Win a Mega Pack Mk IV for Marvel Heroes
Entries have now closed!
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- Arq
- Marloko
- Phil Carter
- Somms
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If you've ever played the MMO Marvel Heroes 2016, then you'll know that they have a ton of Marvel characters available. You can get them by earning Eternity Splinters to buy them, or you can spend some real money on a Hero Pack or two.
Of course, you could get all 54 characters by Monday 2nd May!
Just enter our competition below before entries close Friday 29th April at 11:59pm, for your chance to win a Mega Pack Mk IV, worth £139.99! Don't know what that entails? Check this out:
Main Prize
For the Marvel fan who needs everything - start or add to your collection of favorite Marvel Heroes for one great value price! Our updated Mega Pack MK IV gives you every playable hero released through 2015 - 54 Heroes total! We've even included a S.T.A.S.H. tab for each hero to store more items in, 25 2 hour Triple Iridium boosts, and 2,500 Gs. Lastly, if you're feeling lucky, the Mega Pack has just the thing for you - 5 each of Fortune Card (Mark 1 through 6, Uncanny, Future, S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, and Cosmic) are also included.
If you already own a Hero included in this pack, you will receive their Ultimate Upgrade Token as well as their Default Costume (delivered directly to that Hero's S.T.A.S.H. Tab)
Items Included in this Pack:
ALL Heroes Released through 2014 - 54 TOTAL!
54 Hero S.T.A.S.H. pages - (extra Hero specific inventory for each Hero included)
1 Random Team-Up Box
55 Fortune Cards - 5 each of Mark 1 through 6, Uncanny, Future, S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, and Cosmic
25 2 Hour Triple Iridium Boosts
2500 Gs
But wait, there's more! If you don't win that, we still have three more prizes to be won!
With season two of Marvel's Daredevil having recently come out on Netflix, and so three runner ups will get Marvel's Daredevil Pack, worth £24.49! It's three characters, including the latest one, Elektra -- who isn't in the Mega Pack IV! Check out the details:
Runner-Up Prize
Marvel's Daredevil Season 2 is available now only on NETFLIX, and to celebrate we’ve got an a brand new pack available! This pack includes Daredevil himself, Punisher, a pre-order for Elektra as well as costumes inspired by Marvel's Daredevil Season 2! This pack features a 50% discount!
Items Included in this Pack:
Daredevil, Punisher, Elektra (Pre-Order)
7 Costumes Daredevil Modern (Default), Daredevil Marvel's Daredevil, Daredevil Man Without Fear, Punisher Modern (Default), Punisher Marvel's Daredevil, Elektra Classic (Default), Elektra Marvel's Daredevil
3 Hero S.T.A.S.H. (extra Hero specific inventory for each Hero)
How to win
All you have to do is answer the following question:
Which Marvel Heroes superhero would you want to be, and why?
Entries have now closed
Once you have your answer, post a comment below and make sure to come back on Monday 2nd May to see who won! Better yet, make an account to get an email to notify you if you win! Of course, there's no need to make an account, but you will only have until Friday 6th May to claim your prize!
cartographer - 01:09pm, 22nd April 2016
The Silver Surfer. Because space is awesome and surfing is as well!
IgalVee - 03:20pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Fist, because he can telepathically mind-meld with people. I think that the world needs more empathetic people like that, who can understand what others are going through in order to co-exist and cooperate. He can also mystically heal people, which is another thing that I feel is sorely needed in the world, because of all the wars, conflict, and suffering. Iron Fist is not just a martial-arts butt-kicker, but also a guy who has what it takes to make the world a better place, and that's really what super-heroes are all about.
Fortune Teller - 01:54pm, 23rd April 2016
Human Torch.
Although he's not very popular in the game, Johnny Storm is a very cheerful guy with a can-do attitude. Not to mention awesome adventure as a member of F4, he's lucky to have a family and his friends are always there for him. So, Human Torch is a superhero and a character I want to be like. Also he can fly! And that's awesome!
Nate Pipkin - 11:54pm, 22nd April 2016
Probably silver surfer because of the power cosmic
Namauri - 12:39am, 23rd April 2016
Spider-man! Because I love his attitude and snarky remarks! And the most selfless hero IMO!
paul-bailey-1461831982 - 09:29am, 28th April 2016
I would be Deadpool, due to his self healing and insane mind that breaks the 4th wall.
Darckfast - 01:13pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man, Because i wanna be a Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist.
Demijan Stanimir - 01:14pm, 22nd April 2016
I would love to be daredevil bcause i understand the justice he want to bring in the world and i completly agree with him.
liezryou - 01:16pm, 22nd April 2016
The Hulk. Nobody even dares to think of messing with you. Also halloween can be really fun scaring the shit out of children :D.
Laka - 01:21pm, 22nd April 2016
Squirrel Girl, because... SQUIRRELS!
Francis piocos - 01:23pm, 22nd April 2016
I want to be deadpool because I want to live forever and be able to dismember body parts and still feel a-okay as a party trick.
Kim Ryu Min - 01:30pm, 22nd April 2016
Amadeus Cho.Because the country that he is from is half same with me(South Korea)and I want to be strong and hack S.H.I.E.L.D.
Zach - 01:30pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron man so I can put the suit on 100 times a day in front of a mirror and look awesome
Benji - 01:34pm, 22nd April 2016
Nova, because I wanna be the human rocket!
Joseph D White - 01:34pm, 22nd April 2016
Jean Grey, I've always wanted to read minds.
Lance702 - 01:34pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-Man. He's quick, strong, spider sense is OP, and nothing would beat web swinging around. What more could you want?
Icehawg - 01:37pm, 22nd April 2016
The Hulk. Because you wouldn't like me when I was mad....either.
GryphonPrime - 01:37pm, 22nd April 2016
I would have to say Captain America because he does his best to do what is right and he is well respected. A close second would be Spider-man.
Calif - 01:37pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man, for the sheer amount of costumes available for him- it's always fun playing with a different look every once in a while.
Not to mention that his Age of Ultron Hulkbuster suit is one of the best-looking enhanced costumes around!
Zephantes - 01:39pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man because I always love high tech stuff especially if it's robotics related. Not to mention depending on the suit I can have various kinds of powers at my disposal.
akash-jairam-1461328796 - 01:41pm, 22nd April 2016
I would want to be Spiderman because he has cool powers, he lives by a moral code and Cable said that he will become the greatest hero in the future.
Burnedout - 01:42pm, 22nd April 2016
Franklin Richards. Because he can do just about anything.
AnthonyR224 - 01:43pm, 22nd April 2016
sticking with male characters, Dr. Doom. i've always wanted to be the dictator of my own country.
Noam - 01:43pm, 22nd April 2016
Wolverine, so I could drink an infinite amount of beer.
Skorpos - 01:47pm, 22nd April 2016
I would have to say Iron Man.
He's amazing, I've always been into Tech.
And my dream job was Robotics Engineer, so I can relate to it a lot.
Plus being a billionaire wouldn't hurt either :p
Malarkey - 01:50pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron man. Money, women, alcohol? Who needs more in life than that!
asdf1234gmx - 01:52pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man, so I can pay for each destroyed car in midtown manhattan.
lionel-tan-1461329210 - 01:52pm, 22nd April 2016
I have always admired Spider-Man and if I could be him, that's who I'll be. I have always been able to associate myself with Spider-Man who is just a nerdy & geeky teenager who decides to do good and help the world out with his powers. He is also not only strong physically but strong mentally as well where he deals with family and school problems just like any of us. Still, he manages to find the time and be in the right attitude all the time. So Spidey, you are who I want to be.
atralyx - 01:53pm, 22nd April 2016
The hulk , super strength near invulnererability and a healing factor
DOOMBOT - 01:56pm, 22nd April 2016
Ghost Rider since he is probably the most metal superhero. Flaming skulls and hellfire baby! \m/ \m/
joshamee - 01:57pm, 22nd April 2016
Scarlet Witch. I love the chaotic nature of her powers, and probability manipulation would be awesome.
ShadowGearX - 01:58pm, 22nd April 2016
Wolverine, because it would be nice to have the healing to get rid of all the pain.
Brandon - 02:00pm, 22nd April 2016
Wolverine, the healing factor and those claws. Might be a bit of a tortured soul (and currently dead) but long life and bad attitude ftw!
Erin - 02:00pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool. He has a quick wit and is a relentless mercenary, but also a heart of gold. He donates organs regularly knowing they'll regenerate and blurs the lines of gender specific rolls to show that even a badass can love and appreciate anyone. Love that guy.
IggyM - 02:03pm, 22nd April 2016
Hawkeye!! Because.... ummm.... I would be able to have amazing precition with my bow I guess?? Damn, may I choose another hero?? Too late?? awwww
LouPaloma - 02:03pm, 22nd April 2016
In a Marvel Heroes context I reckon I'd have to go with Punisher, as being able to call in a Pet Battlevan for a Great White level pyrotechnics every 10 minutes would spruce up the day something fierce
Sean - 02:04pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Doom, becase everybody wants to rule the world...
Patrick Lam - 02:05pm, 22nd April 2016
Wolverine, i want to live forever
Prawntillion - 02:05pm, 22nd April 2016
Invisible Woman, Because sometimes you just want to be alone and no one to see you.
Phil Carter - 02:07pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-man because no one has to try and make a difference in the world but, he does. He reminds me that no matter the odds, or how small we think we are in the world we can all make a difference in our own way, it just takes the will to want to make a difference to achieve it.
Sikksens - 02:08pm, 22nd April 2016
Remy Lebeau (Gambit), To be able to harness and control kinetic energy and of course pickup all the ladies with your smooth moves and saucy accent.
eyevision - 02:09pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr.Doom.Because I want to lead an army of doombots and make doombots lift my chair while I am sitting on it.
Doug - 02:09pm, 22nd April 2016
Wolverine, because he's got all the advantages of immortality without the crazy like Deadpool. Then again, he cant get drunk, so maybe you wouldnt want to live forever...
Valkyrionex - 02:10pm, 22nd April 2016
Ghost Rider because his "penance stare" woud give me the ability to deliver rightful punishment to those who really deserve it, in addition to a nice ride (any ride i want can be "Hell Tuned") what makes up for the curse part of his character :)
jensensc11 - 02:11pm, 22nd April 2016
I would be jean grey because of telekinesis and telepathy with a little mix of ultimate power of the Phoenix.
Robogo - 02:11pm, 22nd April 2016
Tough question. I'd like to have the moral compass, endurance, strength, stamina and overall physical power and military tactics brilliance of Captain America.
Vladimir - 02:11pm, 22nd April 2016
Silver Surfer
Because it's fun to travel around in a Galaxy and disassamble to atoms whatever you want. Or just because you could see all Galaxy by yourself, just fly from star to star. That's amazing
Nikolay Todorov - 02:13pm, 22nd April 2016
Doctor Doom. Because he is the most badass character in the Marvel Universe. Plus the fact that he combines the use of tech and magic is uber dope.
Shawn - 02:16pm, 22nd April 2016
Starlord mostly because he has a pet talking racoon :)
Matt Matthews - 02:16pm, 22nd April 2016
Rocket Raccoon so I could be best friends with Groot.
Jay Kay - 02:20pm, 22nd April 2016
Groot. No real reason, I just wood...
Haxt - 02:22pm, 22nd April 2016
Reed Richards as long as Jessica Alba is Sue Storm.
Elgand - 02:22pm, 22nd April 2016
Captain America. Basic immortality combined with functioning at the peak of human fitness would just be amazing.
Emilios - 02:22pm, 22nd April 2016
Captain America, he's pretty much the heart of the Marvel Universe for me and a great person I'd love to meet.
Hulk - 02:22pm, 22nd April 2016
Hulk, because I'm a green guy.
stygiansabyss - 02:23pm, 22nd April 2016
Using the game character and their abilities as the basis, I would say Cyclops. He exudes leadership and more so friendship. Tons of X-Men fight at his side and join him as you play. Getting to hang out and team up with everyone makes him feel much more real and I love playing him for that reason.
MyNameIsName - 02:25pm, 22nd April 2016
Have to go with Jean Grey as the Phoenix. Cosmic firebird power? YES PLZ! Just have to keep that pesky Dark Phoenix in check....
Terry - 02:28pm, 22nd April 2016
id like to be taskmaster while not the most powerful hes easily the most adaptable hes got some great dialog and also a nice repitoire of moves copied and adapted from other heroes he can be ranged or melee he suites everyones needs and above all hes a cheep hero to buy
Craig - 02:30pm, 22nd April 2016
Gambit because of the accent and the ability to turn anything explosive
Psygon - 02:32pm, 22nd April 2016
Because I grown up a nerd boy, with a few friends and a few bullies too ahahah
But also, I grow up reading comics and watching cartoons, and Spider-Man: The Animated Series was one of my favorites. See that a nerd like Peter gets bullied in the school, and still got his head up and do all the things he does, and care about the people he loves, kinda made the person who i'am today.
So, if I could be any super-hero, it would be Spider-Man, because beside being a hero, he has great values and is a inspiration for kids growing up in a world like this.
Failenfofail - 02:34pm, 22nd April 2016
Ultron, so I can get a lot of stuff done.
Davide Silva - 02:36pm, 22nd April 2016
Well, thats a hard question since there are so many heroes....
But definitly Ice Man!
I loved Ice Man since the 90's show ! He's so awesome, and his hability so "slide" all over the place! :)
Also, when Bobby reaches his full potential he can be a badass mutante (omega level, btw ) ! Theres even a comic about it, when Iceman is possessed by Emma and he reachers his full potential ( or at least its pushed ) !
So definitly Iceman for me! :D
And thanks for this oportunity! ^^
Daniel - 02:37pm, 22nd April 2016
You're getting two from me. Colossus first because who doesn't want to be nigh indestructible and Nova.
Skippy - 02:37pm, 22nd April 2016
Magneto. Power wise one of the strongest characters in Marvel. His power are down played, for story sake, but what he can do with his power is amazing.
nachshon-roth-1461332087 - 02:37pm, 22nd April 2016
spider-man, because of his agility and spidey sense
Retcher - 02:41pm, 22nd April 2016
Thing- I know plenty of people who need some clobberin'.
Dredge - 02:41pm, 22nd April 2016
Cable - Super TK, and you get to jump around in time seeing all the sights!
ZephyrNic - 02:42pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man! In addition to being a hero, the man is a genius, philanthropist, charming, and a leader. He is a force for good, in and out of his armor, and while he is near the human peak of intelligence, he is still, just a regular guy, who put his resourcefulness to work, and made himself a hero.
The Dude - 02:42pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man, because he can use his super brain to build other super powers into his suit.
veylin - 02:44pm, 22nd April 2016
Gambit. Why? Tis' a simple question, Cherie. That's mah favourite guy there. and yea... charge simple things to go boom or amplify the power? Yup. I'm game.
Tez - 02:44pm, 22nd April 2016
Daredevil because he's a total badass!
Bryan - 02:45pm, 22nd April 2016
I've always been partial to Spider-Man and Wolverine, so I think I'd have to go with Wolverine. He's practically indestructible, he is a living weapon, and he'll live for hundreds of years.
Atom - 02:46pm, 22nd April 2016
Doom. Not a hero you say?! Everyone knows THE ONLY SAVED WORLD, IS A WORLD RULED BY DOOM!
Scott - 02:46pm, 22nd April 2016
Doctor Strange because he can tame that Dark Dimension strange!
mike - 02:47pm, 22nd April 2016
Wolverine healing factor is win
KaptnG - 02:47pm, 22nd April 2016
The Hulk, because he looks Smashing!!
Rusty S. - 02:48pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-man, been a big fan for a long time. Iron man is a close second because of the kick ass tech and suits
Syn - 02:49pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Strange. Who wouldn't to be the Sorcerer Supreme? Teleportation, Telepathy, Flight, Telekinesis, Time Control and a thousand other things. Doesn't get better than that.
Silverage - 02:49pm, 22nd April 2016
Thor because Immortal and awesome. Have at thee!
BC - 02:49pm, 22nd April 2016
Emma Frost, because I own a mirror.
doug-meteyard-1461333148 - 02:54pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron man of course because like the joker said in batman "where does he get all those wondeful toys?!!!?
