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Hellboy Web of Wyrd First Web Area Playthrough Video

Hellboy Web of Wyrd has officially released to Steam and received positive reception, with 73% positive reviews from nearly 200. Now, we've featured the game on our YouTube channel, where you can watch me play through the entire first area of the game, including defeating the first boss — The Fallen King.

With this video, you can see a bit of the gameplay firsthand to determine how the combat looks as you take control of Hellboy and fight various Big Bads. Throughout the video, I also interact with the characters to give you a bit of a look at the dialogue and how long you'll spend in The Butterfly House if you want to experience the full narrative.

This concludes the entire first chapter (named Issues in-game), where you can unlock the next and fight a new slew of enemies, unlock more Blessings to slot on your armaments and progress the narrative. If you want to see more videos by us in the games we review, check out more of our YouTube channel content, where you can watch us play various games and fight numerous bosses. Thanks for watching!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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