CRYENGINE Moved to Pay What You Want Price, Humble Celebrate With Asset Bundle
Humble's latest bundle is aimed at all of us who have looked at a shoddy PC port of their favourite franchise and thought "you know, I could do better than that". This bundle contains no actual games, but instead a whole host of assets to be used with Crytek's CRYENGINE. "But CRYENGINE is an expensive commercial product that costs loads to use!" I hear you cry. Well, that situation is no more, as the renowned engine is now available for whatever a developer feels it is worth.
In a move that follows on from Amazon's announcement of their free-to-use game engine, itself based off CRYENGINE, Crytek have entered the young market of engines that are priced within the means of smaller developers. This means that the high quality graphics seen in games like Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Crysis 3, Star Citizen and Evolve are now in reach of indie and bedroom developers. Those with larger budgets can choose to subscribe to monthly services that provide training, expedited technical support, and a greater revenue share from asset sales amongst others.
An example of what the CRYENGINE can do.
This deal includes CRYENGINE V, the very latest version of the engine launched this week. This new iteration of the famous game development engine adds a number of key features including full VR support and DirectX 12. C# support has been added so non C++ developers can join in the fun too.
The other big announcement with the engine's change in focus is the newly created Indie Development Fund. Crytek aim to help indie developers not just by making their platform more affordable, but by actually awarding grants to promising developers. they have startyed teh fund with $1m of their own money and they will be adding to it with 70% of the money made from anyone buying CRYENGINE on the pay what you want model.
In celebration of this news, Humble have launched a new bundle that is stuffed full of juicy CRYENGINE assets for budding game creators to use in their glorious visions. As always, the content is split into tiers:
- Pay anything you like and get assets such as trees, shrubs and a paintball shooter starting project.
- Pay more than the average ($11.38 at the time of writing) for sound effects, weapons, a "formula racing" starting pack and some animal assets from Ryse:Son of Rome.
- The top tier costs $13 and will get you some higher quality vehicles and animals, as well as two more packs of assets from Ryse and a survival game starter project