Jeff - 02:55pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man -- Billionaire, philanthropist, playboy...and a cool suit of armor!
Bvrg - 02:55pm, 22nd April 2016
Definitely Thor :D Who wouldn't want to be a god? :D
Gokaiza - 02:56pm, 22nd April 2016
Psylocke because she's a psychic ninja with purple butterflies!
tmhughes81 - 02:56pm, 22nd April 2016
Rogue. Basically unlimited power if necessary, but also a built in excuse to not be around people whenever I want.
Brian - 03:00pm, 22nd April 2016
Magik so I could just send people I don't like to Limbo. Like many of my co-workers....
gryxyz - 03:00pm, 22nd April 2016
Spiderman - just because he's been a huge part of my childhood in the 90s! :)
Codename 47 - 03:00pm, 22nd April 2016
Thor. Because who wouldn't enjoy being a demi-god and smiting people with lightning?
XKrieg - 03:00pm, 22nd April 2016
Wolverine. Because immortality and badass claws. Or I guess X-23 works too because you still get the immortality and claws without the extra weight(full adamantium skeleton).
Hoten - 03:01pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd want to be Thor. I'm not the biggest fan of hammers/maces as weapons but he throws lightning around like a boss and I dig the hat.
vivihiete - 03:01pm, 22nd April 2016
Rogue. You can have all the powers :D
Flooby - 03:02pm, 22nd April 2016
Jean Grey, flying and mind reading...sold
Flare - 03:04pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool because I get to regen my health and be able to use katanas!
JakkJakk - 03:04pm, 22nd April 2016
Doctor Strange
First off, having the magical ability to deserve the title Sorcerer Supreme would be pretty nice.
Doctor strange has incredible power but he also has a good understanding of humilty and restraint, unlike someother so called 'Superheroes'.
He is also a skilled martial artist, an expert strategist, and when assisted by his magic able to once again show his great skill in neurosurgery.
If he should require power beyond his own personal magic, he can utilise a large amount of magical artifacts to supplement his strength.
Korren - 03:05pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-Man, because with great power comes great responsibility.
Philomelos - 03:05pm, 22nd April 2016
STAR-LORD! Because Guardians get the job right. And his weapon is cool.
dawil - 03:06pm, 22nd April 2016
Rogue. all the powers. except if you cant find anyone else with powers.
EgadZOINKS - 03:06pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool because life is serious enough as it is.
truong-pham huy-1461333788 - 03:07pm, 22nd April 2016
Yeah, i want to be Wolverine. Reason: Dual-hand Claw, Immortal, favorite character at Marvel game fighting and i'm a fan with Hugh Jackman.
Tolkair - 03:07pm, 22nd April 2016
I would have to say DOOM. After all DOOM already has conquered the world.
james-kephart-1461333992 - 03:08pm, 22nd April 2016
Gambit is by far the coolest hero in the Marvel universe. He just oozes style.
weezyfiggs - 03:11pm, 22nd April 2016
Nightcrawler, because all I really want is to be able to teleport. It would save me so much money on car payments, gas, insurance, etc.
josh-ziegler-1461334107 - 03:11pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd be Spider-Man because he's the TRUE superhero we deserve. And I like swinging through the city on web, too.
TED - 03:12pm, 22nd April 2016
I would be Thor because I know I am worthy and can be trusted to handle Mjolliner!
mandygirl - 03:12pm, 22nd April 2016
Rogue because then I can just steal any power I want, and she has great hair.
Jithero - 03:12pm, 22nd April 2016
Nightcrawler! Because.. who wouldn't want to be a swashbuckling, blue, teleporting demon?
wilson-mok-1461334279 - 03:14pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool, because DEADPOOL IS AWESOME.
Sylvanas1000 - 03:14pm, 22nd April 2016
I would be Deadpool. Surviving cancer as well as having all of the skiils he has would be awesome.
Tizlor - 03:17pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-man, strength, speed, agility, i'd dominate every sport.
Jereme Hood - 03:17pm, 22nd April 2016
If I could be just one SuperHero from Marvel Heroes, I would want to be The Punisher. I know he is not "Super" in a sense of not having abilities like other SuperHeroes and many do not like him for the way he handles things (you know, the brutality and excessive killing), but he just wants Justice. He is a mere Human, just like you and me, who wants to clense the world from evil. He is a talented marksman, strong, fast, smart, and a survivor. He was intended to be a villian (from his first appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man #129), but the heart of Frank Castle is a good person. I mean, I wouldn't want to lose my family in a tragedy. I would just like to try to do some good in this world and I believe that is what The Punisher tries to do, just in a way that he know and a way he does best.
cappadonna - 03:18pm, 22nd April 2016
I would want to be Iron Fist. I've always been a nerd when it comes to Kung Fu. Being a master of practically any fighting style, as well as being able to harness my chi to do inhuman things sounds like a lot of fun. Plus, I'd get to wear slippers.
Helton Matiazi - 03:18pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man. Because he has a job and a house.
Scotoe - 03:18pm, 22nd April 2016
Doom, cause the value of treasure increases merely by being in Doom's presence.
Jabil - 03:18pm, 22nd April 2016
I would say deadpool. I already have the sarcasm part handled, and who wouldnt want regeneration?
Dan - 03:19pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd want to be Mr. Fantastic. Being able to invent anything humanity would need would be awesome, and I'd be married to the awesome Sue Storm.
Rogeez - 03:19pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool - because chimichangas!
MrStrange - 03:21pm, 22nd April 2016
I would definitely choose Doctor Strange, he is able to do pretty much anything with magic, he has a cool costume with an awesome cape i like the way he conjures his spells and also the title of sorceror supreme is pretty cool.
windgod2000 - 03:21pm, 22nd April 2016
Cyclops, Because he always knows what he wants and how to get it. As well as ready to lead his friends into battle.
Forser - 03:22pm, 22nd April 2016
Rocket Racoon, because i love to tinker with tech stuff and so does Rocket.
Crange - 03:23pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool because fuck you.
Frankenandy - 03:25pm, 22nd April 2016
Professor X, for sure. World's most powerful telepath? I'd never get stuck behind some jerk in traffic ever again!
Lioneye - 03:25pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Strange. I always wanted to be a sorcerer when I was a kid.
Infuriator - 03:27pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-man because he's simply amazing. :D
Patrick - 03:29pm, 22nd April 2016
Invisible Woman, because she is different to other heroes out there in many different ways. She is pretty bad ass but she also has humane side of her, she will do anything for her kids, She represents a woman of power and I really love that. Her powers are also pretty awesome, she can pretty much create anything in a blink of an eye, she is one of the most powerful ones out there within Marvel Universe.. She might not eb a popular pick in Marvel Heroes but for me she will always be #1
Nik - 03:29pm, 22nd April 2016
Ironman of course. Attitude inside an unbreakable suit? I 'll take that!
AzureAnon - 03:30pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd want to be Captain America, because of all the respect that he gets...and have you seen his pecs? ;)
Thanks for the giveaway, by the way!
AuronNS - 03:30pm, 22nd April 2016
Emma Frost. Look at those HUGE..... eyes :D.
Lucas LeCompte - 03:31pm, 22nd April 2016
I would want to be Dr. Doom just so that I can yell DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!! at random times eg in the middle of a wedding.
Dexy - 03:31pm, 22nd April 2016
Invisible Woman, because I always wondered if I would classify as a perv, being an invisible woman and all...
PyrokaiserX - 03:38pm, 22nd April 2016
Juggernaut because he can punch time with bare hands !
sean-suessenguth-1461335829 - 03:38pm, 22nd April 2016
Thor..I mean have you seen them abs?
Cronos - 03:38pm, 22nd April 2016
Juggernaut, so I can smash through walls and shout "I'm the Juggernaut bitch".
CptScorp - 03:39pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man! Who wouldn't love to be genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist? :D
Plus, come on... He's just completely awesome and since he's a regular human with no super powers, that makes it even better and closer to possible :p
Tim - 03:40pm, 22nd April 2016
Colossus. Strong, smart, and occasionally super shiny!
Runner up choice would probably be Black Panther, because who doesn't want to run their own seclusive kingdom (while not being evil).
BurberryJam - 03:41pm, 22nd April 2016
Vision, Cause then Id be able to fly through walls!
Teukro - 03:41pm, 22nd April 2016
Angel, so I can take to the skies, look amazing while doing it and also be a millionaire, quite convenient once I have my foot on the ground.
Chelebelle - 03:42pm, 22nd April 2016
Kate Bishop. Plucky, sharky heiress is my spirit animal. She's like the Penny to Hawkeyes Gadget.
RaphPatch - 03:42pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Fist. So that I can find inner peace and actually be good at martial arts... Also being rich doesn't hurt.
Frost - 03:43pm, 22nd April 2016
Emma Frost. Super Intelligent and can read minds
Amanda Allen - 03:43pm, 22nd April 2016
Scarlet Witch - let's fight for mutant rights!
neroaelous - 03:43pm, 22nd April 2016
Gambit because he is a sexy mofo.
The powers would be cool too...I guess.
Jovenl83 - 03:44pm, 22nd April 2016
Mr Fantastic, so that can i create revolutionary equipments to make the world a better place.
painlock - 03:44pm, 22nd April 2016
Santa Claus. Because he is omega level OP mutant and knows where all the bad girls live :)
Sacout - 03:44pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man, his suit is too cool and he has dem moneys!
MishMatt - 03:45pm, 22nd April 2016
Doctor strange, rain, hail or hell fire ill be ready to save the day
James - 03:46pm, 22nd April 2016
Rogue, cause than I can have everyone's powers!!
alex-popovich-1461336162 - 03:46pm, 22nd April 2016
Punisher, cuz he's doin' his job and doin' it good!
Gatofranco - 03:46pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd have to say Gambit, he's just too awesome, a great fighter and can make anything go boom, what else could I need?
bluejay013 - 03:46pm, 22nd April 2016
Gambit cause i always thought his powers were so cool and interesting
Natsu - 03:47pm, 22nd April 2016
It's a bit difficult to choose one at first, but once you thinks about it, I will choose to be Scarlet Witch. I always liked her since I first know her in the comics, her abilities are amazing, having so much power and trying to do the right things as her, could be the most epic life. And of course, having such an important brother as Pietro. Fighting side by side.
dantivirus - 03:47pm, 22nd April 2016
I would say Dr. Doom. Some see him as evil, yes he has made mistakes. Yet his genius is without doubt and he truly cares for Latveria. There have also been numerous times he has acted to save the world. So while he is not perfect he is a good choice.
After all what may seem evil to one may seem good to another. So I say everyone can be redeemed if given the chance. Why not Dr. Doom?
KornPrime - 03:48pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-Man, cause I sort of already am but without the powers. Just a lot of sense of responsibility!
DottieUnderwood - 03:48pm, 22nd April 2016
Jean Grey! Despite her power and many deaths over the years she always continues to hold her values and her friends close but most imporantly, she owns up to her past mistakes and wants to make up for her sins of the past and for those who she's hurt. Also because who doesn't want to fly around with a giant fiery bird trailing behind them?
DarkBeast - 03:48pm, 22nd April 2016
Beast. Not in the game just yet but finally being added this year. Been pushing for the inclusion of the rest of the Original 5 X-Men since Beta. And now he's finally happening. Still need playable Archangel, but hopefully next year for that. For now at least we have Angel and Archangel as team-ups.
Jon - 03:48pm, 22nd April 2016
Cable; Time traveling, omega level psion, with an arsenal!
GoJoBoMoFo - 03:49pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd have to go with Ghost Rider. A major badass that rides a motorcycle. Did I mention he's a skeleton? Or that he's on fire!?
Eddpiek - 03:49pm, 22nd April 2016
If I could be an hero, I would be Vision. My life is insignificant, but if i was vision i could live being data in the virtual universe, i would learn a lot of things and live in my favorite part of this world, which is the virtual part. The other vision abilities are great tho.
Jeremy - 03:49pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool, because he knows he's not real so he can do whatever he wants and break any and all laws of physics.
@freezestar on twitter - 03:49pm, 22nd April 2016
This is a hard choice, I would have to pick Star-Lord. Going around the galaxy having fun, saving worlds.
kyle-pierce-1461336456 - 03:50pm, 22nd April 2016
I would have to say Vision, his body is a composite of vibranium, he has the brain power of Jarvis, and an infinity stone at his disposal. Sounds unbeatable to me!
Eliphas - 03:50pm, 22nd April 2016
Ghost Rider, because his head is on fire. There are lots of things you could do if your head was on fire, and think of all the money you could save on lighting.
Mogtones - 03:51pm, 22nd April 2016
I would say Spider-man, as a child I looked up to him. I collected training cards of him, I read all of his comics and he encouraged me to be an artist. His powers intrigue me alot with the spidey-sense. Being able to feel dangr before it happens, who wouldn't want that these days.
AnkhXIII - 03:51pm, 22nd April 2016
Scarlet Witch. Reality warping powers would be pretty awesome.
Vaggernaut - 03:51pm, 22nd April 2016
Jaggernaut!!Cause he is Unstoppable Force!!
Ernthegreat - 03:52pm, 22nd April 2016
DEADPOOL! 'Cause freaky cellular regeneration for the win, bitches! Plus just check out that ass.
SkrappyMagic - 03:52pm, 22nd April 2016
Spiderman. Along with having awesome powers and a cool suit, he gets along with all the other supergroups, and the majority of other superheroes.
He's also one of the only heroes to personally meet The One-Above-All, which I think would be a great addition to a super-resume.
Badhammer - 03:53pm, 22nd April 2016
Moon Knight, being the fist of Khonshu would be pretty sweet but being a superhero with a mental disorder would also be pretty sweet. Everyone has their problems, but moon knight has a lot going on within his own, he is in and out of reality with different personalities taking over; why would this be fun you might ask well at least it wouldn't be boring. you know who has a boring life? iron man, a rich alcoholic trying to do whats right, boring. Moon Knight, a multiple personality crazy with voices in his head trying to figure out what is real and stop evil or whatever khonshu points him at, that sounds fun.
Mike Grace - 03:53pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool says he would like to be me. I just want him to stop making chimichangas in my kitchen. Please send help, the smell is atrocious.
LostMarbles - 03:54pm, 22nd April 2016
Kitty Pride. I would get into fights and play "U Can't Touch this" while dancing.
MEGAMINDED - 03:54pm, 22nd April 2016
Spiderman because he is simply my favorite comic character since i was 4
fruitspunch - 03:56pm, 22nd April 2016
deadpool for his epic randomness and wackyness and i mean technically you can't die.. i could try very dangerous stunts.
Dylune - 03:57pm, 22nd April 2016
I would love to be Nightcrawler. Why? Take a look at my list:
Pros- Teleportation ability, acrobatic skills, sword-fighting, has lots of friends with powers to complement his talents. He speaks German fluently. No need to dress up for Halloween! Prehensile tail included!
Cons- Sulphuric smell, prejudice for mutants and tattooed blue-demonlike people.
jcjm55 - 03:57pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr Strange. One who dominates the magic dominates immortality
Amirmuc - 03:58pm, 22nd April 2016
I would choose to be captain america so I'll have a shield made of vibranium!!! That would be awsome
Josh - 03:58pm, 22nd April 2016
current venom. An actual (by definition) symbiote that can gain and transfer knowledge and manipulate some of your physiology would be cool.
andrew-buresh-1461336914 - 03:58pm, 22nd April 2016
Black Bolt, sure he gives a new meaning to the silent but deadly mantra but having that type of desctructive power, hard to pass up, plus no one ever expects you to ever say grace at the dinner table so win/win. OH and you also get to be king of an entire people so if your into riding the power trip train, sign up.
Tordinrak - 03:59pm, 22nd April 2016
For me it would be Captain America. Son's favorite hero, good guy, nothing over the top powerwise.
Guest - 04:00pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-Man. Because it was the first hero i knew and i like him since i was a kid :)
Also he is the only superhero i know that has a normal life (study, job) just like normal people...
