Activision Buys Candy Crush Saga Developer King
Activision, publisher of the Call of Duty franchise, Destiny and World of Warcraft (under the Activision Blizzard brand) have revealed that they are paying $5.9 billion for the mobile developer King, the ones behind Candy Crush Saga, Bubble Witch Saga and loads of clones.
Apparently, only $3.6 billion will be given up-front from off-shore accounts, with the rest via debt. This was apparently 25% over the share value at close of business on Monday.
Putting these amounts in some context, Microsoft bought Minecraft developer Mojang for $2.5 billion last year. Disney bought Lucasfilm (with the rights to the Star Wars franchise amongst others, and the effects studio Industrial Light & Magic) in 2012 for $4.06 billion.
The sale will not be confirmed until the rest of King's shareholders, based in Ireland, have voted. But for more than what Star Wars was worth, it's more than likely.
You can read the full 70 page document via their microsite.
Rasher - 02:34pm, 3rd November 2015
That really is silly when you think that has sold for more than Disney paid for Star Wars, what a sad state mobile games are in.
djd4ws0n - 02:35pm, 3rd November 2015
"what a
sad stateincredibly lucrative mobile games are in."FTFY
Acelister - 02:46pm, 3rd November 2015 Author
Since more people play Candy Crush than watch Star Wars, it must be worth more!
You know, if you ignore all of the expanded universe (being now sold as Legends of Star Wars) and merchandising.
Hamiltonious - 04:30pm, 3rd November 2015
Can't wait to use a UAV to destory those scrublord chocolate blocks when I get my match streak high enough.