Defiance 2050 Open Beta Coming
After the recent announcement of Defiance 2050, there was no shadow of a doubt that there would be an inevitable beta to wet the appetite of players, but also provides an opportunity for the developers to test and take in feedback, which is usually the norm when it comes to MMO betas.
Meanwhile, developer and publisher Trion Worlds has confirmed that a closed beta will be available just for one weekend next month, from April 20, 2018, to the 22nd. So if you’re lucky to get an invite, time will be limited to play.
However, there will be an open beta coming as well coming before the games’ official released in Summer 2018.
Whichever beta you take the opportunity to participate in, all you need to do to join is head to Trion Worlds website and sign up. When the beta does become available, it’ll be on all platforms (PC, PS4, XBO) and will allow players to rank up and unlock gear up to level 25.