Guest - 04:45pm, 22nd April 2016
he* was the first hero i knew
Tropx - 04:00pm, 22nd April 2016
Hi guys deadpool here.
I would like to be wolverine because he is such a cutie when he is angry also he is got some awesome healing factor and sharp claws he can cut chimichanga with.
EspyGrrl - 04:02pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-Gwen! Best costume for spider-man and one of The Most OP characters in the game! Dodge, swing, web and kick! hehe
HoneyTheBadger - 04:02pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd like to be iceman hes so strong even he underestimates his own power. Plus I hate drinks without ice
Mr. Hill - 04:03pm, 22nd April 2016
Thor - Flying, Long Life. Strong, Leader, Hammer
Denver - 04:04pm, 22nd April 2016
I want to be the Agent Coulson Team-Up, because then that means I am voiced by Clark Gregg and if I am voiced by Clark Gregg I must therfore be Clark Gregg, real life superhero.
tutotuhi - 04:05pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man, cool tech and a billionaire can't ask for much more!
Centrius - 04:07pm, 22nd April 2016
Captain America.
The iconic do gooder. The champion of righteousness. I would love to be him. Doing the good in the best way Captain America can. Symbol of freedom that this world now needs. Bringing hope to the hopeless.
My favorite superhero of all time Captain America.
osakarrt - 04:08pm, 22nd April 2016
Rogue, can get any power I want!
Sooparyan - 04:08pm, 22nd April 2016
I would be Slapstick. Being a living cartoon is the dream of every adolescent. I would never have to grow up, get a job, be responsible for anything or anyone and enjoy all the benefits of cartoon physics. The adult in me wants this so bad!
Andrew - 04:09pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd want to be Storm.
Probably one of the most underated convenient powers you could ever have. Plan a trip and it rains, make it sunny. Drought? Make it rain. Too hot? Lower the temperature. No snow on Christmas!?! You get the idea :)
Plus lightning is pretty kick-ass offensively.
Trevor Mark - 04:10pm, 22nd April 2016
Storm! While she's not amazing in the game (let's hope for a Jean Grey style QOL update), she's always been my favorite. Controlling weather is such a powerful tool and they elude to Omega power in her. I would LOVE to see this implemented.
TheFantasticLlamaboy - 04:10pm, 22nd April 2016
Nightcrawler! BAMFing around at fast speeds, teleporting through crazy distances to pop right behind you. Bonus points for swords
hogor - 04:10pm, 22nd April 2016
bacchusthedrunk - 04:11pm, 22nd April 2016
Morph. Because insanity and shapeshifting go hand in hand.
kloolk - 04:11pm, 22nd April 2016
Definitley Fantastic Five Spider-Man! Any time Spider-Man and The Fantastic Four team up is the best!
Andrew Ho - 04:14pm, 22nd April 2016
Silver Surfer. Always wanted to travel the world so why not travel galaxies?
Rick Santos - 04:14pm, 22nd April 2016
Multiple Man - Jamie Madrox
One copy would be reading comics , another fighting crime, other cooking dinner , another study , another playing sports , another sleeping , another playing marvel heroes , and another watching marvel series <3
trbickmore - 04:15pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-Man, because then I'd have an excuse for the white stains on my clothes.
DrPEnix - 04:16pm, 22nd April 2016
Gotta be Iron man, the man with suits of armor for all situations and the money to boot. + the armors looks so good
Cousinseb - 04:20pm, 22nd April 2016
Squirrel Girl, because, who don't want to have a army of little furry balls ?
sweetpoison - 04:20pm, 22nd April 2016
Cyclops - because "Just what the Professor ordered"
somms - 04:21pm, 22nd April 2016
Wolverine, because I've always wanted to pop adamantium claws out of my fists. Not necessarily for violence sake, but just to make a point, bub.
marloko - 04:22pm, 22nd April 2016
Cable - badass soldier with access to an arsenal, extensive combat training, president of his own country, time traveler AND a omega level telepath... sign me in
gamerzdu04 - 04:23pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Strange, because he has a vast pool of powers, trinkets and artifacts for any situation. (also for his Sanctorum)
StarLord - 04:24pm, 22nd April 2016
Star Lord, cause traveling across the universe as the one and only... You know... Star-Lord, man... Legendary Outlaw... Forget it.
arneeee - 04:26pm, 22nd April 2016
Star-Lord!!!!!!!!!! I love space. I love guns. I love adventure. I want me to have a helmet like his. etc etc etc :)))))))))) nah, he's just really my most favorite :3
Deadpool2449 - 04:26pm, 22nd April 2016
Cable, I've alway wanted a little telekinesis in my life, and traveling through time would be very interesting to say the least. Plus I would get to be besties with Deadpool right?
shottyguns - 04:32pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr.Strange, would like explore all the infinity universes/parellels in the world
digitalyak - 04:34pm, 22nd April 2016
Rocket Raccoon.
I'd be cute, furry, irresistable to women who like cute furry things. And best of all I get to use massive guns. And a sarcastic and witty outlook would just be a bonus too :)
kyle-fermin-1461339293 - 04:36pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Strange because I want to be a sorcerer!
HornpubHD - 04:37pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool,because his crazynes matches my crazynes :)
Omar Villa - 04:39pm, 22nd April 2016
Of course Squirl Girl... Who wouldnt like to have a prehensil tail!!! Also, I could kick Dooms a***
marv - 04:40pm, 22nd April 2016
I would be Black Panther, because he's just badass. He cares for his people, he uses his mind at least as much as he uses his physical strength and power, if not nore than his physical powers.
Mari - 04:40pm, 22nd April 2016
Scarlet Witch. Having the ability to bend reality sounds like it could be a lot of fun (leaving the moral implications aside).
Andrew Hwang - 04:40pm, 22nd April 2016
Magneto. Magnetisim is overpowered and awesome!
Adam - 04:41pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool, bc being that crazy is fun
TaylorNotSoSwift - 04:42pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd probably wanna be Black Panther cuz he's like the richest comic book character ever.
Argon76 - 04:42pm, 22nd April 2016
Wolverine because he is immortal, has a healing factor, and has awesome claws. thats pretty much my dream.
Neziah - 04:42pm, 22nd April 2016
I would like to be Nightcrawler because I could teleport anywhere in the world. I would finally be able to adventure all across the planet without worrying about having a place to stay or not being able to see the sights because of bad weather.
Chronozus - 04:44pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Doom. 3/4 cup god like powers. 2 tablespoons of genius intellect. 300g of monarchy. A dash of insanity, vanity, and your choice of spices. What does it make? The invinceble saviour of humanity (ignore the weakness to squirrels, he's quite sensitive to that).
Wolflord - 04:45pm, 22nd April 2016
Actually, there rare quite a few characters in Marvel Heroes that I'd like to be. Dr Doom, Ghost Rider, Daredevil, Spider-Man... But if I had to pick only one, it would be Wolverine. Allow me to explain.
When I was 16 - on my 16th birthday, to be precise -, I entered hospital where I was told I had leukemia. I had no idea what it was, other than a severe condition. In a short time, I learnt what it really was and what could happen. So I had to go through chemotherapy, a long process of putting drugs into my body, try to heal on a cellular level with no guarantee of success - and failure would mean death. In the end, I won my battle against cancer, grew my hair back, and got out of that difficult time of my life, forever changed as a person.
What does Wolverine has to do with that ? He had to survive a long process of stuff being put inside of him too (even if adamantium sounds like a better option than various medicine drugs). He survived it and became stronger. He has the healing factor that every cancer patient can only dream of. He and I are quite small-sized and short-tempered too, not very social, but very reliable friends when trusted.
Coincidentally, he's also the last character at this date that I unlocked through Random Hero Box. I know Wolverine means a lot to a lot of comic book fans around the world, but I feel, quite selfishly, that I have a special link to him. I don't mean to make people feel sad for my story, nor would Logan want anyone to pity him for his past. We just want to be the best at what we do, as survivors.
Aviv Ost - 04:47pm, 22nd April 2016
probably nightcrawler because:
1)he is blue,fricking blue! it's my favorite
2) he has a tail,and again, who don't want to have a tail?!
3)he just looks cool in general
4) oh and ye, he can teleport which is pretty nifty, I 'll never be late again!
Justin - 04:49pm, 22nd April 2016
Howard the Duck. He didn't ask to be here, and yet he is right in the middle when everything goes down. And he is always the smartest duck in the room.
Pawel - 04:50pm, 22nd April 2016
This is really good question. My choice is Scarlet Witch even if she is a woman, I can be male version... Scarlet Witcher. The best thing in her is that she can unmake realitty. If I had this power I could bring to life my father and spend with him more time... that's all.
Koios90 - 05:36pm, 22nd April 2016
I think there actually is a Scarlet Witch-ish male Marvel hero: Wiccan ;)
Mogget - 04:51pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool all the way! Living in your own reality, breaking the fourth wall. Wham!
john-axys-1461340158 - 04:51pm, 22nd April 2016
Jean Grey, a.k.a Phoenix because she's the living being that dwells between life and death, she is fire incarnate. Plus she eats solar systems so duh.
KStew - 04:54pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-Man. He is friends with all the heroes and is the heart & soul of the Marvel Universe.
Leon - 04:55pm, 22nd April 2016
Definitely Forge. Who wouldn't want to create their own super-computer or other handy stuff!?
Gisela - 04:55pm, 22nd April 2016
Emma Frost! Telepathy... diamond body... Scott Summers! I definitely would like to be her.
Renato Provazi - 04:56pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man becouse Black Widow digs him, i mean, all woman digs him but her in particular
Shiniholum - 04:57pm, 22nd April 2016
Richard Rider, the Nova Prime. Although Spidey is my favorite and I love using his TASM-Barnes costume in Marvel Heroes with my Agent Venom Team up I would have to go with Richard Rider. The fact that he grew from just some kid from Long Island who was just a human rocket to the leader of the united cosmic allied front in the war against Annihilius is just so awe inspiring. With the entirity of the Nova Force flowing through his body his is on par with other cosmic empowered entities like the Silver Surfer with the Power Cosmic or even Quasar with the Quantum Bands. I dream of exploring the stars and being able to traverse the cosmos alone is reason enough.
scott-clark vo-1461340598 - 04:57pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool because I would have kitanas and guns dude!
Chances - 04:57pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr Strange because I've always wanted to be Benedict Cumberbatch.
Jeff - 05:00pm, 22nd April 2016
Taskmaster - sort of the smorgasbord hero. Could try out being any of several other heroes.
Curry - 05:00pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron man- I would choose iron man because he helps the military from time to time. With my wife being active duty in the navy I would get to work side by side with her keeping the place safe and America free.
Joffarn - 05:00pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool, because i would never had to take anything serious
OoglyBoogley - 05:01pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-Man. Web slinging fun all across Manhattan. Upside down kissing. It be a blast.
Samurai2 - 05:01pm, 22nd April 2016
Wolverine. Healing factor would be great to have.
UK Jellyjam - 05:06pm, 22nd April 2016
Magik! A hardened hero that's overcome some hellacious adversity. Also shout outs to the underrated/under-repped.
Glacius - 05:08pm, 22nd April 2016
Doctor Doom, because this game shall soon reach its inevitable conclusion -- -- and the final triumph shall belong to Doctor Doom!
Samuel - 05:08pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron man, because money is the best power.
Jeramy - 05:08pm, 22nd April 2016
wolverine cause who doesn't want to be almost indestructable
Raimundo Lopez - 05:09pm, 22nd April 2016
Thor because will be nice to be an powerful inmortal God
mitch-krueger-1461341365 - 05:11pm, 22nd April 2016
Any of them. Who doesn't want to be a super hero!
Perplexing - 05:12pm, 22nd April 2016
I will have to go with doctor strange. he's basically ageless after he faced Death. his powers are vast and there is an incredibly wide array of them which he can use.
Shadow_kamui - 05:15pm, 22nd April 2016
Hulk beacause Hulk smash and he is all powerfull and has healing factor and is totally awsome
KloKaliX - 05:16pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool, hands down. I'm already fugly so no real lose there. The healing! The wit! Most importantly who doesnt wanna go head to two in skinclad leather atleast once a day?? Amarite guys ??? Guys...???
Xethor - 05:17pm, 22nd April 2016
Ironman, because i'd be a genius philanthropist playboy billionaire :D.
Godsdragoon - 05:19pm, 22nd April 2016
Silver Surfer becuase who would not want to be able to surf among the stars :D
zengu - 05:21pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Strange because i see him as the a master of both worlds. In our normal world he was a brilliant surgeon. Then he loses it all and works his way up and becomes a master of the magical world becoming Sorcerer Supreme.
Ragmim - 05:22pm, 22nd April 2016
Magneto. Hes a total badass and is not afraid to do the necissary evils to be a savior.
LikeFire - 05:22pm, 22nd April 2016
Jean Grey - She can read minds, manipulate her surroundings, fly, AND harness the power of the phoenix... all around badass.
Lykio - 05:23pm, 22nd April 2016
Human Torch because who never wanted to fly while on fire !
Hueymcduck - 05:23pm, 22nd April 2016
Spiderman. Swinging through cities would be dope
hyperion - 05:25pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Strange because he is sorcere supreme, he is one of the best magic user in Marvel and because Mr. Cucumberbatch will going to play Dr. Strange.
aresD - 05:26pm, 22nd April 2016
Silver Surfer - because I want to surf all over the universe.
ArcticStormbringer - 05:26pm, 22nd April 2016
Rogue, I would be able to steal other powers I wanted. The no touching other people would be a down side, but a livable one for the potential to become the most powerful being on Earth.
SpopDoc - 05:31pm, 22nd April 2016
Ant Man. (Scott Lang)
You get to hang out with your favorite idols, enjoy your job and communicate, control and shrink to a size of an ant.
hotohori75 - 05:33pm, 22nd April 2016
Storm - the powers of flight and weather control have always appealed to me. so primal and natural.
D-Boy - 05:35pm, 22nd April 2016
As much as I love Spider-Man, I don't live in a town littered with tall buildings. So, with that said, I would totally want to be Ghost Rider. He's got a slick ride, awesome powers, and he looks like a bada$$. I'd be down with being the Spirit of Vengeance.
jec123 - 05:37pm, 22nd April 2016
NOVA - Always wanted to be an intergalactic police! :D
scaredwolf - 05:39pm, 22nd April 2016
Rogue - The ability to steal (or borrow) the powers of friends or foes, creating any combination of powers that may make her quite powerful. IF one recalls, she is able to touch people these days, without doing so, knocking them out, but she can quickly disable nearly any other hero with just a touch thanks to her own powers.
Madrigale - 05:42pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd want to be Star-Lord. He's snarky, but good-hearted and noble, and he routinely travels around the galaxy to protect it. Plus, the Milano is one hell of a ride, and he's half-alien!
lordfril - 05:42pm, 22nd April 2016
Scarlet Witch. Nothing else matters when you can unmake/remake reality around you.
undeadtexan - 05:42pm, 22nd April 2016
Green Goblin cause he's got a glider
robert-williams-1461343445 - 05:45pm, 22nd April 2016
I would be the Punisher. Because my family is annoying but I've always wanted a van.
Daniel - 05:47pm, 22nd April 2016
Wraith (Zak-Del) - Immortality and a weapon that can morph into pretty much everything? Yes, please! Oh, and his space ship is styled like a giant motorcycle with laser cannons... O.o
Zambi - 05:47pm, 22nd April 2016
colossus post cyttorak, able toggle your abilities and have a healthier state of mind plus being unstoppable isn't to bad
LordZephiel - 05:50pm, 22nd April 2016
Emma Frost:
She can read minds and hit very hard with her diamond form.
DrTheopolis - 05:50pm, 22nd April 2016
IRON MAN, of course!
WRice - 05:51pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-Man, because if I had Spider-Sense I'd still have my phone.
lequiras - 05:51pm, 22nd April 2016
hawkeye, because hes somehow able to stick around without any powers while still standing up for whats right.
Usershame - 05:53pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool because i filter my pain through comedy as well.
