BattleTech Review
The ground shaking mechs and world of BattleTech have a long history; its roots firmly entrenched as a tabletop wargame back in the distant past of 1984. It has inevitably showed up in videogame form over the years, notably in the revered first-person MechWarrior series and the real time strategy MechCommander titles. BattleTech marks a return to its more thoughtful turn-based origins under one of the BattleTech universes founding fathers, Jordan Weisman himself. But is it any good?
Being a franchise with a long and complicated universe, BattleTech does a good job of front-loading a lot of context for how this world works and its current state during the wonderfully stylised and easy to digest intro sequence. Before you even get to the main menu you’ve got a solid grasp on the gritty, Game of Thrones-esque landscape you are about to enter. Harebrained Schemes have clearly put a lot of thought into how someone completely new to BattleTech will experience it making it a great entrypoint to the universe.
The BattleTech setting is rife with conflict, constantly in a state of civil war, with multiple factions in play. The game is set in 3025 towards the tail end of the Succession Wars era where the Inner Sphere (the main habited area of space centred on Earth) is controlled and fought over by five great noble houses. The area outside this is known as the Periphery and is home to smaller colonies and states. This intricate, dense setting, fleshed out as it has been over three decades of games, novels, animation and other material feels complex and lived in and BattleTech embraces that.
After a military coup on the day of Lady Kamea Arano’s coronation by her uncle, the head of House Espinosa, you, a member of her guard, manage to survive and are picked up by some fellow mercenaries that put you in charge of their unit, the Marauders. Forced into exile you leave the Aurigan Coalition’s capital planet of Coromodir VI behind and try to rebuild. Without wanting to spoil the plot, as events unfold you ultimately try to wrest control back from Espinosa whilst operating within an area of the Periphery known as the Aurigan Reach.
BattleTech itself is a turn-based tactical strategy game where you control a Lance (BattleTech’s term for a squad) of BattleMechs in a variety of missions in the form of mercenary contracts. Between missions, you manage and maintain the Marauder’s dropship which acts as your base of operations, researching upgrades to ship systems as well as maintaining your complement of Mechs and their pilots, the MechWarriors.
Customising your Battlemech loadouts involves working to a weight limit depending on the mech type, allowing you to fit whatever weapons and equipment you want onto their hardpoints and adjusting the armour on each body part until you are happy. Do you go for fewer weapons but maximise the amount of armour? Or do you go the glass cannon route and forego the armour? It’s up to you. Obviously different mechs work better for different roles but you absolutely have the freedom to make them work for your playstyle.
Your logistics officer, Darius Oliveira ensures you always have contracts to choose from. In general you’ll have some from the system you are orbiting and some you’ll need to travel for. Each contract is for a particular faction and has a difficulty rating designated in skulls, varying in objectives based on contract type. For example, Battle has you wiping out other Mechs; Escort, requires you to provide cover and support to units in the field; and Recovery has you taking something of note and ensuring its safe extraction. And that’s to name just a few.
Missions are randomly generated from a wide selection of maps that themselves have a variety of possibilities and visual styles to reduce the feeling of seeing the same map repeatedly. Every mission you complete affects your reputation with the factions in and around the Periphery, raising this gets you higher discounts and bonuses for contracts. They also affect your Mercenary Review Board rating which contributes to the contracts you are offered as well as the quality of MechWarriors you can hire.
As well as these randomised contracts there are also Priority Missions which are the game’s campaign missions. You aren’t forced to take these when they appear however: you are free to ignore them and continue raising funds and improving your BattleMech collection until you want to move the story along. This gives the game a refreshingly open feel as you can travel the galaxy taking contracts and improving your fearsome mercenary units’ capabilities until you feel ready. You can also continue to play after you’ve finished the campaign so your carefully constructed group of mercs can have adventures forever.
What about the actual combat though? Once on the ground the game’s tactical nature shines. On the surface it shares similarities with other games in the genre. The devs themselves have jokingly called the game, XCOM meets Game of Thrones with Mechs, which is an accurate summary of how it plays (both in battle, and between contracts). It does BattleTech a disservice however as, in many ways, the moment to moment decision-making is far more interesting than in the XCOM games.
