Ubisoft Cover Up Previously Rude NPCs in Watch_Dogs 2
Watch_Dogs 2 caused a bit of a stir recently when it was discovered that some of the NPCs in the title had been given a rather questionable choice of underwear, exposing the gentials of some characters. With the latest patch to the game, Ubisoft have been quick to hide the offending crotches, although sadly, the patch is mainly to cover up the PR blunder, rather than fix too many issues with the game.
The French developer, recently the subject of an increased interest from Vivendi, have released patch 1.04, which adjusts some character models and makes a few changes to the game , including:
- [XB1/PS4] Emote Wheel Swap - Bug where emotes and weapon wheel become intermixed is now fixed
- [XB1/PS4] Explicit NPC Model - We've updated one NPC model that was previously explicit. Nudity on other male and female NPCs has not been changed
- [XB1/PS4] Phone App Disappears - Some players encountered a bug causing their phone apps to disappear. The fix will recover the missing apps
- [XB1/PS4] [Performance] Graphics / Low FPS / Nudle - Framerate during the “Limp Nudle” mission has been improved
- [PS4] [Performance] Graphics / Low FPS / PRO - PS4 Pro performance should be improved with this patch
The seamless online issues which have plagued the game since launch are sadly still present. The company have made it clear that these are a priority so we can expect to see them top of the list now that exposed vaginas aren't an issue any more.
Check out the full patch notes here: http://watchdogs.ubisoft.com/watchdogs/en-US/news/152-275654-16/patch-notes-title-update-104
Acelister - 11:15am, 22nd November 2016
Before this patch I went out of my way to find one of those NPCs, without any luck :(
Dombalurina - 11:28am, 23rd November 2016 Author
dirty boy :p