Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal Delayed Due To Censorship
The upcoming release of Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal on PlayStation 4 is being censored and therefore delayed due to "Wishes of the Platform Holder".
The news came from Xseed Games on Twitter the other day in which the company revealed that the title's "Intimacy Mode" on the PlayStation 4 version of the title would be censored. The Steam version will not be affected by this.
Shortly following the announcement, it was revealed what would be censored by Localization Lead Ryan Graff and Localization Producer Tom Lipschultz who took to Twitter to give fans more of an insight.
Graff explained that the censorship was in relation to "the interactivity in the Dressing Room. Basically, everything to do with Grabby Hands."
Lipschultz later added that this was happening due to a brand new policy from Sony which is why past titles in the series that released on the platform were not censored.
This news is of course not great as censorship of a title is generally seen as a bad thing by most, regardless if the "Grabby Hands" are of interest or not. Many users on Twitter has expressed that upset with the decision but Xseed Games have no choice other then to cancel the game all together.
As you might expect, Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal currently has no release date for the PlayStation 4 as Xseed Games work to censor the title for a new release date as quick as possible.
Acelister - 07:51am, 18th October 2018
Steam is now basically uncensored, the Switch has a game with a literal vibrator in it as well as games with breast nipples - but the "best experience" platform is removing content.
GG Sony.
JudgementalWaifu - 11:55am, 18th October 2018 Author
You only need to look at the countless Vita titles that were censored to see the company's stand.