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With Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Announced, It's Finally Time I Finish the Original

With Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Announced, It's Finally Time I Finish the Original

When Kingdom Come: Deliverance first came out, I fell in love with the experience. I was in my infancy years of gaming at the time, so I didn't really quite "get" gaming the way I do nowadays. Since then, try as I might to finish the title, 87 hours have been spent and… I'm still pretty much in the first act. Despite all of that, I have to say: I cannot wait to jump back into Bohemia and finish what I started… then probably pick up the second one and fail to get past the first act in my first 100 hours of playing… or even more, since it seems to be so much bigger.

The fact that I abandoned the first game should by no means be an indicator of my personal enjoyment of it. In fact, if anything, it's always felt like Kingdom Come: Deliverance is one of those titles that I just couldn't wait to play more of, but I just never managed to advance because I'd feel at the cusp of paralysis at continuing and seeing the journey through. Nearly 100 hours of the first act meant that I was trying to do everything I could before I advanced, and it paints a beautiful (or grim?) picture of what my future will look like when the sequel comes out.

I've always been a massive fan of anything mediaeval, and Kingdom Come: Deliverance came out at a time when I was at my most obsessed with it. Though I've always been partial to fantasy settings (think Witcher 3, even though I've — somehow — never finished that one, either), the realism and the feeling of just existing in 15th-century Bohemia was unparalleled.

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...and since 2021, I haven't revisited it. There's always been that feeling in the back of my mind that reminds me, every so often (about once a month), "You need to revisit Kingdom Come: Deliverance and finish it eventually". And there's always that part of me that fights back because I don't feel it's the right time or the right opportunity. Now, I have little to no excuses to experience it: I have a computer that should be able to run it, I have a beautiful 32:9 monitor that should make me feel like I'm in 15th-century Bohemia, I have the sequel coming up, and I have a reputation to uphold to finally finish this title so I can abandon the second one and finish it six years down the line. The only thing I'm missing is being able to smell the world for more immersion, and honestly, I'm not sure that's something I'd even be willing to do.

It's finally time to revisit Kingdom Come: Deliverance and make it to the end of the first narrative. There won't be a better (or bigger) sign from the universe than the actual, upcoming — nay, imminent — release of Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, and I've set my mind on finishing it...

...eventually. Right?

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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