Call of Duty: Ghosts Full Review
We here at GameGrin made the decision to split our review of Call of Duty: Ghosts into two sections, so to provide full detailed reviews of the two core elements of the game. For those who are only interested in the single-player, then we’ve got a huge review on the campaign waiting to be read. If you’re more into the online multiplayer aspect then the in-depth multiplayer review is for you. Of course, if you’re a fan of both then feel free to read the whole lot! The links follow, but be sure to read our final conclusion at the bottom of the page:
Call of Duty: Ghosts Single-Player Review:
Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Review:
In the end, Call of Duty: Ghosts feels like a flogged horse. With a poor overall campaign and a multiplayer mode that’ll only really appeal to current COD fans, there’s not a lot of life in the old mare. Thankfully, Call of Duty was once a prime stallion and this shows in many elements of the game. The multiplayer is still great fun, especially once you’ve spent some decent time with it and the campaign has moments of brilliance as well as one of the best animals in a video game to date. Enough time, energy and money has been spent on creating Ghosts that it’s still a decent game in its own right, but eight games on from COD4, this series seriously needs a revolution to get it back on track as the FPS king. Titanfall is on the horizon, and could well be the game we’ve all been hoping COD would become.
Call of Duty: Ghosts (Reviewed on Xbox 360)
This game is good, with a few negatives.
Enough time, energy and money has been spent on creating Ghosts that it’s still a decent game in its own right, but eight games on from COD4, this series seriously needs a revolution to get it back on track as the FPS king.