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Knee Deep Review

Knee Deep Review

Well, I have to say, games like this always put me in difficult position. The main reason being is that I know someone put a lot of time and effort into creating this title, but unfortunately, did such a mediocre job that there is literally nothing good I can bring myself to praise. Which is a shame because the concept really seemed intriguing right from the get go. This was, however, met with such a wave of disappointment that I can’t even figure out where to begin.

I suppose the story’s a good starting point. Overall it’s… well let's just say it’s interesting. Based off of the old Noir storytelling style from 30’s and 40’s, Knee Deep’s narrative sets itself within a murder mystery scenario that’ll keep you guessing to the very end, just not in the way that you’d normally want. The story managed to have me scratching my head all the way through and even after the ending, I just stared blankly at the screen and said: “Well thank goodness this was all a play and not an actual murder mystery or else I might’ve given a shit”. Knee Deep’s plot being presented as a stage production might have been a good idea in theory, but it immediately (at least for me) removes all sense of intrigue from the narrative due to its lack of feeling and emotional depth. In short, I’m not going to get invested in a story that isn’t actually occurring in front of me.

Knee Deep 2

Speaking of characters, the design choice to use basic looking 3D models is a rather questionable one. Actually, to be completely honest, the models don’t look good at all, it’s as if they were flushed out from the “how to” section for character design. This really doesn’t help the narrative based gameplay much when you can tell there’s a lack of substance from these models and, in turn, their dialogue trees. But from the perspective of them as characters instead of models, they’re just unlikeable overall. There wasn’t a single person in-game that I cared about in any way, shape or form. They were all just variations of different cliches mashed together, the daring reporter, the grizzled cop, the dead actor, been there, done that a million times.

If I had to find only one redeeming factor about Knee Deep, it’s that it’s presented fairly well. Now, I know that I gave the game shit earlier for being shown through the style of a play, and that I didn’t like the idea of said play being paired with a Noir setting, but I can’t knock the game for trying something different. In this case, different being a well detailed theatre structure that, sure, doesn’t strike my taste, but others will definitely enjoy it. Especially at the very beginning, where you raise the curtain, get the orchestra ready and prepare the crowd for a night of mystery. It’s just a shame that the presentation is all the game has.

knee deeper

Frankly, I could continue to nitpick the issues with this game but I feel like it would more or less turn into a rant. All in all, Knee Deep is a story driven game that drives its story and characters right into the ground. To be fair, I understand where the appeal for a game like this can come from, but unfortunately, that appeal just doesn’t resonate with me.


Knee Deep (Reviewed on PlayStation 4)

The game is unenjoyable, but it works.

Knee Deep is a game that certainly tries to bring its world to life, but overall, doesn't make it past the first hurdle. A narrative focused title that isn't gripping nor riveting, Knee Deep shows us the negative side of storytelling.

This game was supplied by the publisher or relevant PR company for the purposes of review
Ethan Butterfield

Ethan Butterfield

Staff Writer

Tries his best to do his best. Greatest achievement: Annoying friends for 7 years with “Haze 2 will totally be announced this year guys!”

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