Razyrous - 05:55pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd want to be Deadpool because not only he has badass powers, suit and attitude but he also has a badass girlfriend that loves him for who he is and not for his powers.
notwiesler - 05:56pm, 22nd April 2016
Probably Spiderman, he has some seriously cool powers, but with great powers comes a lot of baggage.
Joel J Deeter - 05:58pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-man!!! Wallcrawling, Danger-sence amd WEBSLINGING WTF!!!!!!!! and the agility that he posesses would make life so much more fun. Strong enough to take down bullies and gentle enough to help thos in need. Spidey all the way
Joe - 06:00pm, 22nd April 2016
I think time travel is pretty cool and no body embodies a time traveler more than Cable. Plus, I dig how confusing his back story and family life are. Any guesses who will play him in Deadpool 2??
Flattophero - 06:02pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool because... Chimichagas.
Nerzule - 06:03pm, 22nd April 2016
Ironman because his true superpower is the ability to show off his wicked facial hair in order to get laid!
Yagunae - 06:06pm, 22nd April 2016
I would love to be Wolverine.
His regneration abilities are awesome and make him kinda unkillable. No matter what happens to you, you just won't die. Also the way he ages so slowly is awesome.
welshmerican - 06:07pm, 22nd April 2016
I would be Wolverine. Lots of pain and rage but I would use my decreased aging to be able to...well, do what Logan does. Try to make the wrongs right.
jarr0dk - 06:07pm, 22nd April 2016
Gambit cause he's the ragin cajun :D
CC - 06:07pm, 22nd April 2016
Rocket because I like big flarkin' guns!
PandaSkunkPunk - 06:12pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Fist.
Zen lifestyle, chi based powers that can imbue other weapons, and being a source of hope for an entire mythical city.
gypsy - 06:13pm, 22nd April 2016
i would be scarlet witch because although her early life was filled with lies (and lousy roll models) she rose above all the dark stuff and is a hero now.
walter-guevara-1461345224 - 06:15pm, 22nd April 2016
Emma Frost because she is a proud bitch and so am I.
Kedavra89 - 06:16pm, 22nd April 2016
Ultron....well he will be added soon...and i want to play with him because he has no Strings on himself. And to play Villain is not bad at all.
MikeyC69 - 06:19pm, 22nd April 2016
I'm going to have to go with Forge. Being able to think up something and always be able to figure out how to build it would be awesome. I love tinkering and with that ability it would take a current hobby to whole other levels.
Lucas Augusto - 06:21pm, 22nd April 2016
Hulk, Hulk smash and gods are weak.
jeff-mckeeby-1461345465 - 06:21pm, 22nd April 2016
If i could be any hero in marvel heroes i would like to be Ironman first because hes super rich, second because he is a genius and third....i mean do i really need to mention he has like 50 million diffrent suits of armor for any situation out there i think not.
Viperon - 06:22pm, 22nd April 2016
Magneto, because he is he is the master of magnetism.
Paolo Panes - 06:23pm, 22nd April 2016
Mr Fantastic: Genius level intellect, beautiful wife, badass powers
Starless - 06:23pm, 22nd April 2016
Nightcrawler. How can you not love the bamfing German acrobat?
zehko - 06:27pm, 22nd April 2016
Ant manbecause you can go anywhere without be seen and know so many things about science
Grignox - 06:28pm, 22nd April 2016
Definately Magneto...the power to control metal in the modern world is just too much to pass up.
MindControL - 06:29pm, 22nd April 2016
Punisher. I enjoy the character in both the comics and in game.
Kizer - 06:32pm, 22nd April 2016
Ghost Rider has always been my favorite. He isn't afraid of self sacrifice to do what he thinks is right which is an important characteristic of a hero. Also motorcycles are cool
Ruk - 06:34pm, 22nd April 2016
Psylocke would be my choice just gender bending to a male. Teleporting telepathic ninja.
spartankelli - 06:34pm, 22nd April 2016
Squirrel Girl, because seriously - squirrels!
Destrucko - 06:35pm, 22nd April 2016
Despite his flaws and the weight of leadership towards mutantkind, he accept his responsibility and lead the X-Men for better life.
He train his fellow X-Men to their limits knowing that make him hated among them to equip them for dangerous senarios they may encounter.
Such leadership and sacrifice is a feat to be followed.
ShiningCo - 06:36pm, 22nd April 2016
Jean, because she has amazing powers.
luca-forno-1461346387 - 06:37pm, 22nd April 2016
Cap America because he's a righteous man and he tries to do the right thing always.
And we need more honesty and fairness nowadays...
geojameson - 06:37pm, 22nd April 2016
Punisher, because sometimes the law is inadequate. In order to shame it's inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law. To pursue... natural justice.
Deggies - 06:38pm, 22nd April 2016
Professor X, cause his chair is probably crazy comfy.
Niconidas - 06:40pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Doom,
For all the flack he gets for being 'evil', he still keeps his country a happy paradise (under his benevolent dictatorship) and occasionally helps out the superheroes (helping deliver Valeria, in the Ultimate universe, willingly go into the Marvel Zombies universe, etc...). If it wasn't for his irrational hatred of Reed Richards, he could be the best superhero the Marvel universe will ever see! Instead, we only get to see him be awesome every once so often.
goldsurfer98 - 06:42pm, 22nd April 2016
Squirrel Girl. I would let my squirrels do all the work for me and they could do little shows in the city to earn some cash, I could let them rob banks, maybe they are able to learn how to use guns to rob people and eventually I'll become king of the planet. Until the squirrels eventually get self aware, plan a conspiracy, overthrow me and develop a machine to turn humans into nuts. But that's a risk I'm willing to take.
Kura - 06:42pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool because I love tacos.
zizoul - 06:42pm, 22nd April 2016
spiderman...he has the most costume in the game
Haldier - 06:44pm, 22nd April 2016
I think I'd like to be Iron Man because I love technology plus you can fly, you look super badass and the thing that you can talk with Jarvis/Friday every time you want and that you can build super cool stuff sounds like my perfect dream!
Riccardo - 06:45pm, 22nd April 2016
Daredevil,because i could feel the world around me in a total different way
Skallox - 06:50pm, 22nd April 2016
Emma Frost, because she is Kween.
artistye - 06:50pm, 22nd April 2016
Star-Lord (Peter Quill)
Who wouldnt want to adventure through space as the lead member of the Guardians of the Galaxy!? Saving lives and winning the hearts of space babes across the galaxy!
Thenazum - 06:50pm, 22nd April 2016
Spiderman (Peter Parker ofcourse)!
Despite having a rough childhood, losing both parents and being raised by his uncle and aunt, having a difficult time in high school and losing his uncle too who he could "save" when he got his spider powers, he still kept on going and trying to help people in trouble as friendly neighborhood spiderman.
Also by working hard as Peter Parker (with a little help of Doc Ock) he managed to achieve something big by creating one of the biggest companies in marvel universe, which is trying to help people on a bigger scale.
He became one of the biggest marvel universe "superstars" with his hard work, honesty, humor and a bit of spidey luck. Being able to see yourself in a story like this and seeing how one can react makes his story really inspiring .
zoey-broussard-1461347358 - 06:52pm, 22nd April 2016
I would want to be Rogue. I'd honestly have no problem giving up skin contact for the ability to steal other heroes' powers.
honchurch - 06:52pm, 22nd April 2016
Deaadpool because I don't eat people. Well....... Not Anymore.......
Helpmenameme - 06:54pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd wish to be Silver Surfer. I'd love to leave the bonds of earth and explore the cosmos.
Si^ - 06:55pm, 22nd April 2016
Has to be Ironman, Just all the money and fame!
Fishmaker - 07:01pm, 22nd April 2016
Star-Lord, awesome space adventures and is even portrayed in movies as Chris Pratt.
Virgo - 07:01pm, 22nd April 2016
I would like to be Mystique she is a tatical mastermind playing other people like a symphony she can be anyone and has been a staple in the X-men world long before the movies made her a focal point in the plots. That would be my choice nothing to absolute god like or crazy just regualr everything
BabeBro - 07:04pm, 22nd April 2016
Rogue, because she was created the exact month and year I was born and because I could have any power by just having hers. Although I may not be able to touch anyone, it would still be cool to gain talents and powers or abilities of anyone I have skin contact with. ☺️
Granpa - 07:04pm, 22nd April 2016
Loki, because he's a mastermind!
Antonio - 07:05pm, 22nd April 2016
The Blue Marvel - He is awesome and very, very powerful.
SN - 07:05pm, 22nd April 2016
Without a doubt, Thor.
Think about it, he's lived for thousands of years and seen the world and humanity grow into what it is today. At the same time, he gets to travel through the nine realms, like going in and out of Hel to rescue a fallen brother while battling mythological creatures.
You'd get Mjölnir, an incredibly powerful weapon that will also let you fly (and at some points its even been capable of instant teleportation and time-travel). But even without it, Thor by himself is extremely an extremely skilled fighter, his physiology makes him basically invulnerable, he can withstand almost anything and survive under any conditions, and although not often seen or depicted, he also has some level of super-speed. Aside from all of that, you get the live in Asgard AND go to Valhalla when you die!
I mean, some of the other heroes have some great abilities or cool traits, but to me, Thor is by far the best choice, you'd get to lead a really weird and interesting life, encounter all types of strange creatures and see incredible things. You'd live for thousands of years without the regular downsides of immortality-type powers since you have your fellow Asgardians that live just as long, and who wouldn't want to be part of one of those huge party-feasts that they throw to celebrate?
Besides, your father would be the "All-Father" Odin, who supposedly created Earth, so I mean, he's got them all beat just with that fact alone!
BrigadierBritain - 07:06pm, 22nd April 2016
I want to be Gambit, I'd have abs, a great ass, pockets full of cards that I can convert into grenades, every crazy adventure that comes with being an x-man, and most of all Rogue. Not to mention I'm basically the cajun James Bond.
Matthew Hostetler - 07:09pm, 22nd April 2016
Jean Grey, because Pheonix powers are sexy and full of fire power!
SaintNimrod - 07:10pm, 22nd April 2016
Ant-Man! Going small and be near invisible or going big and kicking ass?! Yes please! Also, controlling ants?! Oh yes!
Alaunus - 07:13pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Strange. I've always liked heroes who learned their powers/skills as opposed to being born with them, and Dr. Strange was always my favorite. Brilliant, knowledgeable, resourceful, super powerful, and sporting an utterly awesome goatee.
V3N0M - 07:13pm, 22nd April 2016
Thor because it is an honor to be a god and be king of the world and defender of many worlds, looking at him they see hope, that he had to be their protector and they will feel safe knowing that god king, hero, will protect them. Thor is the symbol of power,leadership, hope and peace.
Alphawolf143 - 07:13pm, 22nd April 2016
Wolverine! Healing factor means super longevity, plus those sweet sweet bone/adamantium claws!
Nate H - 07:14pm, 22nd April 2016
jean grey, duh.
DrySeaMan - 07:17pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man because who wouldn't want to be a genius, billionaire, playboy, philantropist?
Ozzyfest - 07:17pm, 22nd April 2016
Doom, because Doom is invincible and does as he pleases!
XxTheForcexX - 07:18pm, 22nd April 2016
Black Bolt because he has all that self control which every one of us need if he counts, but if not then probs the Thing because of his indomitable will.
Mag - 07:18pm, 22nd April 2016
Spiderman, I would love to web sling around everywhere!
Atlantis - 07:18pm, 22nd April 2016
Star Lord because legendary outlaw duh.
Sierra Nine - 07:19pm, 22nd April 2016
All of them! That's the beauty of Marvel Heroes! I can play the hero that best suits the mood I'm in, and if my mood changes, so can my hero!
I can be a man from the future with a big gun, or a squirrek girl that just wants to have fun! I can be all hulkish and mean and green and in your face, or a scarlet witch you never see coming.
My favorite Marvel Hero is the one I 'm playing now. And a different one an hour from now.
Valber Paradox - 07:22pm, 22nd April 2016
I've contemplated this question many times throughout my life, and I've changed my answer just as many times. But then I landed on the one superhero who I don't just want to be, but agree with their ideaology and morality. Captain America is not only the hero I'd like to be, but the man I'd like to be. Captain America is a man of justice, hope, compassion, forgiveness, duty, and honor. He may not be the most powerful when it comes to powers, but he is one of the most powerful men in the Marvel universe. His leadership and his charisma allow him to have all from the most noble of gods, to the most driven and intelligent philanthropist genius who happens to be quite talkative(if not overly so). There are many heroes who are stronger, faster, smarter, and more experience. Yet he is one of the few that uphold the values that we all would like to say we have. These are the reasons I would be Captain America.
Havok310 - 07:24pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool, because I want more chimichangas
Munny - 07:27pm, 22nd April 2016
Doctor Doom! I don't need to tell you lesser humans why I've made my choice. Doom owns all, so Doom can destroy all.
Sir Lafmour - 07:27pm, 22nd April 2016
Squirrel Girl because there is nothing like SQUIRREL POWER!
Thor - 07:30pm, 22nd April 2016
Weather manipulation is awesome, I can dry the floor and stop the rain when i want to play basketball, I can make sure the weather is good when I have a date or just screw your competition over (make them look bad)
Tall and Ripped and Handsome.
Carrys a "un-lift-able" hammer everywhere to troll people.
Basically Invulnerable to Physical and Energy attack.
Super Strength is always handy.
And of course Flying!
SuperK - 07:30pm, 22nd April 2016
Squirrel Girl so I could annoy all my friends with my voice spam.
Joe morrow - 07:31pm, 22nd April 2016
Ironman. He's been my favorite since I was a kid and watching RDJ portray him on the big screen makes me love the character even more. Marvel heroes allows me to play as that character and it gives you the nostalgic feeling and it's awesome!
acedmb - 07:31pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron man. Because who does not want to fly around in a metal suit thats more powerful then most things in the world? Have tons of money to better the world, not even mentioning the fact the intelligence level is off the charts making whoever one of the 4 smartest people in the world. Being able to go toe to toe with some of the biggest names in marvel history. Thats why I want to be iron man
Xionos - 07:33pm, 22nd April 2016
IceMan- Out of most the marvel characters he has tons of power but keeps his happy go lucky attitude. From everything the x-men go through; all the hate, lies, betrayal he stays true to himself. Also add in that he is an omega level mutant with awesome ice powers. Who wouldn't want to be all of that.
Diabliyos - 07:34pm, 22nd April 2016
I would chose based on: What does this world need? Who can bring peace on these hard times? Who can show himself as a hero when taking a human life is the only way to stop corruption, insecurity and murders? Who can be everywhere fighting against evil? We need a leader, an army, someone intelligent and powerful.
And... What is the only hero that meet all of this requirements?
Dr. Doom.
I can send my doombots to patrol or when I'm unavailable or busy, I can use my teleport to move faster, I have knowledge about lifes on other planets.
Sometimes darkness can show you the light.
P.S.: I'm from Argentina so apologize for my bad grammar.
gareth-hawkins-1461349793 - 07:36pm, 22nd April 2016
He's a god, he's got a good family and friends behind him.
He's sexy.
And did I say he's a god?
JThelen - 07:38pm, 22nd April 2016
War Machine. Who needs an actual super power when you're a walking, flying tank?
Dombalurina - 07:40pm, 22nd April 2016
Aquaman because I like how he can run really fast and hangs around with Robin.
Matias - 07:41pm, 22nd April 2016
Squirrel girl!!
because she's so cute and happy
BrandonLouche - 07:43pm, 22nd April 2016
The Hulk, because he is the strongest one there is.
yesnsane - 07:45pm, 22nd April 2016
First, thanks for this giveaway! Amazing!
I'd like to become Multiple Man because reasons. Also because he's nuts like me. Cheers!
Zabe - 07:46pm, 22nd April 2016
Gambit. His Death costume is so edgy.
StHarold - 07:47pm, 22nd April 2016
Colossus! Since I was a little kid I had an affinity for the character, being a gentle giant myself. I'm no painter, but definitely a very creative artist. Plus russians are the most badass white people lol
DLight - 07:56pm, 22nd April 2016
I think Teleportation is a key skill to have for much easier movement around the world.
