Final Fantasy XIV Celebrates 30 Million Players with Further Expanded Free Trial
FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, the MMORPG by Square Enix, has what one could call a large following. In the recent Fan Festival held in Tokyo, they celebrated hitting and surpassing 30 million registered players! While this is an impressive number in itself, the developers are set to gain even more, announcing that the current Free Trial of the game will be expanded even further.
With the new expansion, players on the Free Trial will be able to play up to patch 4.58 of Stormblood, the second expansion, in addition to being able to play as the Othard native Au Ra. Free Trial players are now also able to try out the Dark Knight, Astrologian, Machinist, Red Mage, and Samurai Jobs, giving multiple avenues for experimentation and exploration!
With the newest expansion, Dawntrail, on its way with the included graphical upgrade, now is as good a time as any to dip your toes into the world of Eorzea and settle in for hours of epic quests!