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Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories—Action by Granzella Inc..


Website https://nisamerica.com/disaster-report
Developer Granzella Inc.
Publisher NIS America, Inc.
Franchise Disaster Report
Platform Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows
Where to buy Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories on Steam
Alternative names Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 4: Summer Memories
Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories
Disaster Report 4
Genres Action, Adventure
Release Dates
2020 Windows — World Wide
2020 PlayStation 4 — World Wide
7th April 2020 Nintendo Switch — World Wide
Score 6/10

What Alan Wen thought:


“At best, Disaster Report 4 recalls the mundane and absurd human dramas seen in Yakuza and Deadly Premonition, though shares more of the latter’s rough low-budget execution. Ultimately, it’s an acquired taste but might just scrape through on its peculiar charms to be a cult favourite.”

Version reviewed: Nintendo Switch Read the full review
Often/commonly misspelled as 絶体絶命都市4 Plus -Summer Memories-