Star Trek: Online Part Five : Attack of the Klingons
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Star Trek: Online Part Five : Attacks of the Klingons
Originally, we were going to add this as part of the beta preview we did a few weeks ago. However I made the decision to try and explore the Federation character further to gain a more rounded overview of the game as a whole, instead of trying to cram everything in a short period of time. As we were also given access to the Pre-Order Head Start event, this gave me the opportunity to experience one of the other races which I did not have time to fully explore during the Beta event.
But before I speak about the Klingons, I want to first speak about the differences I noticed when I was trying to level up my character so I could unlock the Klingon storyline. From the beta screen shots to these shots - which are now the final live product - you should see a few UI changes which have helped the system feel a little more complete, as well as keeping it looking great. I have also noticed that during the missions that I did partake, that a lot of the loot drops seem to dramatically risen. I am not sure if this because of the amount of people on the servers due to the head start, or the fact that they have done some fine tuning to the game to increase the loot. I have also noticed that a lot of the small annoyances that occurred throughout the beta have been fixed.
Another tweak which I noticed was the fact that most of the enemies I have been facing in the missions that I had done previously in the beta have been either the same level as me or only one level above where as in the beta I found enemies would come a lot more in a bigger packs and would be at least two levels ahead of me. Again this could have just been my play through or it could have been so you didn't rush through the content. I have also found that the graphics in the final game seem a lot smoother and everything seems to flow a lot better. Also the extra storyline parts we get at the beginning of the game allow you to find out where you are in the Star Trek Story line as well as also giving you a starting point.
So anyway, enough of the catch-up on how the game has been in progress, it's time to speak about how the Klingons storyline is different to the Federation storyline. Like I have said you have to be at least Lieutenant level 6 to unlock the Klingon storyline. So once you have done this you can then create your very own Klingon. As well as the race of Klingon, you again can create your own character or use some of the other species that are available to use. Again as when you created your Federation character, you get to pick some traits which will be boosts for your character and every species has its own unique boosts for you to choose. Once you have chosen your species and if you are female or male and have chosen your new uniform, you will be thrown in to the world of the Klingon race. Again you get a little back story before you arrive on the first planet for you to make contact with some of the leaders who will give you some small tasks which will level you up to the rank of Lieutenant level 6 which means you will be back to where you were before you know it. This is useful because that you won't have to go through a lot of levels just to get your characters back on par with each other.
The main differences that I have found between the Klingons and the Federation are the type of missions that you go to. A lot of the Federation missions are about keeping the peace and balance to the space that you need to patrol. Whereas a lot of the Klingon missions that I have played are all about blowing things up and killing the enemy. This is great fun and does mean that levelling up a Klingon character is a different approach to the Federation which makes it fresh to play. The bonuses for playing the Klingons is the fact that you start off with a bird of prey, with a lot of the weapons that you would have looted while playing Federation and also their unique ability - the ability to use a cloaking device. This allows you to position yourself without the enemy detecting you, the problem with the cloaking device is the fact that you cannot use any weapons while you are cloaked so it's more of putting yourself in a good position to do a surprise attack, or even to get out of trouble if needs be. As well as the differences in the missions, I feel that the graphics within the style of play isn't the neat and futuristic look of the Federation and to have the look of an old race with traditions and huge amounts of art texture it's almost like walking around a pyramid with blasters and fazers.
Again with the Klingon race there is a lot of traditional ways, as you will again be put through a trail as a test of strength to earn your Lieutenant level. In a sense everything is the same in the Klingon race but as well as this everything is slightly tweaked and worked around to almost become something completely new. Now I know I've just contradicted myself in my last sentence but hear me out on this one. For Klingon, you know everything that you need to know to get going, there is no learning curve for you to get used to or new controls to master; you are ready to go as soon as you get your hands on the ship. This is what makes these unlockable races great. Since everyone will be on Federation for a while this will there will be a lot of people around and not everyone running to different races straight away. In a sense it allows you to get to grips with everything and also ensure there will be plenty of people to play with and against.
