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Find Out What Will Be New in Trash Goblin's Full Release!

Find Out What Will Be New in Trash Goblin's Full Release!

Trash Goblin is a relaxing shop simulator developed and published by Spilt Milk Studios Ltd, where players run their own trinket shop and spend their time uncovering them, washing them, and then putting them up for sale! With the money earned, they can customise their shop or even upgrade their tools.

Now that the launch is in sight, the developer posted on Steam talking about everything the community can expect from the full release... and there's a lot to unpack here!

Let's begin with the narrative. Players can expect over ten hours of story content, and once they've completed it, they can still serve customers and continue enjoying the gameplay. Throughout the journey, there will also be no pressure to go at a specific pace.

In the full release, Aimon's wagon will be available for burrowing to visit two new places (or more, as hinted in the Steam post) and set up a pop-up shop! Here, customers will line up to buy trinkets, and some occasional story progression. While at the beginning Aimon won't allow customisation, it seems that with a little budging, it will be possible.


Since at first players will rely on Aimon a lot, it won't always be available, and they'll need to plan ahead a bit by having a good amount of stock and choosing a good day to travel.

While that's it for the hints about the pop-up shop and travelling, there's a nameless character who will introduce a new system in the full release: the ability to order a specific trinket.

For those who are looking to get every single one available, there's also the Trinketpedia — a new addition to the Stash Book that will help players keep track of all the items in the game, and whether they've found them or not. The developer hopes to add the ability to track other information, such as whether the trinkets have been cleaned, upcycled, and/or sold, but it's not set in stone.

The Delver License system will come in handy for collectors, as after helping out a certain character (it's not clarified who in the post), players will unlock the depths of the chasm. There, they'll get new trinkets from the deeper and more dangerous areas.


Achievement hunters will also be happy to know that Spilt Milk Studios is planning on adding at least 10 achievements for the game's launch, and they'll also be looking for feedback on what the community would like.

To further deepen the stress-free aspect of the gameplay, the developer will be adding the ability to dismiss and call back customers when their requested trinkets are available.

Unfortunately, it's not all good news — despite the team's effort, the game's launch version will be incompatible with everything before release. This means players will lose all of their progress; that being said, there will be a 0.9 branch available for free where players can have access to the legacy version.

Last but not least, players can look forward to more customisation: more colours and patterns for the bed, walls, and shelves. For those looking for cosmetics, there will be a supporter DLC — called the Founders Pack — that can be purchased to get some "snazzy and unique" items!

That's all the information we've got for now! If you'd like to learn more about the game, we have a preview.Trash Goblin is available right now in Steam's Early Access.

Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.