Sotosleon - 07:56pm, 22nd April 2016
It has to be Wolverine! His Old Man Logan story is just too awesome!
ken-yeoh-1461350262 - 07:58pm, 22nd April 2016
Stephen Strange. "Doctor Strange is a skilled athlete and martial artist with substantial medical and magical knowledge." according to . Further more, teleportation, changing reality, astral projection and doesn't age. One of his kind in the Marvel universe. He even defeated Galactus and almost killed him.
Akro - 08:02pm, 22nd April 2016
Sunspot, because of his history.
Sunspot is Roberto da Costa, a Brazilian male, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro. He is the son of wealthy Afro-Brazilian businessman Emmanuel da Costa and a White Brazilian archaeologist Nina da Costa. Emmanuel constantly pushes his son to reach for both his physical and intellectual limits. Thanks to his father's encouragement, Roberto rose to the position of star soccer player at school and was considered by recruiters for the Olympic Games.
Shortly before his fourteenth birthdayRoberto was playing a soccer game with his team (the Thunderbolts) against their arch-rivals, the Dynamos. Racist members of the Dynamos assaulted Roberto during the game, and in response Roberto took matters into his own hands, initiating a fight on the field. While taking a brutal beating, his mutant powers manifested, suddenly transforming him into a creature of solid black solar energy. Surprised and terrified, people abandoned the stadium, and only his girlfriend, Juliana Sandoval, refused to abandon him.
NolanStaark - 08:03pm, 22nd April 2016
I think I would have to go with Nightcrawler:
Teleporting would just be downright amazing and then on top of that, he has his superior agility, sword craft, the ability to meld into shadows, and above all those, the ability to summon little BAMFs, which all are icing on the blue fuzzy, cake I meant cake :)
Carlitoshue - 08:04pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-Man. He's incredibly powerful yet relatable and sincere. Per Superior Spider-Man, he has the presence of mind to pull his punches when fighting crime, and he's also intelligent like Tony Stark without the ego.
laminator - 08:07pm, 22nd April 2016
DOOM. Everyone else is a pleb compared to DOOM.
blacktron11 - 08:07pm, 22nd April 2016
I would be Wolverine because he is the best at what he does. Fun.
Travis - 08:12pm, 22nd April 2016
Definitely Emma. Besides the terrifying legion of forum-based fanboys at my disposal, mind control would be a top notch skill to have. Thanks for the giveaway. :)
Unuunilium - 08:13pm, 22nd April 2016
In the realm of Marvel Heroes, I would choose Taskmaster. He has photographic reflexes, is also well versed with various different weaponry and is a master of disguise. Taskmaster can mimic the physical moves of many famous heroes, be it Spider-Man's web swing (with a bit of rope) or Captain America's shield charge.
He's so badass, many has trained under his tutelage to glean from his wide knowledge of fighting. Some of his more credible students include: Diamondback, U.S. Agent, Spider-Woman, and Agent X. That makes him the Professor T of mercenaries!
I highly recommend reading his awesome self help book, Taskmasters Fighting For Losers Guide. You're guaranteed to increase your knowledge of his special techniques of dishing out more damage, defending yourself, and beating up the big bad bosses of Marvel Heroes.
Dr strangeee - 08:14pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr strange because he's just too cool. Plus Benedict cumberbatch..
Alex - 08:14pm, 22nd April 2016
Spiderman, as a kid he was always my favorite hero and I enjoy playing him in Marvel Heroes
Luis - 08:15pm, 22nd April 2016
Star-Lord. To be captain of my favorite team and have adventures in space would be too cool. I also love how he jokes around a lot.
Hootch - 08:16pm, 22nd April 2016
I would chose the Punisher for the simple reason that the experience of losing everything he held dear had such an impact on him that he no longer allows himself to care that deeply about another person again. I think that, while this is tragic and no way for a normal person to live their life, this is the only way to keep any shred of sanity while being a hero. He has no need to worry about his foes attacking the ones he loves in an attempt to get to him because he no longer has ones he loves, and I feel that that burden would weigh too heavy on me. Getting rid of it completely would be the only way I could conceive of being a hero, and Frank Castle, for my money is the only one that has fully embraced that reality.
Tezius - 08:17pm, 22nd April 2016
IceMan - the physics behind his powers are bonkers and i would love to see what i could get away with doing using them.
Chronorayven - 08:19pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd want to be Star-Lord a galactic outlaw that does whatever he wants also the guardians he hangs out with are cool too.
Sylaxx - 08:21pm, 22nd April 2016
Darkwing Duck cause I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the batteries that are not included.
Bob - 08:23pm, 22nd April 2016
Spiderman because I like tacos.
MrGippy - 08:24pm, 22nd April 2016
Gambit, who doesn't like throwing cards and seeing them explode.
Johan - 08:25pm, 22nd April 2016
Hawkguy! Because I relate to the coffee always running out
ghaleonbane - 08:26pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool - The amount of effortless cool, comedy and sheer badass swagger means you'd never miss any of the good parties... nor any of the bad ones.
McBoognish - 08:30pm, 22nd April 2016
Emma Frost because ...reasons
Oznah - 08:33pm, 22nd April 2016
Nightcrawler. He has such a great set of skills:- teleportation, swordsmanship, a prehensile tail, and incredible agility. He can also blend into the shadows, and combined with his teleportation makes him nigh untouchable in the darkness. Not to mention he's a bit of a trickster ;P
chaoscon - 08:34pm, 22nd April 2016
Would have to be the sentry. being torn apart from the inside from every opposite emotion he has and having the strength of thousands of exploding suns. Corny outfit but amazing character.
Star Who - 08:35pm, 22nd April 2016
My favorite is Spiderham, because who doesn't like radioactive pork?
Baron Von BagEnvy - 08:36pm, 22nd April 2016
I want for nothing more than to be the Amazing Bag Man. Oh how I dream of swinging from yonder buildings whilst wearing a beaming symbol of 100% recyclable hope upon my humble visage. But lo, thine dream has been cast to the perilous sea, cascading against the rocks of my misfortune. Alas I do not posess the required hero to don the costume of my desire.
Thank you for your kindness and consideration,
Baron Von BagEnvy
Cheesasaurus - 08:36pm, 22nd April 2016
Rogue, being able to experience everything would be pretty neat I think.
Leram - 08:37pm, 22nd April 2016
Gonna have to go with Dr. Doom, the guy just has so much going on. Genius intellect, magical powers, rules his own country the list just goes on.
hugh mitchell - 08:39pm, 22nd April 2016
Captain America Because team work is how champions are made!
Treck0 - 08:41pm, 22nd April 2016
Taskmaster because he can do everything the avengers can do. And more! Also if anyone teaches him how to magic he'll be unstoppable
Illidan - 08:44pm, 22nd April 2016
Gambit...throwing kinetically charged cards...yes please :)
Sam H - 08:47pm, 22nd April 2016
Wolverine, because who doesn't want to be the best there is at what they do?
IndyX - 08:48pm, 22nd April 2016
Star-Lord. Because like him, I am an outlaw and no one knows who I am
TheOneTrueDeapool - 08:49pm, 22nd April 2016
I self identify as Deadpool, therefore I am Deadpool. There is no need to say "I wish to be this or that character", because I am Deadpool. Anyone else claiming to be Deadpool is clearly lying.
Strom - 08:49pm, 22nd April 2016
Being able to have a sunny day where I'm from is a luxury!
Neoshammy - 08:54pm, 22nd April 2016
Kondeusz - 08:59pm, 22nd April 2016
VICTOR VON DOOM because he is scientist, sorcerer, lord of latveria and he have diplomatic immunity
Andresh - 09:10pm, 22nd April 2016
Spiderman, who doesnt want to swing around New York in a web?
Skywarp - 09:12pm, 22nd April 2016
I would love to be Ant-man. Imagine the possiblities and the worlds you could explore, the discoveries you could make, with the ability to shrink down to the microscopic level.
bro - 09:15pm, 22nd April 2016
Hawkeye. Because boomerangs.
Icarruss - 09:21pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool because LOL.
balmung15 - 09:26pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd have to pick doctor strange, iv always been a big fan of magic and he is the "Sorcerer Supreme" in the marvel universe. being able to do even the smallest of things he is capable of would be amazing, not to mention his skills in martial arts.
Nahan - 09:27pm, 22nd April 2016
Ironman would be fun. Be brilliant, rich, and a hero.
Nate Goss - 09:29pm, 22nd April 2016
Too difficult to choose. Dr. Strange would allow me to be the Deus Ex Machina of this world, but I've always had a safe spot for Cable and his metnal techno-powers mixed with teleportation.
nordicbybature - 09:30pm, 22nd April 2016
Punisher, because once a Marine always a Marine. Oorah.
Gabe - 09:31pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-man. Awesome super powers and web swinging would be fun!
Bjorn - 09:32pm, 22nd April 2016
Blade. Because being a badass vampire hunter would be awesome, and i love how he's portrayed in everything.
Raz - 09:33pm, 22nd April 2016
Doctor Strange, because magic.
GreatOrich - 09:36pm, 22nd April 2016
If we're limited to just superheroes, I'd say Doctor Strange. He's a master of the mystic arts and is an interesting character. If we can open it to villains, then Doctor Doom. He is a blend of a high technology and magic--also, he has his own country.
Ploidz - 09:43pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man, filthy rich, in the weapons industry so I'd stay rich, and he doesn't look like Deadpool.
krom77 - 09:44pm, 22nd April 2016
Colossus. Big, metal, artistic, kind!
Cedric Stohr - 09:44pm, 22nd April 2016
Gambit. He might not be my most favorite hero, but he's cool and suave, and kinetic charge powers are really cool
wispy - 09:45pm, 22nd April 2016
Easily Scarlett Witch.....Gambling problem wouldn't be an issue anymore!
Gavony - 09:47pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Doom!
Because if Earth shall be ruled it shall be by Doom's hand. He has a magnificent brain...
FranktheBank - 09:53pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man, the greatest super power of all... money.
Chris - 09:53pm, 22nd April 2016
Rogue, because you basically can be almost every other Superhero
BLUcorp - 09:56pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Doom because Doom is the strongest one there is!(or was that Hulk?!?)
Logan - 09:57pm, 22nd April 2016
Well Thor of course! He has everything, strength, flight and a cool magical hammer!
thefryinallofus - 09:57pm, 22nd April 2016
Nova, no question. The ability to travel through the stars would be amazing. Not to mention having that kind of power.
doates3013 - 10:00pm, 22nd April 2016
I would be blade cause I liked those movies when I was young and hes a cool vampire killer
Atelli - 10:02pm, 22nd April 2016
Nightcrawler. Who doesnt like teleporting
shrox - 10:03pm, 22nd April 2016
rocket raccoon because is so cute :D
Jessi Blake - 10:05pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool. Need I say more?
thelasttimzy - 10:05pm, 22nd April 2016
Spider-Man. Not only would I have amazing powers, a billion dollar company (All-New, All-Different) and have the greatest series of love stories (even while being a huge nerd), I would have the greatest group of villians to face off with. Seriously, the Spidy villians are some of the greatest of all time. And the greatest enemy of Spider-Man, easily J. Jonah Jameson!
TheFootGoblin - 10:14pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Doom because there is only Doom.
Jonathan - 10:15pm, 22nd April 2016
Kitty Pryde cause i'm too lazy to open doors.
Bazooka - 10:16pm, 22nd April 2016
NIghtcrawler. Teleportation would be awesome and convenient. No more commuting or traffic!
IsaacSin - 10:17pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool, because really, who doesn't want to be Deadpool?
yavin1v - 10:19pm, 22nd April 2016
dr strange because magic is fun :D
Celoth - 10:23pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool. Because it would be fun to be in the Marvel Universe and still know about the real world. Plus, you know, the no dying thing.
dankeike - 10:25pm, 22nd April 2016
Wiccan. why? look at my family, look at my powers, my family rules the world, no? check my mother power... =D
dennes-feliciano e souza-1461359608 - 10:25pm, 22nd April 2016
Doctor Strange, cuz magic.
Cedric Stohr - 10:26pm, 22nd April 2016
Gambit. He's cool and suave, and kinetic charging is really awesome
igor - 10:26pm, 22nd April 2016
i want to be iron ma, because of money and girls... and the nice armor...
Kervin Pilapil - 10:26pm, 22nd April 2016
Iron Man/Tony Stark because he is a billionaire genius who built a suit of armor, in a cave! With a box of scraps!
TheDTrain - 10:28pm, 22nd April 2016
Wiccan would be fun all the way.
Lima - 10:28pm, 22nd April 2016
cause the creepy is awesome ...
RenScotson - 10:31pm, 22nd April 2016
Rogue, cause when she has control over her power, she can have borrow all the powers.
Bobptimus - 10:34pm, 22nd April 2016
Spiderman; sometimes it's less what you can do and more about what you think you should do.
Quasr - 10:35pm, 22nd April 2016
nightcrawler because he is different, like me
ashshark - 10:40pm, 22nd April 2016
Well, i really want to be captain marvel (ex ms marvel, carol danvers) and why? easy, because she is a strong woman, she can do everything you want, and is independent (of curse who not like to fly?) i like the idea to fly too, so far i am a fan of her and will be a dream to be like her she is my "woman model" to follow.
Tom Hamilton - 10:41pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool because fuck the rules.
moon - 10:42pm, 22nd April 2016
Squirrel Girl so I can talk to squirrels.
Cymmina - 10:44pm, 22nd April 2016
I would like to be Storm. In addition to having an extremely versitile set of abilities for combat (being able to produce wind, lightning, fog, etc.), her powers are very useful in peace time situations. Prior to joining the X-Men, she wandered around Africa, bringing rain to areas experiencing drought.
gojinku - 10:44pm, 22nd April 2016
Emma Frost because mind control is fun. :)
Douglas - 10:48pm, 22nd April 2016
Mr. Fantastic just so I can finally be smart ;-;
James - 10:49pm, 22nd April 2016
I would be the Invisible Woman. Not only are her powers super versatile, but she's motivated by important things - loyalty and family. The ability to protect myself and those I love is pretty key - as well as the ability to bring the smack down (undetected!) if need be.
Razorangel - 10:50pm, 22nd April 2016
Magik... Well, who wouldn't want to be a boss of Hell itself?!
Killslayer - 10:50pm, 22nd April 2016
I would like to be Star-Lord, cruising around in space basically doing whatever you want
bo - 10:52pm, 22nd April 2016
I would have to pick cyclops. Grew up watching the 90's X-Men and he was one of my favorite. Awesome power and a great leader.
Cattwilliam - 10:53pm, 22nd April 2016
I would want to be Deadpool cause then I can to talk to myself as I'm reading my own comic.
cynosin - 10:53pm, 22nd April 2016
Jean Grey. I have always though telekinesis would be the best power to have. Throw in a bit of telepathy and insane power of the Phoenix and I am sold.
AVEOX - 10:55pm, 22nd April 2016
On top of being able to verbally cast spells? He can also manipulate reality!
That pretty much means he can have ANY power he wants!
On top of his telekinesis, flight and teleportation!
He is actually one of the most powerful MARVEL Hero there is, next to Scarlet Witch, since they can both weild Chaos Magic, one of the most powerful force in the universe. So you don't want to mess with him if you don't wish to "un-exist".
But all of that is just bonus, the main reason is because gets a hot romantic boyfriend in Hulkling. :)
AVEOX - 10:57pm, 22nd April 2016
Forgot to mention, he is also the DEMIURGE. *wink*
Anthony - 10:59pm, 22nd April 2016
Dr. Strange because he was strong enough to hold off Death in her own domain for awhile then attained immortality.
chuckles00012 - 11:02pm, 22nd April 2016
My favorite character is Captain America. He is always thinking of others and genuinely wants to help people. Even though helping may not always be black and white, he will always strive to help even those who may seem to be in the most hopelessof situations he will risk everything to help. In my mind, this is the mark of a true hero. Always placing others welfare ahead of yours, especially when. You are able to do something about it like he is.
HollywdMontrose - 11:07pm, 22nd April 2016
Professor X. I would be able to resolve situations without confrontation, and help people forget/change things that they cannot let go.
