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Disney Dreamlight Valley Beginner Tips

Disney Dreamlight Valley Beginner Tips

I've been playing Disney Dreamlight Valley since the very first day, so I've gathered quite a bit of knowledge that will help you on your journey! Here are some quick tips I'd suggest keeping in mind as a new player.

Hoard, Hoard, Hoard!

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Disney Dreamlight Valley is a lot about crafting items, especially for those who enjoy decorating. So while Gems are a fantastic way to get money, I highly suggest using Pumpkins instead or saving a percentage of them for later. This is because Gems are some of the most useful when it comes to crafting decorations in the future!

Time to Get Your Hoe

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I heavily underestimated how much farming could help me stay financially stable even during my in-game shopping addiction because Gems were less of a hassle. It is true that it takes a bit more effort, but it will also snowball quicker, too! So, I suggest making a big farming area somewhere — you can even make it a fun activity by decorating it, too! — and get your hands on some Pumpkins as soon as you open the Forgotten Lands. They take a lot of hours to grow, but it will be worth it when you see the money piling up!

Buy Everything in Scrooge's Shop

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I know some items won't be your style, but if you want to have an easy time with Dreamsnaps, you'll want as many items as possible from every style imaginable. You might not use any of the futuristic, sci-fi-y clothing and furniture yourself, but it might just net you a nice sum of Moonstones in a Dreamsnap!

Enter the Competition!

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Speaking of Dreamsnaps, you’ll want to participate in those even when you’re dirt poor in-game. Not only will this help you get experience in decorating and outfit-making from the get-go, but you’ll still receive Moonstones for just participating! Don’t be embarrassed, and don’t let others bully you out of it; after all, experience is experience, as Loki once said. Even if you don’t win. 

Fulfill Remi's Wishes


In my opinion, Remi is one of the most useful villagers you can have due to his refined palate! If you go out of your way to speak to him and gift him his daily whims, you'll find yourself learning new dishes constantly. This is a great way to organically learn all the recipes! Additionally, he's got daily quests that'll give you Wrought Iron, and that makes some cool furniture, so I suggest doing those, too!

Kristoff, Kristoff... Where Art Thou?

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Kristoff's stall might not look as colourful as Goofy's or be as exciting as Scrooge's, but don't underestimate its usefulness! If you buy out everything he's got as often as you can (excluding, of course, the Coal!), you'll help yourself out of future headaches — trust me! The problem is that you'll probably forget, so make sure you place him somewhere you'll constantly see him so you can empty his stall daily!

Leave the Thorns ALONE!

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This one is optional because it depends on your playstyle (not that I'm forcing your hand to do the others, but you know what I mean!). During the Battle Passes, you'll be asked to uproot the Night Thorns by the dozen, so if you hate waiting for days to complete a task, I suggest leaving them alone and picking them up when you need to. This goes for Memory Orbs now, too!

But also...Clean Up!

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Contrariwise, you'll want to pick up as many of the other resources as you can from each biome! This will help you avoid having to grind for them later. Make it a habit that when you log in and walk around your Valley, you keep your tools handy — smash those bones, chop those logs, break those corals! You'll thank me later.

The More, the Merrier!

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Finally, did you know that the more people you assign a specific job, the more bonus resources you’ll get? I recommend assigning at least one Villager per task and then focusing on the important ones, like farming! That bonus will quickly stack and help you have to farm a whole lot less.

That's it! With these in mind, you'll have fewer grinding headaches when you're desperate for specific decorations. Have a great journey!

Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.