Aliens vs Predator Classic 2000 Free on GOG for 48 Hours
Shoot for the stars, and aliens, and other people, with GOG Galaxy.
GOG Galaxy is the service being launched by GOG.com that will be something of an iTunes of games. Anything you get from GOG, or in theory any other online store, will be playable on it. What's more, you won't need to be connected to play your single-player games, only the online portions or if you want to share your achievements.
Sign up for the beta now, and get a copy of Aliens vs Predator, the 2000 version that has been remade to run on current technology. The three single player campaigns and the multiplayer modes from the Gold edition are all intact, and it promises Xbox 360 controller support.
But you have to do it before Friday 17th October at 10am GMT, with an email to follow with your game code.