Marvel Heroes 2nd Anniversary Celebrations
It's Marvel Heroes 2016's second birthday! And to celebrate they're giving away stuff, making changes and you can now play as Doctor Doom!
They detail the main points for the anniversary month, which has already begun!
Week One (This Week):
Birthday Present! -- Birthday Cake Mark 2 Login Gift!
Dr. Doom is released
Thing’s Level 52 Design Review launches
Team-Up System 2.0 launches
Permanent Retcons are Permanent launches
The start of our Ascending Anniversary XP Bonus! 22% starting today and increasing by another 22% every day, resetting for the next week's patch!Week Two
Birthday Present! -- Free Hero of Your Choice (pre Doctor Doom)
Plus, birthday cake slices drop and players can create more Birthday Cakes!Week Three
Birthday Present! -- Free New Surprise Pet for Everyone! Dance!
Plus, the return of COWPOCALYPSE
Plus, the biggest Play with Devs event yet!Week Four
Birthday Present! -- Free New Surprise Team-Up to Celebrate Team-Up Mark 2!
Plus, the return of the revamped A.R.M.O.R. Incursion Event!Throughout the Month
Tuning Upgrades, More Unique Reviews, Bug Fixes, Quality of Life Stuff, Live Streams, server side exp boosts, another Team-Up from the Advance Pack, etc.
What's more, the huge patch which dropped yesterday brings in many changes and alterations.
- All characters released before Doctor Doom can be played with up to level 10.
- Retcon Devices are no more, anyone can reset their spent power points at any time. If you had Retcon Devices, they are replaced by Ancient Forgotten Devices, which can be redeemed for stuff from Clea.
- Team-Up 2.0 means your team-ups will level up and get their own power points, with their own new powers, and the introduction of Styles.
- Elite & Boss alterations to make them more challenging for higher level players.
- Tuning Corner begins, to bring things into place with their new philosophy.
And the following minor fixes:
- Medkits can now be used when players are already full on health
- Medkits now stack to 200.
- Multiple vendors have been added to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Training Room.
- A new option has been added in the Gameplay section to show your Spirit bar over your hero’s head. This option requires the Player Overhead Health Bars option to be enabled to function.
- Various animations have been reviewed to speed up animation “end times”, removing animations canceling and improving overall responsiveness. This is an ongoing project.
- Various visual effects have been reviewed to remove particles that are not visible to the player but could impact performance on low-end machines.
- Power duration should properly not affect many ultimate or signature powers (several outliers remained). We will be continuing to correct these as we buff heroes.
- “Weaving” certain channeled powers (rapidly turning them on and off to improve dps) is in the process of being fixed when it still occurs in the game. Hero kits that still used this technique will also be reviewed at same time.
- She-Hulk’s secondary resource now has unique artwork.
- Fixed an issue with Vision’s Comeuppance power that prevented it from granting full Invulnerability for the duration of the power.
- Fixed an issue with Silver Surfer’s Unconquered power preventing it from granting Critical Rating after using a Movement power.
- Fixed an issue with Psylocke’s Psyche-Blast tooltip which did not correctly show the damage bonus.
- Fixed an issue where Ulrik of Myrkvidr and Krong the Mighty in the Midtown Patrol use incorrect edge pointer icons.
- Various Spanish & Russian translation updates.
- Fixed an issue where the police attempting to arrest Black Cat in the Midtown Patrol were sometimes blocking her from respawning after she was defeated.
- Party In A Box should now always spawn as a level 1 item.