues with the game as a whole crop up, predictably as an Early Access game: the slow motion effect locking up making the game unplayable, inconsistency of the game’s logic. The most egregious bug though is the inability to quit the game without using Alt + F4 (the three bugs being easy to replicate). Something less mechanical is the inclusion of unlockables for the game that are tied to the multiplayer, being less than ideal since some of the more competitive modes need to be unlocked before you can play them.
This is the most awkward bug since escape is not possible without quitting.
What did surprise me the most was the arduous task of beating the game alone. It became alarmingly obvious that the later worlds are more geared towards having assistance to beating the levels with some of them requiring incredibly quick responses that were sometimes near impossible to do without thinking two to three steps in advance of the game. But then the game mechanic, that was initially fun, with the homing projectiles became increasingly stressful with tightly nit levels that require somewhat precise movements that are ruined because of the random nature of the tracking that led to some projectiles behaving oddly and straying.
Aspects of the game that aren’t meshed well as a single-player experience include the tight timing of beating bosses and the tracking of the shots being too accurate and moving in methods that don’t seem nature. Coupled with the inconsistency of the shots path, it creates a game that started so strong to fall so hard because of the later half. I would like to know if the devs did single-player tests on the boss and later levels, since they feel arbitrarily difficult akin to pixel perfect performance when that perfected performance leads to an infuriated gameplay experience that will drive people away from playing it and watching someone else beat it (potentially heavily intoxicated).
Final Thoughts:
Flat Heroes is fun game that takes a moorish game concept and fleshes into something more fulfilling and long lasting; if it continues to build from its current state I think that as final product it could gain something like a cult status. But unless they make the single player aspect more forgiving and with their current price, I can only suggest that you pick this up now if you want to experience a an alcoholic fun fiesta of a games night.
InspectorRoar - 02:40pm, 25th October 2016
Hey, I'm on the devs, thanks for the preview. It's really helpful for us to see different opinions :)
It's interesting to see that the game doesn't manage to teach everything it should to some players, we'll take the time to add more worlds before the hard part to make sure it does. I must say though that most of our testing is done in single player and even the speedruns are done with 1 player only and it is not as hard as it may seem once you learn how to move around. But yep, we'll work on the teaching process a bit more to make the game more accessible :)
I was also wondering, what's this certain mechanic that you needed and didn't learn through the waves mode? It should explain everything before you actually need it.
Thanks for playing and sorry about the bugs!
Gargontara - 07:41pm, 26th October 2016 Author
I'm glad you liked the preview, sorry for delayed response I wanted to make it as coherent as possible from my experience with the game.
The main mechanic I didn't fully understand how it operated was the counter/attack for the player when pressing the X button. I only remember distinctly finding out how to do it in World 2 Level 9, having replayed World 2 I don't recall discovering this mechanic until then, unless your latest update did something, maybe I hit the X button by accident and didn't notice it.
I can definitely say that there is a method in beating your bosses, which have a nice challenge. As much as I hated World 5's Boss, there were elements I enjoyed such as the vast space to move around, it felt like being Spider-Man whipping around as something tries to blast you and timing the attack to knock the hexagon back. But timing the attack was part of my main issue, in terms of the level, the shots seemed to track beyond what I expected to the point. Which lead to me performing some weird maneuvers to try and dodge them which it made hexagons appeared quite difficult to impossible at times to hit back. Also, I didn't realise I had to attack the bosses on most occasions, only in world 2 I knew I had to attack the boss, I thought it was a case of surviving them like the previous levels. World 4's Boss I knew how to beat it because of your trailer, although in hindsight the method should have been more obvious to me when playing. I gave up on World 6 for the last two levels because I spent maybe half an hour alone on level 14 and twenty minutes on level 15 before having to stop or otherwise I'd reach the point of stress induction instead of fun competitive "I want another go" when writing for the preview. I did retry those two levels after your update and only completed 14 on my 7th retry, I can't seem to get pass stage 1 of your boss at all after 15+ tries.
Sorry this is a long read for you, but my only suggestions for implementing new mechanics would be more tweaks to the intuitive nature of your game. Because the games simplicity, I expected it to be case of surviving the levels rather than beating it by attacking. Maybe prompt to the player if they die more than 10 times maybe a message pops up and gives a hint to beating the level. The aiming reticle in runner could be bigger as it almost appears as a spec on my 1080p monitor. In terms of gameplay I think you guys have the hang of it in terms of production, if you're adding more levels maybe having the shooting mechanic from runner. I hope you find this informative and no problems about the bugs, multiplayer was working just fine unless we played Zones that that weird infinite freezing would happen :).
InspectorRoar - 12:28pm, 27th October 2016
Hi, that's a long response! Let's see.
Yes, the attack (X button) is not taught until mid-world 2 (and we make sure all players find out) because it's not needed until then, you are free to use it in world 1 if you find out about it but you never need it. And even from there is kind of your choice how you decide to approach the levels, there's only 1 enemy (and the bosses) that requires it (and you must learn which one to be able to complete world 2).
About the bosses it is possible that they are a bit too hard yes, but we like the idea of learning how to beat them, and actually the number of tries you talk about seem more than fine for the bosses! Especially for single player.
Thanks for reporting the reticule problem, we'll look into it, although that means you are playing with mouse+keyboard! I'd be really impressed if you managed to reach world 6 with mouse+keyboard with around 15 tries per level, it is actually way harder mainly because you can only dash in 8 directions!
The exit and slowmo bugs are already fixed btw!
PS: the shooting mechanic is also available on zones and battle!
Gargontara - 12:55pm, 27th October 2016 Author
Yeah after beating the first world I knew playing with keyboard and mouse would be a terrible idea for my hand, when I tried the multiplayer that was when I was using the keyboard and mouse since my second controller wasn't working with my PC.
I still haven't beaten World 6 though, I would argue that maybe half an hour for a Boss considering the style of gameplay you have is long when most levels don't last longer than a minute or two unless you get really stumped on them. I would suggest maybe lengthening the attack either by radius or duration to make it more forgiving, as timing the attacks in World 5's boss level was my main difficulty and World 6's boss explosion entrance could be slightly slower as I've still yet to go further than the first hit and I've probably have nearly clocked a hour on that boss alone. I definitely have clocked 45 minutes for World 5's boss alone though.
I would argue a button prompt or even a demonstration on screen could be used to make the control more obvious for World 2 since it is vital to learning it. Also, maybe implement a death counter just so then I glorify my fails :P. I would actually be genuinely interested in finding out how many times I failed to see if my performance match the times I got, same goes for keeping track of my personal best record times for speed running.
InspectorRoar - 08:39am, 28th October 2016
I see, we are quite happy with the bosses but I do understand the issue, we'll probably add more worlds before 5 so people can learn how to play before getting to them (they are meant to be hard though!).
We'll see about the death counter, but the main idea is that when playing waves in multiplayer we don't want some players to feel worse than others, we want them all to play together regardless of their level of experience, we've been testing in many events and players feel much less presure when there's no death counter or winner.
And you can already track your time, that's what the speedrun mode does :)