Reddownthere - 11:10pm, 22nd April 2016
Mr. Fantastic, so I could make my dong stretch to impossible lengths.
darin clouse - 11:13pm, 22nd April 2016
Deadpool! Everyone would love to become the Merc with the Mouth. Shoot me all you want I will come back and make your nightmares come true. A little dark at the end, must have lost my mind...
AstralNader - 11:15pm, 22nd April 2016
Hawkeye, because the real heroes do not need to use their powers, mutations, money or anything. They use their own willpower and determination to do what's right for the world and because being an Expert Archer would be a blast :P .
Robletinte - 11:17pm, 22nd April 2016
Human Torch so I could burn down my $h!tty cheating whore of an ex-girlfriend's house. I want my god-!@#$ed beer mug back you b!tch! It was a collectible.
MassRow3 - 11:18pm, 22nd April 2016
I would say Spider man i grew up watching and reading all his movies and comics. And wouldn't it be amazing to web swing through a city! and have the good ol parker luck as well! :P
nmreed - 11:27pm, 22nd April 2016
I think i'd be emma frost, mostly bc think being in diamond form is very pretty and what girl doesn't like diamonds.
Quinlan - 11:29pm, 22nd April 2016
Scarlet witch, absolutely. Who would get bored playing with reality itself? Plus she would have a really short commute.
TDiddy - 11:32pm, 22nd April 2016
I would have to pick Captain America, he always fights for what he believes is right, even when the situation isn't so black and white. He inspires everybody around him to be better and would rather take the hit then to see someone else get hurt.
Thunderhead - 11:35pm, 22nd April 2016
Silver Surfer to have the freedom to explore the entire cosmos. To have the power cosmic along with the honor and sensibility to use the power wisely, to protect those that need it.
Stonyman - 11:36pm, 22nd April 2016
Thor! He dates Natalie Portman.
Archdrake - 11:45pm, 22nd April 2016
I'd want to be Cable. I think being a super-powerful teleporting telepath and consummate soldier/survivalist would outweigh the harrowing future-trauma and incurable disease.
Taserak - 11:46pm, 22nd April 2016
As fun as it would be to be juggernaut, silver surfer and iron man are the best awnsers for this question.
yukimori-mikoto-1461365266 - 11:49pm, 22nd April 2016
Matthew Malloy. He has the capacity to be the greatest hero of all.
doig - 11:53pm, 22nd April 2016
Vision... flight, all that solar power and ability to get extraordinarily massive and diamond-hard at will.
Jumpin-Jehosephat - 11:55pm, 22nd April 2016
Rocket Racoon... that way when I'm digging through a trash can I can shoot the other racoons that are trying to steal my trash.
sketch2002 - 12:08am, 23rd April 2016
I think I'd have to be Deadpool. Teleportation? Check. Awesome healing factor? Check. Excellent marksman? Check. Excellent swordsman? Check. Awesome? Double-check.
Eccoman - 12:14am, 23rd April 2016
Captain America - Natural born leader- strong morals - never gives up despite often being the underdog compared to the villians he faces.
Acadian - 12:16am, 23rd April 2016
Reed Richards. Crazy intelligent and always tries to do what he feels is right. Plus, being elastic would be cool.
XxshinrazxX - 12:19am, 23rd April 2016
The Punisher!! He's a Marine in a Marine.... In essence every Marine has Lil Punisher in them. Semper Fi
Baron Mok - 12:19am, 23rd April 2016
Mr. Fantastic, with his intellect he can do almost anything.
eleazar - 12:21am, 23rd April 2016
I would want to be Nova because his powers are awesome and having access to the Worldmind is a pretty nice plus as well.
Christopher Holt - 12:26am, 23rd April 2016
I would love to be Magneto! Master of Magnetism! Everything has iron in it,being able to control whats around you would be awesome!
byansk - 12:28am, 23rd April 2016
Kitty Pride. All that phasing is great.
Macro - 12:41am, 23rd April 2016
The correct answer is, of course, Squirrel Girl. Anyone else is just picking second place.
alex-roman-1461368449 - 12:41am, 23rd April 2016
Black Cat, comboing is always great.
Darewind - 12:43am, 23rd April 2016
Taskmaster because apparently he almost beat Thor once with this one particular move.
talleN^ - 12:44am, 23rd April 2016
Venom. I might get shut down because he's not really a hero but he IS playable in the game so... I'm going to assume it's allowed. First off, Spider-Man is awesome and one of the best heroes but honestly, who wants to have all that responsibility on your shoulders. Especially at such a young age.
You have all the powers of Spider-Man, except, you can do whatever you want without having to care about the consequences. Spider-sense, super strength, wallcrawling, webs without having to use webshooters... Btw, did I mention you can morph the suit into ANY clothing you'd like? How awesome isn't that?!
Everyone loves a hero, but sometimes you just have to go bad.
Lumsphere902 - 12:51am, 23rd April 2016
Rocket raccoon, because raccoons are fluffy. :D
ethan-harmer-1461369008 - 12:52am, 23rd April 2016
Spiderman is my choice, so i have access to Spidersense, wallcrawling, superstrength and most importants the chance to swing around the city saving innocent civilians.
Pax - 12:54am, 23rd April 2016
Squirrel Girl. Because who doesn't want to control hundreds of thousads of rodents?
Zale - 12:54am, 23rd April 2016
Cyclops, so I can fire my lazorzzz.
Sammy Tran - 12:55am, 23rd April 2016
Emma Frost. Her powers are extraordinary. An Omega level telepath (even trouncing Professor X on certain occasions) and Diamond skin makes a great and potent combination. Her character is opposite of mine... She's powerful (as a telepath), sexy, confident, independent, goal oriented... Not only that but she's still a teacher and cares for her students (her relation with the stepford cuckoo and the aftermath of genosha can attest to this). Even though she has a rough exterior (both literally and metaphorically, harhar) she's someone who I admire (and is also my main).
Alan Lugo-Huesca - 12:55am, 23rd April 2016
Invisible Woman's powers are great! Definitely her.
KP - 01:06am, 23rd April 2016
Black Cat - because I've always secretly wanted to be a world-class thief.
peanutbutterjelly - 01:10am, 23rd April 2016
Cable - because having a glowing eye is cool. Plus, there was that time he almost beat the Silver Surfer...
Horacinho - 01:13am, 23rd April 2016
Jean Grey - Telephathy and Telekinesis are my favourite combo of powers
FlatPancake - 01:19am, 23rd April 2016
Even without the adamantium claws, regenerative healing as a mutation would be pretty amazing and have plenty of applications in the real world, so Wolverine. Captain America would be a runner up, since 'peak human condition' would be pretty amazing for no effort involved.
Rancor V2 - 01:28am, 23rd April 2016
Spider-Man because he does whatever a spider can.
kerryee-wallace-1461371581 - 01:35am, 23rd April 2016
Nightcrawler. I want to be able to teleport so much. Instant access to family and friends who live elsewhere in the world, all the people I wish I could see more, anytime I want.
Mulcrahzy - 01:40am, 23rd April 2016
Uatu aka The Watcher, because the expanding universe would be some good entertainment.
eric-nitz-1461372926 - 01:58am, 23rd April 2016
His heart is pure, he cares about those much less than him, and yet isn't filthy rich, submerged in women or overly cruel in any fashion. His presence in the comics and the movies has been one that I'll always remember, along with Capt. Rogers. Plus he enjoyed fighting the Hulk it appeared.
Oh, did I mention he is a demigod?
Reuan - 02:00am, 23rd April 2016
Probably Taskmaster because he can best fill my ideals, I wouldn't want to be a complete super hero, but I also wouldn't want to be a full VIllian either. I'd enjoy being a guy who's firmly neutral unless theres something in it for him or he's helping friends
Spriggin - 02:10am, 23rd April 2016
I would pick Doctor Strange because having a spell to do practically anything would be pretty great. Also I would get to live in the biggest, weirdest house ever.
felipexbr5 - 02:23am, 23rd April 2016
Iron Fist, I always liked to meditate and martial arts
Shakadora - 02:41am, 23rd April 2016
Punisher. Once you get past the sociopath, he's a guy with a very clear and honest morality, fighting crime to the best of his ability. He's that tiny flame of rage we all feel when we hear about obviously guilty criminals getting released the same day, the little dark corner where we fantasize about what we would do if we had 'that guy' in our crosshairs. He doesn't want something vague like making the world a better place for everyone, his goals are clear : vengeance on the deserving. This guy doesn't rock superpowers in a super-world either, he's all about skill and wits. All this and more makes him one of my favourites.
AB - 02:49am, 23rd April 2016
I've liked Cyclops because he was a leader.
Johnny - 02:59am, 23rd April 2016
Tough choice for me between Deadpool, Doctor Doom, Jean Grey or Punisher. Ultimately, I'd have to choose Punisher because Justice does not exist while the worst among us suffer no consequences for their heinous actions.
Halcyon - 03:00am, 23rd April 2016
I would be Psylocke, she kicks ass while looking good!
byron-jun-1461376655 - 03:13am, 23rd April 2016
Deadpool, because I can do some piracy, pamper my ponytail, shoot some cactus or boast my sheriff badge. If all gets boring, I can even go to temple to cool!
Jim - 03:14am, 23rd April 2016
Rogue, in case I change my mind later.
Kangobongo` - 03:15am, 23rd April 2016
Deadpool if i can be him without his horrible looks if not Iron man because who doesnt want to be a billionaire genius?
brandy-de molay-1461377336 - 03:15am, 23rd April 2016
I would love to be Magik. I could use the Stepping Discs to teleport and travel around with ease. I would be able to cast magic spells to do wondrous things. I'd have an awesome Soulsword, and have a really cool brother with Colossus and amazing friends like Kitty Pryde. I would also have demon minions I could command to help with things like cleaning up the yard. :)
Ihopeiwinlolllllll - 03:17am, 23rd April 2016
Daredevil. I want to give people hope and then take it all away.
Ricardo Vidal - 03:35am, 23rd April 2016
Iron man because money.
Rukland - 03:37am, 23rd April 2016
Captain America because well go Teamcap and really that shield is the best thing ever.
Aravir - 03:39am, 23rd April 2016
Rogue - I can touch all the others in the comments for extra powers :D
Tony - 03:49am, 23rd April 2016
Iron man because he's rich, a genius, gets women, has an army of suits.
David - 03:58am, 23rd April 2016
Iron fist.
Saracin - 04:03am, 23rd April 2016
Iron Fist. He's always been a favorite of mine and it's nice to see he's finally getting some love.
nathan - 04:10am, 23rd April 2016
Ironman, BC then I would have enough money to buy the pack instead of crossing my fingers, hoping to win it
Natej84 - 04:13am, 23rd April 2016
Ironman so I could buy whatever I wanted,whenever i wanted.
Aliven - 04:16am, 23rd April 2016
WarMachine, because superior firepower win!
Nathanael - 04:40am, 23rd April 2016
Iceman. Dude's basically unkillable, should be tremendously capable of defending people, can make living golems, never gets hot or cold, and looks awesome. Also, he's an underdog. Having ice powers would be a dream come true.
SusanTD - 04:42am, 23rd April 2016
Rogue. What more beyond being a bad ass Southern belle could you want? Oh yeah, EVERY POWER EVER.
Koumon - 04:52am, 23rd April 2016
Genis Vell. I wanted to say Mar-vell but I'm a fan of the opness and Genis powers were a bit wilder. Silver hair, less time with Rick Jones, and freedom to go insane for a while are plusses.
Tony - 04:52am, 23rd April 2016
Iceman. Always loved powers involving ice.
David West - 05:16am, 23rd April 2016
Jean Grey. First, you are effectively immortal. You can destroy planets. You can get any man or woman via mind control, even if he is a dork (Scott). Telepathy. Telekinesis. Supermodel looks. Cant top that in my mind.
EmpyreanWrath - 05:18am, 23rd April 2016
Jean Grey Omega level Telepathy and Telekinesis on a molecualr level who wouldnt want can save the world or subjugate everyone!!
Possum - 05:18am, 23rd April 2016
My favourite Hero is Dr. Doom just because he has such a nice voiceacting and an awesome model
Roman - 05:27am, 23rd April 2016
Spiderman. With great power comes great responsibility!
thenetgoblin - 05:39am, 23rd April 2016
Speedball because his power is awesome and his story arc is amazing!
Hako - 05:49am, 23rd April 2016
I hope the Hulk wins. Jolly Green Giant ftw
Machete - 05:54am, 23rd April 2016
Wolverine! Been a fan since I was kid, and still love him today! Snikt!
You looking at me bub? :)
mojo - 05:57am, 23rd April 2016
i say i would be doctor strange because he is the best sorcerer.and he saves the world in epic fashion all the time. the sanctum i believe thats his crib its awsome too.
Cloudfox - 05:59am, 23rd April 2016
I guess my answer depends on the real question.
Which Marvel Heroes character's powers would I want? Or which character I would want to be.
If we're just strictly talking powers, then X-23/Wolverine. Longevity, near perfect cellular regeneration, claws, and enhanced senses? What's not to like? Alternately, Magik. Space-time teleportation, Sorceress Supreme-level magic, an impenetrable psionic shield, and the Soul Sword? Yes please.
If we're talking the character's entire being, then I'd probably go with Kitty Pryde. Just about everyone else has had a pretty craptastic life, be it physical, mental, and/or emotional abuse, a twisted upbringing, the untimely deaths of close friends/family, the sacrifice of their humanity, or physical deformations/inhuman changes that cause them to become outcasts. Kitty has it pretty tame when you factor in that Cypher, Illyana, and Colossus all eventually got resurrected... There was that whole Ogun thing, but she came out of it all ninja'd up. Plus her phasing powers would be pretty cool to have as well.
Michael - 06:24am, 23rd April 2016
Daredevil, because Electra ;)
Nardo - 06:36am, 23rd April 2016
Wolverine minus the back hair. Claws are good for hard to reach itches. Healing factor has those unwanted lacerations covered.
Andrew - 06:41am, 23rd April 2016
Angel, because flight is liberating!
Ishmael - 06:45am, 23rd April 2016
Build and invent, design the best suits, and make gadgets to protect and btter mankind. What could be better.
bogdog - 06:48am, 23rd April 2016
Carol Danvers has led a pretty sweet life, all things considered. I'm not too sure if I'd like to suddenly be a woman, though.
Tony Stark also has a pretty good thing going, although I'm not too crazy about the "no secret identity" thing.
But I think in the end the hero I want to be is Captain America. It's not really about his powers; it's more what he is. More than any other character in the Marvel Universe, Captain America represents the best of human nature. He is "the best and the brightest" of the Greatest Generation. He is steadfast. He is unflinching. And most of all, he is a man who intuits right and wrong in a way no one else does. Where Tony Stark and Peter Parker have personal impetuses to defend the public good, Steve Rogers just does good because it is right.
I am not that man. But I wish I was.
CrazyMercFan - 06:48am, 23rd April 2016
Time played as Deadpool: 75days, 4 hours, 49 minutes.
I rest my case.
Jesse W - 06:52am, 23rd April 2016
I would be Nightcrawler. Don't care if he's a fuzzy blue elf, he can teleport anywhere, any time.
Dementia - 06:55am, 23rd April 2016
Wolverine. Gotta love a healing factor paired with adamantium skeleton.
ferzard - 06:57am, 23rd April 2016
Ironman who doen't want more money than god and an awsome suit.
MRaged - 06:57am, 23rd April 2016
Deadpool. I love chimichangas.
And bullets.
And I want a super coolest red costume.
Ahji - 07:57am, 23rd April 2016
Squirrel girl. She's literally unbeatable, so she wins by default. Ask Thanos.
Cienfuego - 08:06am, 23rd April 2016
Spiderman, he was the coolest of them all to me as a kid. Several years later...he still is.
buffydaslaya - 08:07am, 23rd April 2016
Captain America, because shield and stuff.
RIchard Dunn - 08:25am, 23rd April 2016
Dr. Strange, because magic.
RMPR - 08:39am, 23rd April 2016
Colossus, steel skin! sign me on! :D
James Scudder - 08:58am, 23rd April 2016
Hulk because I love his lack of subtley sometimes.
markyMALFUNCTION - 08:59am, 23rd April 2016
Takmaster, nothing beats being a professional.
