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Support the Development of EVERSPACE 2 with New Supporter Pack Launch

Support the Development of EVERSPACE 2 with New Supporter Pack Launch

Alongside the galactic-sized Incursion update that made its way to EVERSPACE 2, ROCKFISH Games released something that's not trying to pull a fast one: the Supporter Pack. This brand-new DLC lays it out as it is, being an £8.49 DLC to support the developers' continued love for EVERSPACE 2, and after the Incursion update, it might just be a good idea.

So what exactly are we talking about? The team behind the game just released an astronomical free update filled with content that, quite frankly, left us star-struck. Alongside this free update, anyone who wishes to show love and support to the ongoing development of EVERSPACE 2 can do it by purchasing this new DLC, and since the team just changed engine from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5.3, you can anticipate a while longer of support, especially if it proves to be lucrative.

You aren't paying for nothing, however — the Supporter Pack DLC also sports a few cosmetics for your ship, including the following items:

  • Cybernetic Glow Lighting (based on a bug from the engine migration)
  • Adjustable Ship Skins, allowing you to resize the shapes to your liking
  • New Engine Effects
  • 13 New Ship Decals

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And, of course, the most important item that ROCKFISH Games wanted to highlight: their "Intangible Heartfelt Thanks and Gratitude", which you can't really put a price tag on.

If you want to support EVERSPACE 2, then pick up the Supporter Pack for £8.49, available now!

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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