Marvel Heroes 1.42 Patch Notes
It's a big one this week, with 3.3GB of update. It brings some new stuff, many updates and She Hulk!
Here are the patch notes for Marvel Heroes 1.42:
The Sensational She-Hulk has joined the Marvel Heroes 2015 roster! Use Jennifer Walters’ super strength combined with heavy hitting combos to take down super villains. And if that doesn’t work, throw the book at ‘em or summon a Surprise Witness to get the job done!
Invisible Woman Update
- Invisible Woman has received an update to her overall kit, and two new powers: Suffocate and Wall of Force.
- This update is intended as a solid pass on her powers to make her more powerful and more satisfying to play as opposed to a complete rework.
- Combat Force Fields - Merged with Invisible Combat, except for the damage over time proc, which has become its own dedicated power that takes the place of Combat Force Fields.
- Invisible Combat - Gains affixes based on former Combat Force Fields - new affixes will include Damage Rating, Damage Rating vs Unaware, Critical Rating, and a stacking damage multiplier for a duration when spending Focus. The active power Conceal Allies has been merged into Invisible Combat, with the former toggled effect of Invisible Combat migrating to Personal Force Field. The toggled effect no longer costs spirit. This solidifies Invisible Combat as a powerful offensive passive/active.
- Personal Force Field - Gains the Defense Rating and the toggled effect from the former Invisible Combat, and now creates a shield against damage when spending Focus. Automatic invisibility threshold increased to 30% maximum health. Passively applies the Toughness team buff when Invisible Woman spends focus (Toughness is no longer applied in Shield Dome). This solidifies the power as a strictly defensive passive.
- Focus Secondary Resource - Focus restoration increased, restores a pip every 10 seconds (down from 11). Focus spending removed from all but two powers, making spending Focus a clear choice among builds.
- Suffocate - New power - Sue immobilizes enemies in an area with a force bubble for a short duration, and places a smaller bubble on enemy's heads that causes damage over time for a long duration. This power replaces Combat Force Field’s damage over time effect.
- Storm of Spheres - Duration increased to 8 seconds. Area now applies Slow and Vulnerability. Maximum Storms active at once raised to two, and this information is now displayed on the tooltip. Animation time reduced.
- Quantum Compression - Now fully restores Invisible Woman’s Focus on activation. Spirit cost removed. Area of effect radius increased to better match visual area.
- Cascading Force - Vulnerability removed in favor of slow, and the power knocks back enemies on the initial cast, making this a more utility-oriented area clearing power and not mandatory for single target rotations. Spirit cost reduced to 15/sec.
- Crusher - Power now summons all three Crushers at once, with a shorter duration and higher cooldown, with significantly higher damage. The power is longer be treated like a summon - it will gain all stats from Invisible Woman. The AI should now react faster to enemies and be generally smarter about wandering to and from foes. Animation time reduced.
- Resonating Wave - Area of effect increased to be more forgiving for a ranged character. The cooldown, spirit restoration, and increased damage now only trigger when used while invisible, allowing the power to be used either as a powerful layer or as a spammable area of effect attack. Power now causes Weaken.
- Invisibility - Now restores health while invisible. Duration increased to 3 seconds. Cooldown removed, but each activation will extend the duration by 3 seconds, so players can’t accidentally overwrite some of the duration of their previous invisibility. Invisibility now frees Sue of Crowd Control effects.
- Seeker Orbs - Power no longer breaks stealth, and now spends Focus. Cooldown and Endurance cost removed. Radius of each Seeker Orb impact doubled, making them a bit better at clearing groups in addition to hitting single targets. Additionally, Seeker Orb activations will restore Spirit, giving an animation-free, ranged alternative to using Resonating Wave to restore large amounts of spirit quickly.
- Conceal Allies - Removed, merged into Invisible Combat.
- Shield Blitz - Projectile Deflection buff has been removed in favor of reflecting all projectiles while travelling. Projectile Deflection of Personal Force Field has been increased to compensate. Travel speed increased slightly.
- Crushing Force - Knockdown and Weaken removed in favor of dealing bonus damage to slowed targets. Also now deals bonus damage to targets in the center of the impact area. This will provide Invisible Woman builds with an alternative primary spender to Crashing Wave Style. Spirit cost reduced to 15.
- Crashing Wave Style - Rather than dealing bonus damage on the third strike, power now always deals 50% more damage for a duration after Sue uses Invisibility. The original damage affix hasn’t been as fluid as originally intended, so we wanted to incorporate something more simple and core to her kit. Range of the projectile and projectile speed have been increased 25%.
- Wall of Force - New power - Sue raises a force wall, capable of deflecting projectiles and blocking enemy pathing.
