Marvel Heroes 2015 Changing to Marvel Heroes 2016
As they did last year, Marvel Heroes 2016 is changing its name along with getting a big content update.
The new name, Marvel Heroes 2016, will be the biggest content update since becoming Marvel Heroes 2015 according to an interview Gazillion CEO David Brevik told PC GamesN.
We don’t have expansions - traditionally MMOs come out with a subtitled expansion that they sell you for forty bucks. Since we’re giving away the content all the time we don’t have something to theme an annual release around, so this is our chance to say, ‘Hey, look what’s changed!’
As you might expect, the update will add a new chapter to the story, bringing Chapter 10 to players. It features the Skrulls, the shapeshifting green aliens, and one of the bosses is confirmed as Kl'rt the Super Skrull.
They will also be bringing in leaderboards -- but before you sigh and wonder how you will ever rank when you only play for a couple of hours at the weekend, they've got you covered.
We’re making them broad audience leaderboards so that you don’t have to play 24/7 to compete. We’re going to be much friendlier than that, with real short-session leaderboards, good rewards - things like that.
There are also graphical updates, new characters (including the new comic characters of Jane Foster's Thor as well as Gwen Stacy's Spider-Woman), Steam achievements, a new inventory system -- and controller support!
We'll let you know when the change happens.