Best Way to Get Money in Disney Dreamlight Valley
So, you've booted up Disney Dreamlight Valley, opened up Scrooge McDuck's shop, and found a couple of items you like? Perhaps, you even saw an item that cost 20,000 star coins and decided you needed a quick way to get money? Well, fret not, for here, I'll discuss the best way I've personally found to earn money.
Getting money in Disney Dreamlight Valley isn't the most complex task in the world, as pretty much every item you get will sell for a bit of gold. But, if you want to earn it quickly, there are actually two tasks that earn them quicker than the others!
The first thing you'll want to do is get two friends and get them to level two. Once you've been prompted to ask for their role, you'll want to choose either Mining or Fishing. Although Foraging, Gardening, and Digging can give you some rewards, none of them is good enough to net you a lot of money — especially if you're going to want to upgrade everything in the game, in which case, you'll need to spend far more than 100,000 star coins!
Once you have a partner to accompany you on your journey, you'll want to invite them to hang out and do the task that you selected for them. Although Mining will often net you thousands of star coins per rotation thanks to the minerals that each mine can provide, once you've finished them all, you'll need to wait until they respawn. This is when you'll want to get your other friend (Goofy, in my case) and start fishing until you run out of schools and the mines respawn. Although Fishing does offer far fewer star coins than Mining, early on in the Peaceful Meadow, you'll get the chance to get a Bream, Bass, Rainbow Trout, and Catfish; not all of these sell for a great price, but each Bream and Catfish you get will net you 600 and 550 respectively. Meanwhile, for each Rainbow Trout and Bass you acquire, you can cook to ensure you always have enough energy to continue your journey endlessly.
Once you've unlocked the Dazzling Beach, this becomes even easier, as you unlock six new mines and ocean fish, which sell for a bit more than those in the Peaceful Meadow. This also means that each rotation will take a bit longer, allowing you to start an endless cycle of getting the items you need to sell. This is even more true as you unlock more biomes, as the rotation with the Dazzling Beach, Peaceful Meadow, and the Plaza might still be too short to make it long enough to do so endlessly.
The more you level up the friend that is accompanying you throughout your journey, the more duplicates they will give you; this is when Mining becomes leaps better than Fishing. While your Fishing companion might duplicate a Rainbow Trout and net you exactly six extra star coins, there is a high likelihood (as far as I've seen) that your Mining companion will duplicate any minerals you come across, essentially netting you hundreds of extra coins. At level 7, Merlin, my mining companion, was already doing it constantly, and this only grows even more common the higher level your companion gets. One thing that's worth mentioning is that the more villagers have a specific hangout bonus, the more it scales, ensuring more duplicates coming from whoever is accompanying you.
Once you've got the hang of running around mining and swiftly going to fish, it becomes easy to farm 5,000 star coins in just a couple of minutes, and you'll soon be farming upwards of 20,000 in no time, ensuring you have the best items from Scrooge McDuck's shop before he restocks the next day!
Have you found a different — and perhaps superior — way to earn money? Let us know in the comments below; we all desperately need to pay Scrooge McDuck, our next slavedriver right after Tom Nook!
CraftyAK - 03:01pm, 7th October 2022
Thanks to this guide I can now understand where I have been going wrong, greedy scrooge wants to much from me :(
Time to start a new save again lol and get saving the right way.