- Force Pillar - Since the Force Wall will provide the blocking mechanics found in the Pillar, this has been changed into a damage power, which also applies a Vulnerability effect that makes targets struck take an additional 50% damage from Crushing Force and Cascading Force. This way, Force Pillar can provide alternatives to Crashing Wave Style as a primary spender.
- Shield Dome - The Toughness team buff has been replaced with a new type of team support affix that shields allies from damage and restores health in a noticeable fashion. Players can only be affected by one source of this powerful affix in a given duration, like team invisibility powers. Power no longer prevents crowd control. Rather than reflecting some projectiles, the Shield Dome now heavily slows the trajectory of projectiles, as well as enemies who enter the area. On the initial cast, the Dome will knock back any nearby enemies.
- Ultimate - Now grants Unbreakable to Sue and her teammates, and doubles her Focus regeneration rate for the duration.
- Cosmic Bosses Drop Double Loot - All cosmic Terminal bosses, every time.
- Cosmic Questions Answered - 42% server-side multiplicative boost to Rare Item Find, Special Item Find and Experience for all your heroes.
- Cosmic Prestige Doubled - Doubled leveling rate for Cosmic Prestige during Cosmic Chaos week.
- Cosmic Chaos Supplier: Moondragon - An honorary member of the Guardians of the Galaxy and daughter of Drax the Destroyer, Moondragon is no stranger to cosmic chaos. During the Cosmic Chaos event, Moondragon will exchange Cosmic Worldstones for a variety of items, including a gifted (bound to your account) Doop rune that can be purchased for 500 Cosmic Worldstones.
- The Doop rune has an increased chance of dropping from all Doops during the Cosmic Chaos event.
- Two brand new, highly challenging versions of Midtown Patrol and Industry City Patrol are now available! These zones are very difficult and are intended for very well geared heroes only - teamwork is a must, bring your friends!
- We are working on a few possible ways to bar entry per hero with a ‘test’ - more on that later.
- In addition to the new level of difficulty, the rewards in this zone have been improved!
- Cosmic Midtown Fortune Cards will now drop during Midtown Madness. These versions of the Midtown Fortune Cards have much higher chances at the rare, epic, and super epic items.
- A new Cosmic Jackpot can occur! If you have a Patrol Boost potion, it will increase your chance at receiving this jackpot.
- Increased chance at boss specific Uniques and Artifacts
- Increased chances for a "strong" costume core (4 affixes)
- Bosses will drop more cosmics and uniques.
- Juggernaut, Magneto, Loki, Taskmaster and Venom now have a chance to drop their respective hero tokens
- Cosmic Medallions have double the chance of dropping.
- Uniques with Challenge Bonus have a much higher chance of dropping.
- Reliquaries of Rarity have a much higher chance of dropping.
Captain America The Winter Soldier costume now features his unique ‘S.T.R.I.K.E.’ shield, straight from the film. This shield will appear in all of Cap’s powers, including Shield Toss, Shield Bounce, and of course his melee abilities.
The Raft has been retrofitted to give a more exciting experience for new players!
The opening of the game now has voice over from Maria Hill!
Note: If you see flashing red lights in Avengers Tower, be sure to head to the Raft (after speaking to Maria Hill) and fully complete all objectives.)
Magneto now has a custom new resource bar for Debris.
Midtown Madness, Industry City Reward Boxes, and Odin’s Bounty Chests now may now be opened much quicker. Their cooldown has been lowered from 2 seconds to a half a second.
- Gifted Team-Up Gear will no longer drop from Reliquaries of Rarity.
- Juggernaut's Heavy Punch has been changed to its intended name: Knuckle Sandwich.
- Thor's God Blast now correctly displays the cooldown in the tooltip.
- Raid loot cooldowns have been adjusted to reflect Daylight Savings in North America.
- Iceman’s Ice Golems will no longer follow the player too closely.
- Fixed some issues which would cause a hero to roll or dash in place.
Iceman’s Construct Focus has a 10 second cooldown with a 5 second update. In the patch later this week, this will be made completely passive.
Here are a few of the main items near the top of the development pipeline:
- Onslaught Raid (public beta testing)
- Genosha Liberation Force mini-hub (alpha / beta testing)
- Ultron Game Mode (alpha testing)
- Achievement System (alpha testing)
- Team-Up System 2.0 (alpha testing)
- Vision - Playable Hero (in development)
- Quicksilver - Team-Up Hero (in development)
- Scarlet Witch - Level 52 Review (in development)
- Dr. Doom - Playable Hero (in early development)
- The remaining Level 52 reviews! (in early development)
- Several other Team-Up Heroes! (in early development)
- Updated A.R.M.O.R. Incursion Event (in development)
- Danger Room game mode (in development)
- Unified Story Mode (in early development)