That Bit Of DARK SOULS I Really Didn’t Like
I recently braved a first-time playthrough of DARK SOULS: REMASTERED, and I loved it! What started out as a precarious struggle through the twilit and punishing lands of Lordran soon transformed into one truly epic adventure. My forgotten undead became a bonafide hero! and I'm now left saddened by the fact that I will never again be able to experience such a masterpiece with fresh eyes.
However, there was one area that rubbed me the wrong way: the Tomb of the (damn) Giants. A truly horrid place that put some serious effort into convincing me, then and there, to throw down my keyboard and quit (I know, perhaps a tad extreme). I had, for no particular reason, proceeded to leave the Tomb — and Gravelord Nito who dwelt there — until last; I think that the other biomes just spoke to me more strongly, inviting me to plunder their riches and turn their denizens into Great Club food. Although, in saying all that, I do wish that I had paid old bonehead Nito a visit first. Do remind me, have I mentioned yet that I thought the Tomb was utterly horrible?
Luckily, I had already cleared the preceding area (The Catacombs) far earlier on my adventure, having impetuously slain the necromancer, Pinwheel, and seized my prize! That was indeed lucky, now that I think about it, because if I had had to leave Firelink Shrine, cross the graveyard, descend into The Catacombs, and then push through the Tomb of the Giants without pause, I may have gone mad. Simply having completed a good bulk of that path prior on the journey certainly softened the blow. It just didn't prepare me for it emotionally.
Now, I do not think that the area is straight-up poorly designed. In fact, it is probably one of the more creatively different biomes in the game, with its unique gimmick being pitch-black darkness that requires a light source to traverse. The skeletons that await you there are not hindered by the impenetrable cloud of blackness, so the emphasis is placed on you to procure that much-needed light source beforehand and brighten your way (but only a little of course — this is DARK SOULS). You know, spelling this out after the fact makes it all sound far more pleasant than it was; from a “looks good on paper” perspective, the Tomb of the Giants even sounds decent, dare I say. But it's not…
It wasn't even the need to carry a torch that irked me because with my Strength attribute at 40, it made one-handing my +15 Great Club a non-issue (that ol’ reliable made very quick work of any unfortunate skeleton lurking in the darkness). I merely had to sacrifice the boon of the Grass Crest Shield, which wasn't too bad. No, it was actually the crippling, oppressive darkness alone that made me want to give up. Which I understand is by design, I just did not jell with it. Up until that point, there had been no enemy too powerful or story moment too emotional. However, the Tomb was so overbearing that it just made me sad… made me not want to progress. The Tomb of the Giants was a place of pure despondency!
Every other area had done so well to intrigue me with what lay far off at its edges, even the gloomier ones; as I have said, they had all nudged me onward, asking me to uncover their waiting secrets. The Tomb, though, is dark — you cannot see what lies at its edges! You can barely even see what exists beyond arm's reach besides the twinkling eyes of waiting skeletons. And if you do happen to glance a shimmering of blue (an undisclosed item), then working out how to reach it is near impossible. I have no doubt that there are even illusory walls down there, which are difficult enough to discover in well-lit areas, let alone an area that almost blinds the player. But that is the wont of DARK SOULS, I suppose.
So, that is the section of DARK SOULS I dislike the most. What is yours? Let me know in the comments below (I will sit and wait patiently for you to write down: “Lost Izalith and the Bed of Chaos”. Go ahead).