Miitomo hits 10 Million Users, New Nintendo Mobile Games Announced
Miitomo, Nintendo's first foray into the world of apps, has crossed the 10 million unique users mark. The app, which is a free download less than one month old, lets users take their Mii characters mobile with them, interacting with their friends and taking augmented reality photos with them. Nintendo will be running a special 10-day “Celebrating 10 Million Users!” promotion between 29th April and 8th May, although at this stage, we've not been told what that promotion will entail.
To build on that success, two more apps have been announced. The Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing series will be getting their own mobile incarnations soon. Both applications will be coming in the autumn, and will cross over with the home versions of the game in order to give a more connected experience.
Whilst Miitomo was more of a "fun" application rather than a game, the two newly announced titles will be "pure game applications" according to a press release issued by Nintendo. With the release of Pokemon Go also coming later this year, it won't even be necessary to have a Nintendo console in 2016 to enjoy your fill of their exclusive franchises.