Journey of A Roach Preview
Before embarking upon this point-and-click journey accompanied by my protagonist Jim, I was unaware that it was possible to feel so much empathy for what is usually a small insignificant insect. Journey of A Roach follows the story of an incredibly selfless cockroach who sets out in his somewhat unnecessary footwear to help those in trouble.
Rescuing his friend Bud from multiple dangerous encounters is the primary objective in the very beginning of the game. This is only made possible by controlling your courageous roach Jim, leading him through a sewer to find relevant objects that will assist him during his adventure. You guide your character through the levels using standard WASD keys for movement, and the space bar allows you to zoom out, obtaining a greater view of the area. This improves your chance of finding objects and the occasional grub to satisfy your protagonist’s hunger.
A feature that makes this experience all the more enjoyable is the ability to search not only the floor, but also the walls and ceilings. Your character encounters no boundaries that limit where he can climb, unless faced with an inanimate object in his path. This is something new that I haven’t yet come across in any other point-and-click. Although it takes a minute to familiarise yourself with the directions, it adds a whole new and entertaining dynamic to what usually would be mindless object-hunting.
Journey of A Roach is a game that sparks creativity and requires slightly more than a bit of common sense. Objects are stored in your bag situated at the top of the screen, but not every object you discover will be the direct answer to your problem. A crucial element of the game includes finding seemingly useless items that can be combined, all within the confinement of your bag, to create something new and helpful to your current intricate situation.
The second and main task of the game which consumed the majority of my time during the preview involved an old-lady spider creature with strange motherly feelings towards some flies. Your role in this odd relationship is to capture the flies using a series of object-creations and return them back to her loving arms.
At certain times, obtaining two or more items that work seamlessly together can be a challenge, however you’re helped along the way by small animated drawings on each useable item. These will also be highlighted in white when hovered across with your cursor, making them more accessible. Not matching your discovered objects properly is an easily recognisable error, as Jim will cross two of his four arms, shake his head and produce adorable baby noises. While this undoubtedly isn’t an accurate representation of a cockroach, it’s definitely more fun to watch.
The heavily cartoon-like art style works accordingly with the comic book feel of the game. Between each area you complete, you are presented with a short animated cut scene involving the two main characters, which illustrate a short example of what’s to be expected next. The combination of the sound, graphics and gameplay overall make this game more suited to a younger audience. However, it still maintains the features of a point-and-click title that make it entertaining and interesting for gamers of all ages.