Euro Fishing Coming to PS4
The game that Angling Times called “the most realistic fishing game ever” is making its ray onto the PS4. Whilst we don’t want to be seen as carping on about it, this is a big deal for Euro Fishing when it arrives on the 11th of April. If you’re fed up of playing CoD then perhaps it’s time to try this detailed and popular fishing simulator. You might just find yourself falling for it hook, line, and sinker.
“We’re delighted to be able to bring Euro Fishing to the PlayStation 4”, said Mark Greenway, Fishing Business Director at Dovetail Games. We set out to create a fun, authentic and challenging fishing simulation and we feel certain we’ve achieved that with all the different elements of this popular hobby coming together to make this title a truly realistic experience.”
There are five game modes, which include “Freedom Fishing” where you can practice on any of the five venues included in the game, fishing at your own pace to try and catch the one of the many boss fish such as the “Big Plated” or the “Box Common” hiding below the surface. Or compete against friends and other liked minded anglers in the fast paced “Tournament Fishing” mode where catches are tracked and recorded in time limited matches, allowing you to move up the global leaderboard to become the best angler in the world.
To add that extra level of realism to the game, Simon Scott, the UK’s leading fish behaviour expert, has provided advice and guidance to help ensure the fish AI for the game is as realistic as possible and with fully licensed content from world-leading manufacturers including Korda, Delkim, Mainline, Sonik Sports, RAD Angling, and Wofte Clothing the game has that true authentic edge.
If you’re already expecting to be hooked to this game, then you can pre-order now to get a discount to the tuna 20% from the PS Store. We’ll have to wait and sea if this version makes as much of a splash as the Xbox One in-carp-nation did. But one thing’s for sure, the 11th of April can’t come round soon enough: our news editor is nearly out of fish puns! Check out our review of the PC version here.
Acelister - 12:19pm, 30th March 2017
Stop fishing for compliments...
Dombalurina - 12:25am, 1st April 2017 Author
Well, I need to cast my net wide.