Blizzard Release New Patch for Diablo II
Sixteen years after launch, Blizzard's classic dungeon crawler has received a recent new patch. The game was last patched over five years ago, but Blizzard are keen to keep support for the decade and a half old title by upgrading to v1.14a. In a post on the community forums, Blizzard stated:
"It’s been a long time coming, but today we’re releasing 1.14a for Diablo II.
This update focuses on system glitches introduced by modern operating systems. In related news, you can finally retire those old Mac PowerPCs. Included with the update is a shiny new installer for OSX.
We’ve also begun working to improve our cheat-detection and hack-prevention capabilities. There’s still work to be done, but we’re making improvements every day.
There is still a large Diablo II community around the world, and we thank you for continuing to play and slay with us. This journey starts by making Diablo II run on modern platforms, but it does not end there. See you in Sanctuary, adventurers."
It's that "it doesn't end there" statement that shows Blizzard's intent. They're clearly hoping to keep their old IPs still played. If more proof were needed, Blizzard's own jobs site provides it, as they seek a developer to help them restore their old titles, including StarCraft and Warcraft III. Sadly, there's no mention of The Lost Vikings.