The Baby in Yellow Preview
The Baby In Yellow is one of the most genuinely bizarre experiences I have ever had, but beneath the weird concept is a genuinely very enjoyable game. Developed by Team Terrible, this game is a babysitting simulator, except the baby may be ever so slightly possessed by horrors beyond human comprehension…
When I first started The Baby in Yellow, I expected it to be little more than a funny and charming little physics-based puzzle game, but beyond that initial impression, there’s a lot of legitimate quality. Admittedly, there’s a lot of fun to be had with the physics in the early parts of the game, being able to toss items around — including the baby — along with throwing and sticking food to the baby; it’s quite frankly a very strange experience but if you can think it can be done, it probably can! Whether it be flushing the baby down the toilet, putting the baby in the washing machine or even in the oven. This is the meat of the first three chapters, along with doing standard babysitting things, such as feeding and putting the baby to sleep.
Chapter Four is where the game starts to improve its gameplay and begins to implement some more interesting and thoughtful puzzles. However, it really starts to hit its stride in the last (for now) three chapters. Taking you to a new world, a steampunk-esque land, which seems to know more about the baby than you do, along with how to deal with it. This section introduces the most interesting mechanics, including a time travel camera, alchemy, and a cannon… and yes, you can shoot the baby out of the cannon. This also introduces Newt, a cute robot companion who helps solve puzzles.
Visually, the game has a very pleasant style, nothing groundbreaking, but very pleasing to the eyes, and has near-perfect performance, with no crashes or frame drops throughout my playthrough.
Currently in Early Access, The Baby in Yellow is an incredibly fun and surprising title, only taking me 95 minutes in total to beat, which includes a lot of time messing around, but it is definitely worth the low price point, with more to come in the future.
Rylan Kurt alpas - 01:36pm, 23rd July 2024
Thick most the baby in yellow ask love crafting
Rylan Kurt alpas - 01:37pm, 23rd July 2024
Think about most the baby in yellow ask love crafting join lake build