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Nine Tips & Tricks to Help You Through the Wyrd in Hellboy Web of Wyrd

Nine Tips & Tricks to Help You Through the Wyrd in Hellboy Web of Wyrd

Hellboy Web of Wyrd is out now to the general public! As I finished my playthrough and have killed everyone in my path, I feel especially equipped to give you a couple of tips that can ensure your success and survival throughout the Wyrd! Starting with…

#1 — Learn Your Fighting Style

Hellboy Web of Wyrd Fighting Style2

Hellboy Web of Wyrd may not offer a slew of options in the way of fighting, as your fists will solve every problem, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a variety of ways to approach enemies. Whether you're the type of person who waits for an opening or the aggressor in any given fight, it's important you learn which is your type.

Most importantly, this will help you see where the flaws in your gameplay are. If you are dodging too much, you might not see your Payback meter fill up and give you the opportunity to do damage directly to enemy Health as often as you'd like, or if you are blocking too much, you might see your Toughness and Health dwindle slowly. The general idea is to get good at a bit of both and build according to your playstyle!

#2 — Vary a Little

Hellboy Shooting

It's easy to fall in love with Hellboy's brutish strength and feel like there is little reason to do much more. Maybe you're heavy punching overzealously or not doing enough combos, but the fact of the matter is that you will perform the best when you take advantage of your whole arsenal.

This might feel a bit obvious, but I struggled to find a way to incorporate my armaments into my combo, but once I did, I saw my damage increase exponentially. Learn in what situations you like using items like your guns or relics and start trying to vary your approach a little in that regard, giving yourself room for improvement. This is one of the surefire ways to go through any given fight.

#3 — Don't Underestimate the First Weapons

Unlock Pistol Hellboy Image

Whether you are in love with the first relic or the first gun, it's easy to start looking at those as used and worthless parts of your arsenal, but the truth is that those are the ones that carried me throughout most of my game. Even if the gun isn't as exhilarating as the Shotgun or the Grenade Launcher, the fact that it did so much Stun damage meant I was able to manoeuvre the battlefield however I pleased, and even if I tried to move from it, I felt off.

So that means that if you're in love with the weapons provided, then don't be afraid to use your points on it! Truth be told, not only can you farm those anyway if you happen to make the wrong choice but also Hellboy Web of Wyrd is balanced in a neat way where everything feels viable. So if you want to splurge on your gun, go for it; I know I did!

#4 — Use Your Blessings to Your Advantage

Hellboy Blessing of Skuld

As you progress through the game, you will slowly unlock a slew of boons and blessings that you can acquire. While these might feel a bit of a plus or a passive that you won't be needing, underestimating these could be a terrible mistake. I found my favourite build to take into combat and whenever it was possible, I genuinely enjoyed the run.

Learn all of the Boons' battle implications and use them the way they're supposed to, and that will sooner increase your survivability! Whether it's a stun-lock-focused build, a heavy damage dealer, or a hybrid, if you learn to use the Boons, you can take better advantage of them in the middle of a fight.

#5 — Don't Underestimate Toughness (And the Mooks That Drops It)


When you first start Hellboy Web of Wyrd, you will be introduced to trash enemies that you can defeat, and you'll likely feel intimidated — as did I. Once your first Big Bad gets introduced, the swarms of foes no longer feel as threatening, but you might not know why those mooks are scattered around.

While they deal negligible damage and disappear as soon as the main Big Bads have died, you might still want to cull these numbers every so often. If they are cornering you, flee and give yourself space, but more importantly, kill them to earn Toughness, which is the strongest mechanic in the game. This is the best way to heal mid-fight, and not panicking is the key to being able to go to full health and defeat the boss.

#6 — Learn Different Enemies and Stunlock Opportunities

Stun Attack Hellboy

Every enemy has the exact same attack pattern as all others they share a model with. While it might be intimidating to learn all of the Big Bads at first, it is relatively easy to start figuring out — most importantly — the ones that threaten your life the most. All of these enemies are easy to manoeuvre, and their most dangerous attacks are the undodgeable ones.

If you learn when you deal enough damage to stagger them (I.E., break their Toughness gauge), you can learn to stun-lock enemies with certain builds. Sometimes, hitting enemies head-first and never moving was the straightforward path to stop them from retaliating, but you might want to strategise a bit more than that for some of these enemies.

#7 — Use Your Payback Ability More Freely

Vengeance Attack Hellboy

This leads me to your Payback ability. If you're a blocker and a perfect blocker, you'll find your Payback meter might be available more often than you are willing to use it. And while I do suggest trying to save the attacks if you're close enough to the boss, don't fret about it.

Instead, feel free to use Payback more freely. Though it doesn't naturally replenish, the sheer amount of damage it deals might be the difference between finishing a fight early enough without any damage to your HP and not. Truth be told, in a game like Hellboy Web of Wyrd where healing items are scarce at best, sometimes resource management your strongest attack isn't the right call.

#8 — Don't Fear Death

The Faithless King Hellboy Bargain Death

Death is a common occurrence in this game, and you shouldn't feel angry or upset about it. Every death means that you can return to The Butterfly House and earn a bit more strength in a roguelite fashion that ensures you can get stronger. From more Payback regeneration to even Toughness and Health buffs, it's good to die from time to time.

The more you die, the stronger you are, and the more you can advance. Use your points to upgrade, talk to the characters, and jump back into the Wyrd when you're ready.

#9 — Have Fun!

Hellboy Thats Reassuring

First and foremost, Hellboy Web of Wyrd is a single-player game that you should enjoy at your own pace. Try completing only one run a day if you feel a bit tired after it, or play as much as you want. Upgrade your items to your heart's content and enjoy the ride.

Games are meant to be fun, so if you have a particular build you want to try, even if it's likely to feel bad to play as, you can try it out and hopefully find a niche build to enjoy! If you would rather spend your currency on yourself instead of your weapons or vice versa, then you are in your right. If you want to spend it all on your armaments of doom, then do it! Just enjoy your ride, whether it's through and through or only up to a certain point.

And there you have it! Nine tips & tricks for Hellboy Web of Wyrd! If you find any more that I might have missed, feel free to put them in the comments below!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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