BattleTech, whilst not a recreation of the tabletop game, recaptures a lot of the spirit without being a carbon copy. To that end BattleMechs have destructible body parts which affect both movement and combat options, and there are overheat and stability mechanics which force you to be careful with weapon selection and environment awareness or face the possibility of taking damage, toppling over or even causing your BattleMech to explode.
Positioning is vitally important: when you move you can also choose where your mech faces, which can mean the difference between losing your mech’s right arm where you’ve mounted its more destructive weaponry or it becoming totally ineffectual at a crucial moment. Unlike other games there is no cover system in play (outside of standing in environmental cover like trees for a passive bonus to avoidance) so being aware of your surroundings becomes critical.
Movement on the battlefield is also a big part of how the tactical battles feel different. The more a BattleMech moves on a turn, the more evasive bonus it receives making it harder for the enemy to hit. This enables lighter, faster moving scout type mechs to stay viable but also encourages movement rather than standing still in the open guns blazing. Combined with locational damage, overheating, terrain and environment type there is a lot to think about each turn.
There is also a more strategic layer to each encounter. Before you accept a contract you can negotiate your price, which comes with a chance to control the amount of salvage you can hand pick once the contract is over. The clever thing here is that the spoils are taken from the battlefield, so carefully eliminating BattleMechs by taking out their heads or both legs improves your chances of getting mech parts and/or the weapons they were using. The way all the systems interact make this a very layered game: decisions in the management side creep over into the planetside gameplay and vice versa.
BattleTech is also exceptionally well presented. The intro as mentioned earlier is visually stunning, with that style persisting throughout all the cutscenes and story moments in the game. The quality of the writing is also a standout: the characters are fleshed out well with motivations that make sense and the plot itself is interesting. The audio team have done a tremendous job, the voiceover work is stellar and combined with the rest of the sound design and the gorgeous, dramatic soundtrack by Jon Everist it’s a pleasure on the ears.
Going back to something I mentioned at the start of the review, it’s clear that Jordan Weisman and the rest of the team at Harebrained Schemes have a deep love of the BattleTech universe as they’ve taken great care to make sure it’s approachable to anyone, familiar or not. There are tooltips on literally everything, so if you aren’t sure what anything is, just hover and it’ll tell you and this applies to more than just the game’s interface too. In dialogue boxes, terms, characters and other important words are highlighted so you can get more information about them by hovering if you’d like. It’s like having a BattleTech encyclopedia on hand whilst playing.
The game does have a few little niggles. Sometimes the cinematic camera can misbehave, putting itself in silly places, sometimes the physics when your mech smashes through a wall can act all funky and some of the ship-based UI screens have the back button in different spots which feels weird but these are tiny issues in such a wonderfully put together game that is far more than XCOM with mechs!
BATTLETECH (Reviewed on Windows)
Outstanding. Why do you not have this game already?
An unmissable strategy gem that will unquestionably keep you playing one more contract. If you like mechs or tactical strategy games you’ll have a great time here whether you are a newcomer to the universe or not. BattleTech gets my full recommendation.
Hamiltonious - 07:59pm, 24th April 2018
Man this game is complex. But a heck of a lot of fun.
pucechan - 08:31pm, 24th April 2018 Author
Glad you are enjoying it. There is definitely a lot going on!
Jeff - 09:29pm, 24th April 2018
Spending too much time reading reviews since I'm stuck at work away from Battletech. It did give me enough time to figure out how to import my own custom logo into the game for my Merc unit though.
pucechan - 09:49pm, 24th April 2018 Author
From what I understand, some areas are quite open for modding. Hopefully stuff like emblems and such are easy to fiddle with!
Jeff - 05:00pm, 5th May 2018
Yeah, most everything seems to be open to modification. There is already quite a few mods available through editing, although some of the things people want to do seem to be a bit locked down, like changing the picture of your Merc Commander.
That said, while the Devs haven't went out of their way to facilitate modding, I've heard from one modder that they left some things in the code that make modding specifically easier, that they didn't need to do.