So hopefully over the next few weeks or months we should be previewing a lot more of the races and trying to give you the full picture on how the Star Trek game is developing and how the races have been developed.
Angelfromabove - 08:04pm, 21st January 2010
This is a great idea Si, mmo reviews are packed full of info, too much to take in in one sitting sometimes.
Rasher - 08:17pm, 27th January 2010
I have to admit i have really enjoyed this bring broken in to four parts i haven't finished reading Part 4 yet, but so far have enjoyed it reading it. I wasn't planning on playing any MMOs till Star Wars comes out but i am really tempted now to buy this Again thanks for putting the time in to this one Si, will post again once i have finished reading part 4 (have to be tomorrow now)
snaggs - 02:15pm, 28th January 2010
Thanks a lot for this insight into the new star trek MO, I have been waiting for this for some time now. I will certainly be signing up to this very soon.
POBmaestro-1428097466 - 06:05pm, 28th January 2010
Very clever way of delivering preview content like this. This is the only MMO I have ever considered looking into and this was a good informative read, thanks. Even though I would like to play a MMO right from launch, I've got too much going on in Feb and March, but I'll look at maybe pouring hours into exploring the galaxy in a starship in the summer :)
scottruthven1971 - 06:13am, 29th January 2010
Si, great review, and great idea to split it into 4. STO is great, my only reservation is the missions them selves are a bit too open, it can take an age to find where you're supposed to be, and even then take longer to find the one small speck in space that you need to attack/interact with. HOwever, the feeling of joy when you finally take down 3 Klingon Birds of Prey with minimal structural integrity left, 70% casualties and no help whatsoever is fantastic. THis is the first time I have felt I might just pay monthly for a game...
Beanz - 08:24am, 29th January 2010
THis is the first time I have felt I might just pay for a game...
:rolleyes:Si^ - 12:38pm, 29th January 2010 Author
Thanks a lot for this insight into the new star trek MO, I have been waiting for this for some time now. I will certainly be signing up to this very soon.
Look forwarded to seeing you on there snaggs. It is a really good MMOVery clever way of delivering preview content like this. This is the only MMO I have ever considered looking into and this was a good informative read, thanks. Even though I would like to play a MMO right from launch, I've got too much going on in Feb and March, but I'll look at maybe pouring hours into exploring the galaxy in a starship in the summer :)
Cheers for the comment, yes we decided it was the best way of doing a MMO preview as your views change as you play as well as also making it easier to get information up about it. Again look forward to seeing you on there pob maybe we should make a gameon fleet.Si, great review, and great idea to split it into 4. STO is great, my only reservation is the missions them selves are a bit too open, it can take an age to find where you're supposed to be, and even then take longer to find the one small speck in space that you need to attack/interact with. HOwever, the feeling of joy when you finally take down 3 Klingon Birds of Prey with minimal structural integrity left, 70% casualties and no help whatsoever is fantastic. THis is the first time I have felt I might just pay monthly for a game...
Yes Some missions you can have a few problems on finding on what you need to do but most of it comes from checking the objectives and then look at the map for the flashing way points. Totally agree on the combat though I haven't felt so good until you take down 3 or 4 ships even if they are a higher rank than you.POBmaestro-1428097466 - 04:18pm, 29th January 2010
maybe we should make a gameon fleet.
