Humble Nindie Bundle
Before reading, make sure you're in one of the American continents; North, Central or South and on the list of approved countries within.
For the first time ever, Nintendo games for the Wii U and 3DS have been bundled! These are all redeemable on either one or the other, but a couple can be redeemed on both!
According to a Nintendo of America employee, there is a possibility of a worldwide bundle. It just won't be this one.
For $1 you get:
- Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition - Wii U
- Woah Dave! - 3DS
- Mighty Switch Force - 3DS
Pay more than the average price, and you'll also get:
- The Fall - Wii U
- OlliOlli - Wii U, 3DS
- Moon Chronicles Episode 1 - 3DS
- More coming next week
Pay $10 or more, and you get all of that plus:
- Stealth Inc 2 - Wii U
- SteamWorld Dig - Wii U, 3DS
Head over here to grab this bundle.
TGK - 05:37pm, 27th May 2015
So much hate. Fingers crossed for an EU bundle soon!