Heck, I saw a screenshot of someone getting the MWO Warhammer imported in the Backer Beta version of the game.
pucechan - 06:16pm, 5th May 2018 Author
Thanks for this info and the link you provided. This bodes well for some fun things from the community! :)
azrael316 - 11:18pm, 26th April 2018
How, I neeed to know this information. ;)
Jeff - 05:01pm, 5th May 2018
azrael316 - 11:19pm, 26th April 2018
Great review. Bought it on trhis basis. Not disapointed. So much like the original board game its insane. ;)
pucechan - 12:53am, 27th April 2018 Author
Glad you are enjoying it!
Acelister - 07:50am, 30th April 2018
I just want to know one thing - are those cool small suits from the cartoon in this?
pucechan - 01:19pm, 30th April 2018 Author
Sadly not! We'll have to wait a while longer to live out our dreams and make do with punching other mechs in the face!
Ale - 12:22pm, 5th May 2018
First of all, this is a very nice game, and I personaly I'm enjoying playing it.
And I am sure that soon enough there will be patches (one is already out, which is nice) that will fix all the bugs, glitch, cpu/gpu problems, and so on.
But at the moment, sorry if this sound rude, give it a 100 it's utterly wrong.
At the moment, just to make a couple of examples of different typologies, entire players careers can dissapear into nothing, headshot injuries are a laughing matter, the IU it's at best far improvable, it's has been reported that cpu/gpu problem had computers literally burned by it. There are plenty of those kind of comments out there.
Give it a 100 means tell to people who may be influenced by your review "Buy it: it's perfect". Which it's not.
Sorry for my grammar and my general english, it's not my first language.
pucechan - 03:28pm, 5th May 2018 Author
Gamegrin's rating system isn't percentile-based. A score of 10 doesn't mean 100% or that it is perfect at all (a PERFECT game doesn't exist).
A 10 rating simply means that it is "Outstanding" and is a fantastic entry in the genre. I personally suffered zero technical issues with the game and I'm sorry if you have encountered issues. I can only review the game from my own personal experience.
I briefly mention there are some niggly UI issues (inconsistent design) and camera oddities at the end of my review but in my opinion they don't detract from the overall quality of the game.
Ale - 05:43pm, 5th May 2018
Thank you for for quick and kindly answer.
While I agree that anyone can only speak for himself based on his personal experience, I still believe that a review should mention important things that are percieved in the comunity. Of course, I realize that this is, if I am not wrong, a day one review, I am not saying that it's an easy thing to do.
Thank you also for the concern about my personal experience: it's not bad at all, for me only relatively minor things: my major problems are the mission random enemy spawn, which is basically ludicruos, varing from 2 light and 2 medium to 1 heavy, 3 medium and 4 light *with the same number of skull* in the briefing and sometimes a convoy who refuses to move until reload. Bad, but nothing game-breaking: I can stil enjoy this nice game while waiting for the patches (and, I repeat, it's a nice thing that one it's already out)
Have a good day
pucechan - 05:57pm, 5th May 2018 Author
It was a day one review and as such it's impossible to comment on issues that have surfaced since release as more people in the community have played the game. PC games are inherently a complex beast to troubleshoot and a lot of the issues reported on Reddit and similar sites are likely to be hardware/driver specific problems.
I never encountered any overt balancing problems with the enemy spawns nor had any game-breaking issues like the halted convoy you mention otherwise I would have brought them up in the review. I can't comment on problems I don't witness as I'm sure you understand. I can see those issues being frustrating if you encounter them but the game is one of the best turn-based titles in recent memory.
I hope Harebrained Schemes will get any serious issues hashed out in patches to come. Ultimately reviews and scores are subjective based on the experience the reviewer has with the title. You aren't under any obligation to agree with my thoughts and I'm sorry your problems have soured the experience.
Acelister - 07:37pm, 6th May 2018
"(a PERFECT game doesn't exist)"
Pizza Titan Ultra is a perfect game. Therefore you are incorrect, and should bump this down to 5/10.
Ale - 05:45pm, 5th May 2018
Sorry I forgot:
...review *that gives a max score* should mention important things that are percieved in the comunity...