Now that would be cool :cool:Si^ - 04:23pm, 29th January 2010 Author
Now that would be cool :cool:
I know that the head start is tonight, if i can get on ill try and reserve the fleet name :u01scottruthven1971 - 04:49pm, 29th January 2010
I know that the head start is tonight, if i can get on ill try and reserve the fleet name :u01
You will need to create a team of 5 players first. Then Fleet registration is done at Sol System Earth Base. ;) (Tried to create the Fleet myself the other day, before I read this thread. :))Gerrard - 12:57am, 7th February 2010
I've been playing this for the last week now (started on the headstart last Friday). I ordered the Gold/Collector's edition (with a t-shirt that I won't be wearing in pulblic! :p) since it was the same price as the normal one and I found out as a bonus that I managed to get 60 days game time from the 2 codes included in it! The game is good, but I'm not sure it's "great" at the moment. Sure it's only been out a week, but Cryptic haven't exactly had a great reputation with MMOs. :rolleyes: I strongly doubt I'll carrying on after my 60 days are up unless they put something good at the end (of which there is nothing at the moment). It's interesting that they went for a single server set-up. OK, it's all instanced so it's not like Eve in that sense, but does seems to have caused some problems, mainly that I'm posting this now since I haven't been able to get onto the server since about 9pm when I got DCed while changing instances. The game seems to have been more popular than Cryptic thought it would be, and as such playing on weekend evenings seems to be a nogo situation (a bit like Eve sometimes). My views? Space combat is great. Still get enjoyment out of firing torpedoes into unshielded ships! :p It does throw in some good moments, like a mission I did this evening where you join up with a fleet of NPC ships and have a 16v16 battle! That's pretty cool. Fleet actions are also good, but being a science ship means I loose out on DPS stakes, which is what bags you the best loot. :( Mind you, Scramble Sensors works wonders as you get a fleet of ships to turn on each other for 20 seconds! :u01 Ground combat I find tedious. It's just a bit lack-lustre. As an engineering officer I can now make drones and turrets, but it takes a bit of preping before each fight and they aren't that great. Just does't feel I'm getting the same sort of achievement as with space battles (which is actually true XP/loot/reward wise). Both get repetitive (as all MMOs do) and I've settled down into certain tactics, and this is one of my main gripes with the game. It's not very linear with character development. Your character gets a new skill at x3 (general space), x5 (class specific ground) and x8 (class specific space). That's seems great, but I hardly use any of them. It's the Bridge Officier powers that I use, and they only get levelled up when you reach a new rank (every 10 levels) with a new ship. With a new ship you can gain upto 3 space powers at once, and another 4 ground powers. Not to mention the extra stuff you new ship gets (more weapons and upgrade abilities). You get sod all during the 10 levels in rank, but all of a sudden it's all change when you get promoted. This means that after the novelty has worn off 2-3 levels into your new rank, nothing much is going to change until you hit that next rank in 7-8 levels. Just find it annoying that that's no real short term goals. Anyway, that's just my opinion so far. My in game handle is my forum user name with "uk" after it if you want to look me up. I'll hopefully be in an Interpid class ship tomorrow if I can stay on the server long enough! :rolleyes:
Rasher - 12:25am, 16th February 2010
Cheers for that info Gerrard, Si didnt reply because hes on holiday at the moment (will point him over to here when hes back) On another note, I have just popped the Klingon Preview up [URL="http://www.gameon.co.uk/game/preview/star-trek-online-part-five-attacks-of-the-klingons"]You can find that here[/URL]
ievep-1543919659 - 07:39am, 21st February 2010
A real great MMO to MMO and great preview for me, thanks very much and this is my first time to experience a MMO:u09
ievep-1543919659 - 07:42am, 21st February 2010
Great STO, great PREVIEW and wonderful experience, I haven't play and like any game until the coming out of STO. What an excellence thing!!
jingke-1543919659 - 04:55am, 25th February 2010
Found a good place from SwagVault for anything u need for STO.
Milky-1543919659 - 03:48pm, 4th February 2011
Apologies for reviving an old thread, I've only just read the review. Fantastic review! I'll be looking at seeing if I can get a trial of STO before going outright and purchasing my first ever monthly subscription game! Credit to you Si.
Ex0dUs-1428097470 - 09:06pm, 4th February 2011
Quick heads up on this, if you head over to the Amazon Game Downloads on the US Amazon, you can pick this up on digital deluxe edition download for $15 :) [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Star-Trek-Online-Deluxe-Download/dp/B0044DEPZA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1296853522&sr=1-1"]Amazon.com: Star Trek Online: Video Games@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/517%2BtZrqfGL.@@AMEPARAM@@517%2BtZrqfGL[/ame]