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Jump Back Into EVERSPACE 2 for the Second Free Post-launch Content Update

ROCKRFISH Games' award-winning EVERSPACE 2 may have just been crowned the Best German Game (the top award for any videogame developed in the countrybut the team is not done getting wins yet. This time around, the game is going to receive the most significant content update since its release, and it'll be an excellent opportunity to jump into the cockpit and set off into the cosmos again!

In a video named "EVERSPACE 2 | Incursions Update Trailer", we get to learn all about the newest free update making its way to space. The new Incursions update bolsters quite a long list of new arrivals, including Incursion Events, where you'll have to face the consequences of Adam and his crew's actions; the rifts opened by them users in a new ancient enemy's arrival from another dimension.

To fight against this new end-game threat, you'll be able to approach an incursion and defend your world! Upon arrival, you'll have to battle against the attackers and its beacon — defeat all of the attackers, and you'll be able to damage the beacons for only moments before its shield replenishes. If you emerge victorious from your incursion, you'll receive a reliquary, letting you target whichever legendary drops you want in order to refine your build! 

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The hardest incursions bring about Radiant-grade equipment, which will be stronger and are a gateway for Radiant Legendaries, the strongest gear you'll be able to acquire in the game! You'll need your best build and all of these unique items so you can get to face the most formidable foe yet — the maximum Rift Lunacy has been doubled to 2,000. Are you ready for the hardest space-faring challenge yet?

Gear has been changed as well, with the arrival of brand-new legendaries that will change up the game and enable new builds for you to explore with. Alongside this massive change, you'll also have the opportunity to slot in more legendaries than you did before, increasing your fire power even more than before.

There are a slew of other changes and reworks, but perhaps the most crucial of them all is the free upgrade from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5.3, which ROCKFISH Games tackled in order to be able to support the title for the foreseeable future! Plus, the improved high-end options (and photo mode changes) are not unwelcome in the slightest. You can now enjoy Lumen, DLSS 3, and much more to boost your framerates and the experience overall!

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This is just the tip of the iceberg in a larger amount of updates arriving to this space simulator. Take flight with EVERSPACE 2's Incursion update, available now on PC with the Xbox and PlayStation versions coming shortly, and get started for £44.99!

Read the full patch notes
Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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