Marvel Heroes 2015 1.44 Patch Notes
All thirteen episodes of Marvel's Daredevil, starring Charlie Cox, hit Netflix just days ago so Marvel Heroes 2016 is celebrating with a host of things. Improvements to the character, extra loot from his enemies... Check out everything below, as well as find out about this weeks Odin's Bounty.
In honor of Daredevil's Netflix series, we've made a few nice changes to Daredevil in this week's patch that should get him back on the streets and kicking butt (notes on those below). In addition to that, we're trying out a few other ways to celebrate his new TV series!
- Daredevil will receive +50% bonus XP until the next patch!
- Kingpin in all Daily Terminals will drop extra loot
- Elektra and Bullseye in Midtown Manhattan will drop extra loot
- Starting at 12:01AM PDT on 4/11, we'll be holding an Odin's Bounty loot rotation!
- The schedule will be posted soon, and for multiple time zones!
- Hammer Bay has received an update. The Cosmic Architects have forced the NPCs to reshuffle themselves so the Heroes don't have to stand so close to each other. No one wants to get too close to Venom.
- The maximum population for Hammer Bay has been reduced to prevent overcrowding. The Genosha Liberation Force was pleased to see so many willing volunteers to throw at Onslaught's… onslaught… but honestly you guys were really over-crowding them.
- The Enchanter decided to see why everyone in Asgard was clamoring about Hammer Bay. He brought along an extra S.T.A.S.H. vault.
- The amount of Hero and Protector Commendations gained from the Man-Ape One Shot and the Daily Shared Quests has been increased.
- We'll be adding additional methods to gain Hero and Protector Commendations outside of raids in the coming days.
- All players who logged in during the previous week have had their G.L.F. influence set to 200. This will not affect the weekly cap, although the initial login will display 200/200.
- Influence will no longer increment when relogging.
- Known Issue: Influence gains will sometimes not be displayed until a hero changes regions.
- Known Issue: You must gain some amount of Influence for the display to reflect your weekly amount correctly.
In anticipation of his critically-acclaimed new Netflix series, Daredevil has received some upgrades to his items and a minor power adjustment.
- Daredevil’s Jumping Strike now hits in a slightly larger area.
- Daredevil’s Relentless Justice now grants 15% damage negation after hitting with a Melee or Movement power.
- Daredevil's Action Roll has been reduced in Spirit cost to 8.
Daredevil Item Updates:
Daredevil’s Uniques have been updated!
Hornhead’s Handy Clubs:
- Added ranks to Rebounding Club.
- Added ranks to Triple Strike.
- Added ranks to all Basic powers.
- Increased the damage on the Dodge proc.
- Added a stacking Melee Damage Rating proc that activates on Critical Hits.
- Added Life on Hit proc when hitting with a Physical power that is doubled when at less than full Combo Points.
Matt Murdock's "I'm Not Daredevil" Sweater:
- Added ranks to Signature.
- Added area damage reduction.
- Added a proc that grants Durability and Strength upon spending Combo Points.
- Added stacking proc that grants Attack Speed upon scoring Critical Hits with Melee powers.
Blades of the Beast:
- Added plus to All Powers.
- Added ranks to Sliding Strike.
- Slightly upped the health on this item.
- Reworked the Bleed Proc on this item, which now grants a stacking bonus vs Bleeding targets, and grants Fighting when at full stacks.
- Added Health Regeneration.
Deathstalker Treads:
- Upped the damage on the concussive blow.
- Added ranks to Relentless Justice.
- Added ranks to Sliding Strike.
- Added ranks to all Finisher powers.
- Added proc that grants Melee Damage Rating and Speed upon reaching full Combo Points.
- Added Health.
Shadowy Mask of the Hand:
- Added ranks to Radar Sense.
- Added a proc that gives his next Finisher a damage boost.
- Added Health.
We have two small updates for She-Hulk this week. We’ll be putting up a fresh feedback section for She-Hulk once the patch is live for 48 hours.
- She-Hulk's Opening Statement now has CC immunity during the movement portion of the power
- She-Hulk's Closing Argument should no longer fail to fire sometimes if rapidly spammed.
Several powers have new names to prevent confusion with other heroes or be more flavorfully superior. This will also help prevent confusion with StarkTech Power Cubes as we work on longer-term ideas.
- Venom's Web Barrage is now called Web Cannon, to prevent confusion with Spider-Man’s Web Barrage power.
- Silver Surfer's Supernova is now called Singularity.
- Nova's Supernova will be renamed Gravimetric Surge.
- Taskmaster's Nerve Gas Arrow is now called Toxic Gas Arrow
Thanks for everyone who participated in the bug reporting from last week, and in general. We have a decent chunk of bug fixes in this week's build:
- Fixed an issue with the Influence Experience Bar Display in the Mission Log.
- Fixed an issue which prevented the G.L.F. Daily and Weekly Influence missions from appearing in the Mission Tracker.
- Fixed a visual bug that would sometimes cause a hero to appear tilted, like they were drinking Scotch on a late-night stream.
- X-Defense waves will have a further “cooldown” time before repeating themselves, adding more variety.
- Omega Orb chests obtained through login rewards or other means will now stack to 999.
- We fixed many small UI, visual or power issues related to the AXIS raid.
- Fixed various targeting issues in the AXIS raid, particularly the Onslaught encounter.
- Black Panther's Panther Soul now correctly gives All defense rating instead of just Physical.
- Batroc will no longer claim he provides the wrong Rogue stolen power in his stolen power preview UI.
- In the Axis Raid, the Enrage timer for the Psionic Barrier will no longer start before triggering the encounter (interacting with Agent Varden).
- Fixed a display bug with Crafting Recipe costs.
- Iceman's clones when using Age of Icemen will no longer have collision with players.
- Silver Surfer's Board Dash once again has its intended Power Cosmic cost of 50.
- Black Widow's Backflip Bomb now always move Natasha backwards.
- Rogue's Aerial Onslaught can now be activated again much more quickly after being deactivated.
- Moon Knight's Truncheon Ricochet rebuilt to correctly apply consumable melee damage buffs on each and every bounce (third try's the charm, blargh).
- StarkTech can now replace StarkTech already placed on an item.
- All artifacts will now have their correct StarkTech Power Cube slots.
- StarkTech Power Cubes can now be stored in Hero Stash Tabs.
- StarkTech Power Cubes now have an off-screen indicator.
- Ms. Marvel's Evasive Blast returned to 100% evade.