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Transformers: Devastation First in Trilogy of Transformers Titles?

Transformers: Devastation First in Trilogy of Transformers Titles?

Hollywood Reporter have, well, reported on some information obtained from Hasbro.

In an effort to unify their Transformers media and merchandise over the course of the next few years, into a so-called The Prime Wars Trilogy. This has begun with the Combiner Wars series of toys, the storyline in the IDW comics, an upcoming animated web series and, of course, the videogames.

As Transformers: Devastation works as a prequel to the Combiner Wars, with the Constructicon gestalt Devastator being at the heart of gameplay footage shown before Friday's release, it begs the question what is next for Activision? 

The next phase of The Prime Wars is set to begin next year, called Titans Return, and will feature Sentinel Prime. The 2017 phase of the trilogy hasn't yet been named.

However, the Michael Bay explosion-filled Transformers movies will be unaffected by the mandate handed down by Hasbro. Devastator did appear in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and Sentinel Prime appeared in Transformers: Dark of the Moon, but Paramount apparently have their own 10 year plan with the movies.

We'll keep you posted on any news out of Activision.

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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