PhyrixianMauler - 09:17am, 23rd April 2016
I would choose Forge. He can basically make anything, and support any super hero. I could then use that tech to better the world. Plus, he doesn't have any crazy super villians really going after him. He gets a cool island to enjoy, that has to be awesome.
Arkelos - 09:32am, 23rd April 2016
I really would like to be spider-man, because I like his motto ''With great power, comes great responsebility'' I feel this a great motto to live by, and a lot of people could learn from it. Also he's a very selfless person, who always think about other people first
hstpctech - 09:41am, 23rd April 2016
Antman. Being buddies with the ants is awesome enough, add the ability to change your own size is just the complete package.
Kevin - 09:53am, 23rd April 2016
Wolverine - very skilled and talented. Great powers which have very little real world negative drawbacks like others (rogue - never being able to be close to someone and touching without hurting them)
As long as no one else gets to be Magneto.....hehe
zombieman998 - 10:08am, 23rd April 2016
i'd like to be wolverine. not even for the claws necessarily, just knowing that i'm never really in any danger in every day life would take some stress off of me i think.
Afroditi - 10:35am, 23rd April 2016
I'd like to be Storm.Rain,thunders,clouds,fog,wind,cold,snow.All the things i like and i could have them any time i want them.And imagine how useful Storm's power could be.I've always liked the idea of controlling the weather and how strong mother nature can be.Humans are powerless against it.A trully unstoppable force.Plus white hair!
Darhk - 10:38am, 23rd April 2016
Why? What's better than being the god of mischief? To cause havoc, trouble and be a mastermind of chaos.. or maybe that's just me :P
trunx0rz - 10:56am, 23rd April 2016
Dr. Doom
A genius in both science and sorcery, wields his powers to perform feats that he is uniquely capable of performing. Overthrew the Latverian monarchy, now rules in their stead and commands the zeal-like respect of Latveria's people.
Often regarded as #2 intellect amongst humans in the Marvel universe. In an attempt to separate the Hulk and Brucer Banner, used an adamantium chainsaw to perform brain surgery on the Hulk. Reprogrammed Ultron to serve him during the 1st and 2nd Secret Wars. Created the Cosmic Power Siphoning Harness and drains the power of both Galactus and the Silver Surfer. Devised a way to harness the mystic energies of Vibranium, a feat that not even the Wakandans have been able to do.
Doom is one of Marvel's greatests sorcerors.Boasting a massive arcane library and routinely travels back in time and through space to learn dark arts. Trained under Dr. Strange who admited that Doom was learning things that Strange admits he doesn't know about. Summons extra dimensional monsters and demons, as well as banishes them. Able to cast the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak.
Doom has prevented the likes of Emma Frost from reading his mind and the effects of Purple Man's mind control. Has demonstrated the ability to mind control others, not through magical or scientific means, but Through sheer force of will. Spends millions of years learning magic and transforms his body all to get revenge.
Without the help of his armor, fought Black Panther toe to toe. Was able to catch Captain America's shield and with the same skill, fling it back at him. Has trained with the greatest fencers of Europe. In a show of his skill, deflected one of Ironman's energy blasts with a sword.
Armor of Doom
Super Strength
Force Field
Life Support Systems
Assistance Systems
Time Circuitry
leo nuñez - 11:06am, 23rd April 2016
Deadpool! because just like me he loves mexican food, plus immortality and he´s hilarious. dont really mind the scarred body if i got style.
Chris Deger - 11:11am, 23rd April 2016
Venom, because he is one bamf. If the suit bonded with me I might turn out like carnage but still amazing lol
Steve - 11:16am, 23rd April 2016
Domino, because manipulating luck would be handy in every situation (especially in the casino). Plus it isn't nearly as messy as mind reading.
VariableEntity - 11:18am, 23rd April 2016
Hulk. Because... um... hmmm.... Because Hulk SMASH!!
Ryghtend - 11:23am, 23rd April 2016
QuickSilver, Gotta go fast eheh
turin8741 - 11:26am, 23rd April 2016
Captain America he fights for the real people
fenton - 11:47am, 23rd April 2016
Black Panther because i'm from KKK and i love cats
pepe-domenech mingot-1461408354 - 11:49am, 23rd April 2016
Probably Dr. Strange, being a master of the Mystic Arts and defending Earth against demons sounds pretty awesome.
Fydkin - 12:24pm, 23rd April 2016
I would be Magneto because his power is so dynamic it just reeks of Cool.
kushbi - 12:35pm, 23rd April 2016
Thor. Because he is a god with superpowers!! :)
Zliaf - 12:40pm, 23rd April 2016
Magik, because who doesn't want an army of demons.
armaboo - 12:44pm, 23rd April 2016
because she got all the brain psi skills and body disciplines all wrapped up in one package.
Zolgar - 01:32pm, 23rd April 2016
Morph. Because shapeshifter. All kinds of fun possibilities there. :)
Rudy - 01:32pm, 23rd April 2016
Rogue so I can steal everyone's powers and be any hero.
Wri - 01:33pm, 23rd April 2016
Psylocke. Cuz who wouldn't want to be a sexy ninja who can read people's minds?
TrenchCommando - 01:45pm, 23rd April 2016
If I could be any superhero I would want to be Spiderman. Awesome power set and gadgets, plus who wouldn't want to web swing through New York!
Chris - 01:50pm, 23rd April 2016
Tayef - 01:51pm, 23rd April 2016
hulk cause i think it goes with my nature
masha-farsenina-1461416219 - 01:59pm, 23rd April 2016
Human Torch.
Although he's not very popular in the game, Johnny Storm is a very cheerful guy with a can-do attitude. Not to mention awesome adventure as a member of F4, he's lucky to have a family and his friends are always there for him. So, Human Torch is a superhero and a character I want to be like. Also he can fly! And that's awesome!
(logged in to post it as a new comment and not a reply)
Arq - 01:59pm, 23rd April 2016
Dr Strange - it would be fascinating being a master of the mystic arts, so many possibilities, worlds and dimensions to explore, so many mysterious powers and powerful allies to call upon in your times of need!
Irina_Lehnsherr - 02:21pm, 23rd April 2016
Scarlet Witch. Because she's awesome and she has a cool brother. And would be great to have her powers.
Jesse - 02:24pm, 23rd April 2016
I would be Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel.
She's not perfect, but she's always there to get the job done, puts herself between danger and everyone else without thinking about it. Carol is also a great friend to have by your side as you can always count on her to have your back.
PatrickG - 02:25pm, 23rd April 2016
Hello there!
I would like to be Hulk. Because he kind of represents the best and worst of us ..humans. Everyone sees him as green buffed guy fueled by anger, smashing everything. But on the otherside even when he is in Hulk form, he shows a lot of time that he is kind, that he cares and do his best to protect the ones he care about. I would love to do that . Also he reminds me ..myself :D kind of . Bruce Banner is that type of guy, who is really smart, can create really amazing gadgets , but people still does not give him enough credit and he will always be that pushed around guy who will be made fun of ..till he changes into Green Guy, than, no one says a word ( except Deadpool probably :D ) Also i would do my best to stop wars, because nothing good comes from it . And as last thing!..i would visit GaZ (maker of Marvel heroes game, love ya ) and sit behind him as Hulk, till he makes QoL of Hulk, cause he is too puny in game nowadays! grrr :)
Bebekepo - 02:26pm, 23rd April 2016
Quicksilver. because of super speed!
Jem - 02:28pm, 23rd April 2016
Invisible Woman — invisibility and multi-use forec-fields? sign me up!
The only part I'm ambivalent about is the #&^* she's married to.
arthur-san-1461417864 - 02:32pm, 23rd April 2016
I would love to be a villain more than a hero since Dr. Doom is on the top of my list and Apocalypes and some of th over powered villains. But to choose i would like to be Phyla-Vell (Capt Marvel) she has a sword and reminds me of why captain marvel is awesome almost teething to the brim of good and evil. I love her look and if ever they put her in the game how she plays.
Djae - 02:36pm, 23rd April 2016
Punisher,because he knows the only real way to put down someone forever.
faboitas - 02:39pm, 23rd April 2016
wow, so many people participating >.>
anyway! if i could be a marvel hero i would choose either Colossus or Kitty Pryde taking in count that i'm not and (as far as i have a choice) will never be a violent person, Colossus character kinda fits there and also steel skin would help protecting me, not just protect myself but my ideals, also he is pretty tall in his steel form which from my experience usually adds in intimidation and doubt to people considering to use violence to pass a message
secondly Kitty Pryde for the same reasons that i choose colossus but instead of protecting and intimidation i would get full immunity to any kind of physical attacks which would be better to show my point but is second because Colossus personality fits better than Kitty Pride's
Niko - 02:40pm, 23rd April 2016
Invisible Woman - i mean i would like to have her powers,i am a man, and invisibility is useful because of the reasons... oh and force fields are pretty awesome, many different ways to use it
KingOPl - 02:41pm, 23rd April 2016
I want to be Deadpool because he is crazy awesome and fun.
Blackheart87 - 02:58pm, 23rd April 2016
Iron Man, lot of money, smart brain, a genius. He can do everything: fly, save the world, he have a super PC, i think he also play to Marvel Heroes :P
kozyss - 03:07pm, 23rd April 2016
storm, because i admire her personality and also her powers are really powerful
scoobydoo - 03:08pm, 23rd April 2016
Jean Grey because who wouldnt want to be one of the most powerful beings in the universe? It would be really cool to have telepathy and telekinesis.
lesotheron - 03:14pm, 23rd April 2016
Out of a roster of 57 Heroes, I would have to choose to be Wolverine. With everything your average Hero goes through on a daily basis, the ability to regenerate would be invaluable.
I have no interest in living forever, but as long as I am alive, I'd like to know that I don't have to worry about being shot, stabbed, burned, beaten or broken. Those things can still happen, of course, but they'd only be temporary...inconveniences. :)
Also, if I'm going to have to go toe to toe with some of Marvel's toughest villains, I want to be able to have a couple of sets of razor-sharp, adamantium-covered claws so I can look them in the eye as I show them the error of our ways.
ThorriXD - 03:14pm, 23rd April 2016
Spider-Man, cause then I can swing around town and it will be fun :)
Decemberklar - 03:18pm, 23rd April 2016
Magik. The power to slip through time and space would be rather awesome. Not to mention having a weapon/armor at my side at all times without being encumbered by it.
mog - 03:36pm, 23rd April 2016
Being Wolverine would be prety ridiculous.
Invictus - 03:44pm, 23rd April 2016
Thor, cause he's a freakin god. Plus having a hammer that's all yours and no one else can lift is just cool. Also, Thor's always so confident and definitely knows how to kick ass even without Mjolnir.
Orange0987 - 03:48pm, 23rd April 2016
Wolverine healing factor, maybe if i live long enough something good might happen in my life.
Mav - 03:49pm, 23rd April 2016
Emma Frost.
Super hot woman who can read and control minds, and turn to diamond when things get really hectic.
You can basically go anywhere and do anything.
Rigby - 04:05pm, 23rd April 2016
I would like to be Taskmaster, Learning skills from other heroes and use them would be fun while still beeing human. However the long term memory loss of Taskmaster I already have so nw on to emulating skills :)
JonEricson - 04:31pm, 23rd April 2016
Captain America, because he honestly represents what the ideal of my country should be, and its as natural to his DNA in as being a legit good person as much as the super-soldier serum is a addition to it. Not many people in the Marvel Universe can promote such instant respect and leadership. Hell, he's one person the Punisher....the PUNISHER won't raise a hand to, even in self-defense.
Rick mccracken - 04:46pm, 23rd April 2016
Spiderman.... super human strength. sign me up
Krongle - 04:55pm, 23rd April 2016
Cable's got a pretty dope teleportation through time and space-deal going on, so I would probably enjoy being him for a minute.
Peria - 05:00pm, 23rd April 2016
Antivenom, because my father is dieing from cancer. Being able to cure any diseace or ailment in adition to antivenoms strength seems like an easy choice for me at the moment.
kate-stashkevich-1461427596 - 05:08pm, 23rd April 2016
Punisher. Because law doesn't work.
aaron-archer-1461427294 - 05:09pm, 23rd April 2016
The Punisher.
Why, he take the law into his own hands with guns'o'blazin and he considers himself judge, jury, executioner.
So I mostly want to be him, for taking down the guilty ones to make the world a better place.
Armlockman - 05:11pm, 23rd April 2016
I'd love to be deadpool. His crazyness maches my crazyness. I would leave forever! He is the best there is at what he does... Witch is anoying the hell out of wolverine =) !!
Odin bless you!!
Andre - 05:11pm, 23rd April 2016
Hulk because SMASH!!
Christal - 05:14pm, 23rd April 2016
I would want to be Magik because of that awesome sword!
Groozy - 05:15pm, 23rd April 2016
Wolverine - good regeneration, nearly immortality, brave and fearless.
Doom - 05:30pm, 23rd April 2016
I'd be Gambit.
Super cool dude, very athletic, has energy powers, and to top it off, knows the X-men...especially Rogue. ;)
Gendou - 05:31pm, 23rd April 2016
That's an easy question: Black Panther.
He's one of the top intelligences in the world; the king of the most advanced nation on the planet; created his own form of metaphysical science; controls the source of one of the most sought-after resources on Earth; has super-human strength, agility, and senses; and access to technology that makes Tony Stark gnaw his tongue in envy.
T'Challa. Hands down, no questions asked.
Alex - 05:34pm, 23rd April 2016
Mystique! Thing of all the events you could get into!
A. R. Thoennes - 05:35pm, 23rd April 2016
Prof. X. Reading minds would be sooooo interesting!
HeStRay - 05:36pm, 23rd April 2016
Quicksilver.. If I could get a hold of that super speed getting anywhere would be a breeze and seeing eveything in slow mo looks kinda badass..
Rayek - 06:01pm, 23rd April 2016
Captain America
Has and always will be a favorite if not my favorite Superhero
He's the American hero as much as baseball is America's pass time. He represents all that is good in a world that feels like it is falling to self serving standards and at ends with any kind of morality. He's the guy I wanted to grow up to be like (other than my Dad). He shows humility as well as knows when to stick to his guns.
Some say old fashioned...naaah he's the model of a superhero to me.
Trogi - 06:05pm, 23rd April 2016
Spiderman, because of his aerobatic skills and web swinging. Plus the physique and not needing glasses would be cool too.
Dstdnt - 06:09pm, 23rd April 2016
I would be Spider-Man, the ability of Spider-sense personally puts him ahead of any others, being able to predict when there's danger around and spring into action, along with all of his amazing strength, durability, intellect, humor and being able to webswing and wallcrawl. There's a variety of ways to tackle any obstacle, by immobilizing enemies with webs or simply using strength, or stealth from the shadows from the ceilings or walls, or a brazen webswing into danger, the possibilities of what one could do with Spider-Man's powers are definitely amazing, spectacular, and would have to be the ultimate choice. Also his science and gadget knowledge does wonders, having a hidden arsenal of spider-themed items to combat with, it would be easy to gain the upperhand if being Spider-Man alone wasn't enough with his several innoventive ideas. Finally, Spider-Man's morals with the acknowledgment of all the powers comes with great responsibility, to learn from loss, even attempting to help those who strayed from the path of good by seeing the good in others, and strive to do your best everyday to help others in a ways we can only imagine of currently.
Daedalos42 - 06:37pm, 23rd April 2016
I'd like to be Iron Man, because who wouldn't want to be a millionaire?
Dc250g - 06:45pm, 23rd April 2016
Multiple Man! Because all problems are solved by having more me.
Cwilson - 06:52pm, 23rd April 2016
War Machine because being a one man army (with bullets) is always fun.
edward-ferdian-1461434332 - 07:00pm, 23rd April 2016
Spider-man! Cause then I can have an awesome superpower and go swinging on the city however I want!
terence-barry-1461435285 - 07:17pm, 23rd April 2016
My pick for hero would have to be Cable Time traveling Soilder and son of Cyclops
Very powerful Smart Leader type With access to time travel as well as endless future tech and Telepathy!! who wouldnt wanna be him!
