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gamescom 2024: Sniper Elite: Resistance

The pre-show to gamescom had some surprises in it this evening, but by far and away the most nazi-killing of them was the announcement of a new Sniper Elite title. The next entry in the long running lone gunman series was shown in a vivid new trailer, reminding us just how intricate the slaughter of history’s most notorious evil guys really is.

In Sniper Elite: Resistance, we see the tail end of World War II, with occupied France under threat as the allied forces start to drive the bad guys out. The secret weapon that they have up their sleeve, as always, is you! We see plenty of stealth, insanely long shots, and some up-close-and-personal knife combat too. Rebellion and Wushu’s latest is due out in 2025, with version set to come to both PC and Xbox, and from the trailer, it seems we might be in store for a Game Pass release at launch too, as well as the Windows Store for the twelve people who buy their games from that platform.

gamescom 2024

Gary "Dombalurina" Sheppard

Staff Writer

Gary maintains his belief that the Amstrad CPC is the greatest system ever and patiently awaits the sequel to "Rockstar ate my Hamster"

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