Civil War-Inspired Content Arriving For Marvel Heroes
It's been announced that a wealth of new content inspired by Captain America: Civil War will be arriving throughout May 2016 for Marvel Heroes. The content update begins with Civil War-inspired costumes for Captain America and Iron Man, along with a fight with super-villain Crossbones.
Two Movie-Inspired Costumes: Captain America and Iron Man.
Gameplay Scenario – Crossbones: The cold-blooded mercenary Crossbones attacks a bazaar on the island nation of Madripoor. It’s up to our heroes to save innocent civilians and disable bombs before time runs out. Crossbones also terrorizes the game’s replayable patrol zones!
Two Themed Mystery Boxes: Players have a chance at exclusive Captain America and Iron Man Team-Up Super Heroes.
Although exact dates are yet to be announced, developer Gazillion Entertainment have promised weekly updates throughout May - these will include Civil War-inspired costumes for Scarlet Witch, Black Panther, Black Widow and more, along with a new gameplay scenario based on a certain airport scene from the film.
Eight More Movie-Inspired Costumes: Ant-Man, Winter Soldier, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, Black Panther, War Machine, Black Widow and Spider-Man.
Two Team-Up Super Heroes: Agent 13 and Falcon (complete with his reliable drone, Redwing).
Gameplay Scenario – Whose Side Are You On? Those who have defeated Crossbones can experience yet another new gameplay scenario at an airport, which forces a tough choice upon them: Team Cap or Team Iron Man? Then comes a climactic showdown against the other side.
Themed Tournaments and Daily Scenarios: Players contribute points to their team’s leaderboard, and daily themed scenarios invite their participation in additional competitive missions.