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Time to Morp Released From Early Access With New Content; Check It Out and Watch the Trailer Here!

Time to Morp is a cosy base-building title where players will busy themselves taking care of Morps (the in-game creatures), exploring the colourful land, and doing everything from fishing and farming to decorating.

Developed by Team HalfBeard and published by Yogscast Games, Time to Morp was in Early Access for a while but has now been fully released! The launch includes new content.

Time to Morp 1.0

As a quick summary, here's what's new to Time to Morp in update 1.0:

  • Fishing.
  • Bags of Goodies that can be fished.
  • Upgrades for the fishing rod.
  • New recipes for cooking.
  • Rare ingredients level up dishes.
  • Players can give Morps and NPCs meals to boost their reputation and get rewards.
  • Personal housing allows players to build and decorate their homes, and each player can have their own in co-op.
  • Every NPC has a shop where players can get themed decorations, abilities, rare recipes, or just resources.
  • The City Center can be built and ranked up to earn rewards.
  • There are new tools (such as the pickaxe, axe, and shovel) that work to the landscape.
  • There are new techs to research: water, lasers, and generators; they all work to automate production.
  • There are world events that can be completed for rewards.
  • Explore abandoned huts to collect rare resources.
  • The game's overall look, such as style and colours, has been changed!

Time to Morp is available now on Steam, and it's currently at a 30% discount until the 20th of March! 

Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.