New Difficulty Modes Announced for Vampyr
DONTNOD Entertainment’s narrative-driven action-RPG, Vampyr, have announced a content update coming later this summer will include two new game difficulty modes which add further replayability for existing players and more options for those who have not played it yet.
The update will feature a ‘Story’ mode that de-emphasizes combat and allows you to just enjoy the gameplay, and a cranked-up, more challenging Hard mode. The Story mode places a greater focus on narrative, allowing players to experience Dr. Reid’s journey with less challenging combat. On the other end of the scale, Hard mode makes combat much more difficult. Players will receive less experience from killing enemies too, forcing them to rely even more on embracing citizens to grow in power.
In advance of the update, Vampyr currently has a 25% discount on Steam!
Vampyr is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.