Recently, I've had the pleasure of trying out a game with one of the longest (and funniest) titles I've ever seen: YEAH! YOU WANT "THOSE GAMES," RIGHT? SO HERE YOU GO! NOW, LET'S SEE YOU CLEAR THEM!. Henceforth, I'll be referring to it as Yeah! to give my hands and your eyes some relief!
For those of you who have no idea what Yeah! is about, let me put it simply: have you ever seen an ad about a mobile game and downloaded it just to find out it's nothing like what you saw in the video? Well, developer MONKEYCRAFT Co. Ltd. and publisher D3PUBLISHER both teamed up to bring us just that: a title that grabs many of those ideas and makes them into reality for us all to finally experience!
The first thing I want to touch on before we move on to the mini-games is the sheer antics throughout Yeah!. Starting with the fact that every time you pass a level, you get IQ points, which made me laugh out loud as soon as I saw it. There's an obvious undertone of smugness and mocking towards the baiting ads, as the mini-games are obviously intended to mimic the low-quality effort of the games presented in them by having stick figures and mismatched assets. Yeah! is full to the brim with humour and personality!
Now, aside from the cocky mockery of mobile titles, you'll also find a total of five mini-games that you can tackle, all of which I recognised from ads. They range from maths and spatial puzzles to straight-up goofy ones like Cash Run, where you aim to end as wealthy as possible. Each has a certain amount of levels available, but you need to unlock them by reaching a specific IQ number. The ones with the least levels available have 25, while the one with the most has 100; in total, there are 225 for you to complete.
As you finish the levels, you'll earn IQ points to unlock even more challenges; additionally, as you complete these, you’ll get coins, which you can use in Gotcha! — a gacha that gives you titles and banners! You can also get coins, banners, and titles by completing any of the 99 general missions or four daily ones. I personally loved this as I adore collecting silly customisations!
Once you finish all of the levels available for any of the mini-games, you'll unlock the Rank-Up Challenge and the Latest Rankings. The former gives you the opportunity to play the five mini-games while they increase in difficulty so you may appear as one of the top players in Latest Rankings... except most people probably won't want to do this.
Unfortunately, despite how charming, hilarious, and surprisingly fun Yeah! can be, its biggest downside is the clunky controls. This is especially true in the more frustrating mini-games like Parking Lot, where you're in charge of helping a bunch of parked vehicles make their way out of the area within the time limit. It's not too bad until the last few levels, where they introduce a walking citizen, and if your car touches them, you lose and have to restart.
None of the mini-games play smoothly per se — you have to double-click a lot, the game isn't very responsive at times, and in general, it just doesn't feel great, which is weird for a game that mimics a mobile title. However, it does a good job of keeping them interesting enough!
Lastly, I’d like to touch on graphics and audio design. Of course, anyone who has seen the ads (or screenshots of Yeah!) will know not to expect anything very fancy: stickmen, weird assets, and overall low-effort style is present throughout the entire title, but I think it was obviously intentional, and to me it was a plus. The audio design, on the other hand, is a bit abrasive — it’s loud, repetitive, and a bit in-your-face; although I liked the main theme because it sounds like Mario Kart, I did get tired of it after a while!
Still, I've played a little over three hours now, and although I'm probably not going to finish the more cumbersome and annoying puzzles — like the spatial and maths ones — I'm most likely going to pick up Yeah! to finish the Pin Pull and Color Lab: two mini-games that I think most people who have played on mobile would recognise in an instant.
If you like silly games that you can pick up and put down with ease and don't care too much about awkward controls, I think this game is worth your time if just for the experience of the ad games and the laughs.
This game is good, with a few negatives.
YEAH! YOU WANT "THOSE GAMES," RIGHT? SO HERE YOU GO! NOW, LET'S SEE YOU CLEAR THEM! offers a fun time if you like silly puzzle and minigames. Just be wary that the controls are cumbersome!
Acelister - 03:41pm, 17th August 2023
I've wondered why nobody ever tried to make one of those games from the in-app ads, and this just proves that you can make something good out of them! Well, if not good, then enjoyable.
Spooky_0ne - 03:42pm, 17th August 2023 Author
To be fair, they were pretty good! The only problem was the controls. I think they could be specifically fantastic if they were built upon even more, but since they were going for the ad version, it got stagnated! Great games tbh! Had a lot of fun!