10 Halloween Outfits I Wish for in Disney Dreamlight Valley
I'm inching closer and closer to the one thousand mark hour in Disney Dreamlight Valley, and it will probably skyrocket as soon as October arrives, as I'm a huge fan of Halloween! While I don't usually like to get myself hyped by dreaming about content that might never arrive, I figured it wouldn't hurt to do it this one time. Here's a list of cool outfit ideas I hope to see in the game this spooky season! Without a particular order, let's begin with…
1 - Donald as a Mummy
This might sound oddly specific to those who haven't played Kingdom Hearts, but during the Nightmare Before Christmas world, the three protagonists dress up, and Donald does so as a mummy! While I know it can't be the exact same outfit, just him being a mummy would satisfy my Kingdom-Hearts-loving heart!
2 - Jack Skellington as the Headless Horseman
I know this is a slightly "duh" one, but I just LOVE the headless horseman! I feel like the outfit with a pumpkin on the head of a well-dressed skeleton can never go out of style. Plus, he already has his Santa Claws outfit... on that note, though…
3 - Jack Skellington as a Reindeer
Okay, so I can't just choose one for Jack; it would be wrong to confine him to just Halloween! And although him being a snowman would be a tad funny, I think he'd look absolutely adorable as a reindeer! A red, blaring ball pasted on his non-existent nose, a cute Santa hat, and some antlers? Aww!
4 - Mike Wazowski as a Candy
What could be funnier than watching Mike waddle around The Valley dressed up as a huge, wrapped candy? Had the ending of his story not been him embracing the life of a comedian, I would've thought it was too silly, but I think it's perfect!
5 - Remy Cosplaying as Merlin
I'm not going to lie — I'm not the biggest Remy fan. I don't like how snooty he is, and after watching the movie as an adult, I thought he was a bit of a jerk! Thankfully, the crew over at Gameloft has saved him a bit for me by giving me positive interactions through his latest daily quests. Now, I kind of like seeing him run around my Valley! And what would be funnier and cuter than the characters cosplaying as each other, namely a tiny rat with a blue hat and a huge beard?
6 - Rapunzel in Anything
Rapunzel is a princess who stands out because she's so full of whimsy and excitement for life — there are barely any "proper" royal mannerisms in her! This makes me think she'd be one of the most on-board about an all-out costume party for Halloween, and I think she'd be happy to be just about anything. That's the spirit I need in my favourite holiday!
7 - Fairy Godmother as a Pumpkin
While I watched every Disney movie as a kid, I didn't revisit a whole lot of them afterwards, so I wasn't very privy to Fairy Godmother and her personality before. Once I realised she lives in a huge pumpkin house, she and I got along great and fast. This is one of my favourite ideas I've brainstormed for this article, as my heart grows in size every time I see her hanging out in the Forgotten Lands or talking to Jack! She's the grandma I always needed, and that means she'd happily wear a pumpkin outfit.
8 - Olaf as an Ice Cream
Much like Rapunzel, I couldn't imagine someone more excited about Halloween (except maybe Anna?). I thought of a few ideas — one of them a bit icky, but yellow snow is funny — such as him putting on Christmas lights, but in the end, I came up with the perfect one: he can be a snowcone! A little bit of colour at the top, something to "hold the ice cream" (like a cup or a cone) at the bottom, and voilà! You've got an adorable outfit for Halloween.
9 - Minnie as a Witch
I used to like Minnie at a normal level before Disney Dreamlight Valley — she has a cute style and is Mickey's girlfriend. But after meeting the one in-game, I fell head over heels for her! She's funny, charming, caring, and — the most important — she likes Halloween and being scared! Plus, she's got some of the most adorable quotes ("Bye! Remember I love you!"); what's not to love? So, in order to celebrate her love for all things scary, I thought she'd look stunning as a little witch. Though, really, her in any costume would be adorable!
10 - Stitch as a Little Ghost
Truth be told, this list just isn't long enough to fit all the silly ideas I thought of, and I know one of my friends here at GameGrin thinks that bonuses in this type of list are a copout, so I had to let go of Goofy for... Ghost Stitch! Wouldn't that be the funniest thing, him running around with a sheet on? And since he's quite small, he might even look like he's floating! Call me old-fashioned, but sometimes the best outfits are the oldie-but-goldies!
I hope you had as much fun reading this list as I had making it! Probably not a lot of these — if any at all — will make it, but it was a relaxing exercise to sit down and wonder what my favourite characters would do during my favourite holiday. Happy Halloween!