Marvel Heroes 1.37 Patch Notes
The latest update for Marvel Heroes has arrived, bringing Operation Omega - with some Cosmic Chaos also running over this weekend.
Here are the patch notes:
The Omega Event has returned once again!
During Operation Omega, the first time you complete a Shared Quest each day will reward double Omega Orb rewards as wel as Omega Files.
Omega Level Buffs!: XP, RIF, and SIF increase by 24% every day.
Omega leveling is 24% faster during Operation Omega. This works well with the Omega-Level buffs to experience.
Agent Coulson offers a mission during Operation Omega week. Each day, you can complete five or more waves in the S.H.I.E.L.D.
Holo-Sim to receive a reward from him. This will help hone your skills to be prepared for Omega-Level threats.
During the event, any enemy can drop a powerful artifact called The Omega Drive.
During Operation Omega, players can earn up to 100 Omega Access Files each day. Omega Access files are not random drops, they may be specifically earned:
10 Omega Access Files for logging in each day.
30 Omega Access Files for completing Coulson’s training mission each day.
60 Omega Access Files for completing the Shared Quests each day. (20 each)
The Cosmic Event is going to continue through the weekend until 3/1 at Midnight PST, at which point Midtown Madness Monday will begin. The Omega event will continue until the next patch.
Various issues with A-Sync loading have been fixed. This should result in a better experience moving through the world and loading the game in general. Please let us know how it feels.
Fixed an issue where Emma Frost's Diamond Form was not granting the intended Defense or Physical Damage to Melee Attackers.
Fixed an issue where Cap's "On Your Left" power did not scale spirit cost with additional points.
Arachne is now on the Eternity Splinter vendor (as intended).
Arachne is no longer hidden in the roster if you do not own her.
Phil - 03:20pm, 27th February 2015
I tried out Marvel Heroes lastnight for 30-45 minutes, but I didn't enjoy it. It was too much of a Path of Exile experience for me, quite traumatic.
Acelister - 06:18pm, 27th February 2015 Author
I'll give YOU Path of Exile...