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Watch_Dogs Complete Edition Spotted On Amazon France

Watch_Dogs Complete Edition Spotted On Amazon France

Ubisoft's open world action game Watch_Dogs is getting a complete edition that will launch later in the year.

That's according to a post spotted on Amazon France, which lists the Watch_Dogs complete edition for €29.99, with a release scheduled for 3rd September. 

No other information is available but it's safe to assume that all of the game's DLC will be included in the complete edition, should it in fact be real.

Watch_Dogs initially released last May following a lengthy delay, and we thought it an enjoyable experience, despite its sub-par story.



News Reporter

Unemployed and with no redeeming qualities, Socrates now spends his days giving you the la-li-lu-le-lowdown on all things gaming.


azrael316 - 12:46pm, 23rd July 2015

It had such promise.

Then it all went to S***....