ChaoticNirvana - 07:18pm, 23rd April 2016
Magneto because having all that power would be amazing.
DukeofAwesome7 - 07:18pm, 23rd April 2016
Wolverine, so that I could scare my friends by doing all these dangerous stunts and then keep living. Plus, having claws seems both really cool and really useful. Also, who wouldn't want to have amazing hair and chops like Wolverine?
Ysterman - 07:24pm, 23rd April 2016
Dr. Doom. Nothing can stop Doom. Nothing will hinder Doom. Doom does what Doom pleases. Give Doom the Mega Pack Mk IV NOW, or suffer the consequences! No one rivals Doom, NO ONE! My vast and supreme will shall be done!
HerculesJones - 07:28pm, 23rd April 2016
Quicksilver because superspeed is really powerful and reliable and I wouldn't ever have to be stuck in traffic ever again and because I just hate driving in general.
Epor - 07:32pm, 23rd April 2016
Black Panther because the potential for a kingdom and a monopoly on 'vibranium' is too hard to resist!
Willis Tan - 07:37pm, 23rd April 2016
Deadpool. Teleportation, uncanny regeneration, fits of insanity, 4th wall breaks, what else is there not to love?
chelsea-howerton-1461437663 - 07:55pm, 23rd April 2016
Rogue! Because I can basically get any power I want, when I want. And I'd love to wear that sweet costume :)
Crazy1235122 - 08:06pm, 23rd April 2016
Angel because having wings is cool!!!
Orisyn - 08:16pm, 23rd April 2016
Captain America, A super human that uses a shield as a weapon and never gives up no matter the odds. He's been my favortie hero since I was a kid.
JVakarian - 08:17pm, 23rd April 2016
Deadpool, because he's awesomely fun and basically immortal.
DL - 08:34pm, 23rd April 2016
the hulk. because when i rage out i would turn into a beautiful green color
MutantHeart - 08:38pm, 23rd April 2016
I'd like to be Storm. I'm a huge fan of her, and the potential of her powers is yet to be discovered. And white hair, HER WHITE HAIR! She is magnificent in every way and is hot and smart and brave and anything a person should aspire to be.
GregTHEAvenger - 08:39pm, 23rd April 2016
Captain America - he is a moral man with a brave heart and wants to protect the weak.
I have the same vision for the world as the Captain , but he has super soldier abilities and he is a an expert tacticion. He has the power that can make the difference.
Wolfender - 08:40pm, 23rd April 2016
Well that would be Spider-Man, no doubt. He's smart, he's kind and he's a regular guy... with super-human strenght, shoots webs and crawls buildings. He is your friendly neighbourhood, after all.
Also, having a chance to swing and fight crime through the city with Black Cat, and share some romance? Hell yeah! Also, Webhead met so many other super-heroes, and he wore some of the most badass concepts in my opinion: the symbiote!
Either way, he's a great character. And I like him because you can easily be identified with him. And don't make me start with the number of awesome suits he had!
Mashirotenshi - 08:48pm, 23rd April 2016
Iron man - Being able to build my own suit to protect my world and customize it to adapt to the scenario would be Superior.
Kamni - 09:07pm, 23rd April 2016
ant man. you know so i can grow certain stuff and shrink stuff :P
KhanRad - 09:08pm, 23rd April 2016
War Machine! I love a suit with accessories.
Daniel Eatherly - 09:09pm, 23rd April 2016
Black panther
Because he has so many skills, including being basically a God, and having infinite Wisdom. He roxs
duke - 09:35pm, 23rd April 2016
Spider-Man because he's smart, quick witted and can web swing
Hirk - 09:37pm, 23rd April 2016
I grew up watching Spider-Man cartoons, and I've always wondered what it would feel like to websling through the city.
Chautauquan - 09:40pm, 23rd April 2016
Considering the plethora of very obvious downsides, this might come as a weird answer, but I'm going to say Nightcrawler here.
Kurt, more than Nightcrawler, interests me, because of his simple, yet profound, faith. It's rather unique, from what little I've seen, to have someone who is upbeat about the state of the world, despite having had so little to account from it. Spiderman and the Human Torch have had their own little struggles, yet stay upbeat.... but Kurt, he really tries. He's got blue fur and demon tail, and is four fingers shy of the rest of us normal humans, and yet he never seems to get down on that.
When I first saw the character, I thought, "Wow. Someone made their own angsty-OC and managed to get published. Impressive." But then I read more, heard more, learned more about him. He was among the first characters I unlocked, and I was surprised to hear how much he serves as the moral anchor. I'd like to be that kind of person. I mean, hey, teleporting and swinging swords is pretty frikken great.... but being able to help others by who I am inside, as well as the flashy BAMF-ing.... that's touching, for me.
levitto - 09:41pm, 23rd April 2016
Loki, because he can use Frost Giant Form to turn into a Frost Giant.
Jammer91 - 09:45pm, 23rd April 2016
Stan Lee. No explanation needed B) ...But I'll give you one anyway.
Stan the Man can rewrite an entire universe with the scribble of a pen, and change the course of a hero's life with a blink of an eye. You can't think of Marvel without Stan coming to mind, and he is the embodiment of a heroic persona. While he may not be officially a playable hero in Marvel Heroes, Stan is an icon and the shining star of all true believers.
kit-westlake-1461444741 - 09:54pm, 23rd April 2016
Dr Strange. I LOVE his playstyle, and Magic is just the best.
daniel-sadler-1461445094 - 10:00pm, 23rd April 2016
I would love to be Iron Man. I'd feel right at home with all that tech, and with all that money I could make a difference in the world.
Mercathin - 10:01pm, 23rd April 2016
Silver Surfer
While there is plenty of great characters, what I love about him is his personality.
From a powerset, surfing the cosmic space waves and cosmic awareness. The ability to see an experience the world in a whole new fashion. Also never having to worry about new clothes.
Karharias - 10:05pm, 23rd April 2016
Phoenix(Jean Grey as you know) beacause I want to be FIRE AND LIFE INCARNATE!!!
morph4037 - 10:13pm, 23rd April 2016
Venom, hands down. Brute strength, symboite powah, and anger management issues. What's not to like?
VxGrim - 10:44pm, 23rd April 2016
Wolverine would be my favourite due to his healing factor and his adamantium skeleton and claws. Aside from his powers, Wolverine also appeals to me for his unique charcteristics and personality. A hero who has endured countless injuries and phantom pains yet still wakes up the next day determined to do something good. He adheres to a firm code of personal honor and morality, although he sometimes give in to his feral berseker-like rage during intense combat. Plus how awesome is it to have mastered all forms of martial arts and fighting styles known to man :D
Ladyaurora1ca - 11:09pm, 23rd April 2016
I think I'd be Lady Deadpool, Wanda Wilson. Her wise cracks are so me, though I am so not sarcastic at all! Plus, she now has her looks AND healing factor. Plus she makes things go BOOM! Additionally, she's much more aware of her surroundings than the other non-Deadpool crew peeps. I mean, come on, talk about being more intelligent and self-aware! And psychopathic. Truly an awesome all-around heroine!
darkcatnetorise - 11:20pm, 23rd April 2016
None cause their lives suck xDDD you have to be protect yourself of villians, psycho fans and ex girlfriends that become villians (see black cat, dark phoenix etc) but if i have to choose ill like to be Magneto Why? cause ill like his magnetic personality.
drex-matias-1461450689 - 11:36pm, 23rd April 2016
Nova (Richard Rider) he became my favorite marvel character after the annihilation wave. His personality made a huge turn after that
Ekrov - 11:46pm, 23rd April 2016
Deadpool, because I love his humor and the way he manages to be so funny after all he has been through
Chris Beauchemin - 12:02am, 24th April 2016
Thor, because he's a God, practically immortal, and he has 9 realms to explore and adventure in...
Zhriek - 12:26am, 24th April 2016
I'd love to be Morph.
because hey, who wouldn't want the ability to shapeshift and be friends with Wolverine?
JC - 12:29am, 24th April 2016
Spiderman because I like the fact that he has an amazing sense of humour and have a spectacular web swinging to travel places. Also having spider-sense would be so cool too because it gives me uncanny awareness to react to my enemies!
Hudson Oliveira - 12:47am, 24th April 2016
Invisible Woman, i thing everyone knows why ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Galactipool - 12:51am, 24th April 2016
Iron Man, because he is super rich, funny, and has an awesome suit.
alexis-magtibay-1461454845 - 01:02am, 24th April 2016
Dr. Stephen Strange The Sorcerer Supreme and what is not to like from his moustache to his magic prowess.
Captinactn - 01:24am, 24th April 2016
I'd pick Iron Fist, as he is independently wealthy and very spiritual. And when he needs to, he can throw a punch or give a kick.
Derek85 - 01:25am, 24th April 2016
Spiderman, because he is amazing. Wall Crawling, super strength, smarts, chrisma, just everything someone will everneed :)
Xelar - 01:26am, 24th April 2016
Definitely Rogue. Come on, she can literally steal any other power, or just steal the life energy of any person. What's not to love!
SE7EN - 01:27am, 24th April 2016
Doctor Strange.. all that power and all those spells. Definitely would be interesting to be able to use them all.
Kimvilla - 01:45am, 24th April 2016
I want to be Iron Man. Well who don't want to have a suit that can fly and shoot missile?
Nathan Allsworth - 02:11am, 24th April 2016
Wolverine because who doesnt want to be able to heal quickly and have mad ass claws in their hands and adamantium bones. Maybe not so much a fan of how its acquired though but nonetheless :P
Monkeyman Gibbins - 02:17am, 24th April 2016
Silver Surfer, because if someone messes up your dinner, you can just use the Power Cosmic to rearrange its atoms into something tasty.
Aman Jain - 02:22am, 24th April 2016
I would really love to be Deadpol, because being immortal, hilarious and all about guns/swords is epic!
Crassclown - 02:28am, 24th April 2016
Deadpool, I already have the mouth for it, and have a head start on the crazy too!
Falsedisillsuion - 02:31am, 24th April 2016
I would definitely want to be the Silver Surfer. Ever since I was a young child I always wanted to travel the universe to look at new worlds and see the vastness of outer space in all it's beauty. His powers of creation would be awesome as well as I could create new worlds for people to explore.
jorem-rueda-1461461013 - 02:38am, 24th April 2016
Deadpool, because why the f not..
BBSuperHero - 02:46am, 24th April 2016
Blade, since he's an old g
THEZONENEGATIVE - 02:59am, 24th April 2016
deadpool , haha I immortal and very funny
Stalker - 03:18am, 24th April 2016
Because kiss girls when im upside down is way cool.
vagtat81 - 03:48am, 24th April 2016
I love gambit so .... !!!
IronMog - 04:07am, 24th April 2016
Captain America; so I can help people (and be down right handsome).
definedmonster - 04:14am, 24th April 2016
Spider-man. He's my childhood hero and lives a life that could be more relatable to average people if they were a superhero at night/day.
nurthel - 04:38am, 24th April 2016
colossus, super strength and armor yes please but its cause even though he has those powers he has a gentle heart and only uses them when he has to
Terry Henderson - 04:53am, 24th April 2016
I would want to be spiderman. Incredibly intelligent, enhanced strength, limited precognition (from spider sense) and the ability to perform incredible acrobatic maneuvers and soar through the skies of New York via web-slingers. I think it would be a great power set to have and could be a ton of fun, supervillains notwithstanding.
Thanks for doing this! Cheers
phillip-kamien-1461470610 - 05:06am, 24th April 2016
I Would want to be Thor. He's able to fly, control lighting and he's a king.
It's awesome that your doing this, thanks a lot and have a great one. Plus gratz to the winner.
Rayshel - 05:17am, 24th April 2016
I would love to be Rogue. She was my first marvel Xmen I fell in love with as a kid. She takes no crap from no one, she's strong willed and gorgeous. She is able to have any power she wants by absorbing it so a taste of it all. :D
Lorie - 05:46am, 24th April 2016
Jean Grey, i like being a redhead....with telepathy and telekinesis.
Souzen300 - 05:50am, 24th April 2016
Wolverine, because I would be able to regenerate from anything... Even a bullet to the head (despite it killing my memories)
Rage - 06:29am, 24th April 2016
Mr. Fantastic, because I could do to stretch any part of my body, I said any part :).
Ninja Wallace - 07:08am, 24th April 2016
Iron Fist, because I love kung-fu
Hyamora - 07:09am, 24th April 2016
Deadpool! He always has something nice to say.
Protagon - 07:46am, 24th April 2016
Daredevil. Ok, so he is blind, but his radar is amazing and he is the man without fear, the guy that Mefisto himself can't corrupt. Besides, He got Elektra and Widow as exes. And he is a Ninja. Ninja trumps pirates everyday.
Omnipro - 07:50am, 24th April 2016
Black Panther because it is good being the king. "Hail to the king Baby"
Lord Helmchen - 07:51am, 24th April 2016
Black Bolt, i like him since about 30 years.
necroreefer - 08:31am, 24th April 2016
Spider-Man because web swinging would be sweet.
Lemonpop - 09:03am, 24th April 2016
I love that guy.
The_Guy - 09:22am, 24th April 2016
Punisher - Because he shows that you don´t have to have super powers to do good in the world.
All it takes it that you stand up for your ideals and live life, no matter how many hardships you have to overcome.
sfxlix - 09:23am, 24th April 2016
Mr.Fantastic because he has one of the biggest brains going around.
Dormal - 09:39am, 24th April 2016
Dr. Doom because he always seeks perfection and power through interesting ways! Plus everyone respects him, friend or foe
Ashkeroth - 09:44am, 24th April 2016
out of the heroes I would love to be rogue because she is my all time favorite marvel character and I get to try every other power in the spectrum. It plays to my indecisiveness so why not try all of em!! wanna be invisible for a day? lets touch invisible woman for a bit. wanna read minds and blow stuff up? jean c'mere.
plus it's a great way to snoop into someone's life. I bet I'd make a great gossip columnist; just touching a guy and knowing all his deepest darkest embarassing history and secrets. JUICY
sayishere - 10:26am, 24th April 2016
Mr Fantastic, so I can grab a beer from the fridge while I'm in bed, breakfast in bed baby.
BanathGr - 10:30am, 24th April 2016
I'd like to be Colossus because..ok he is all big and strong and metal but mostly because he is the big brother of my all time favourite character Illyana Nikolievna Rasputina aka Magik!
Brookbesor - 10:43am, 24th April 2016
Kitty Pryde aka Shadowcat! Because nothing can get me down, literally.
FrozenArcher - 12:15pm, 24th April 2016
Iron Man, because of his inteligence and his technology
Bengdom - 12:27pm, 24th April 2016
wolverine bcos of his unbridled rage.
Imfreezing - 12:32pm, 24th April 2016
Thor. Who wouldn't want to be a GOD?!
Silinja - 12:41pm, 24th April 2016
Doctor Strange. Hes the first character that I truely fell in love with in game and in comics. So much power and he uses it for good. Also the only character I have gone cosmic with
benki - 01:05pm, 24th April 2016
Well I could be a total ##### and say that I would like to be the Beyonder and just be the strongest one there is.
Instead I will just pick Thor and have the power of the God of Thunder at my hands
Synapt - 01:06pm, 24th April 2016
Silver Surfer of course...come on...surfing across the galaxy!?!?!?
Aporie - 01:09pm, 24th April 2016
Dr. Strange - to see all the wonders and myriad worlds human eyes can't see.
misterXPH - 01:10pm, 24th April 2016
Wolverine: I'm the BEST of what I do...
harun-küçüksüslü-1461500559 - 01:25pm, 24th April 2016
I would be Deadpool because I know this life is just a game or movie ... or comic or ... whatever its an illusion. I will set you free from this puppet show by erm ... killing you !
NM - 02:00pm, 24th April 2016
Spider-Man (RESPECT the hyphen) because he is a nerd, a loser, and nothing works out for him but at the end of the day he always tries to do the right thing. And he's a funny guy, what's not to like?
Pete - 02:05pm, 24th April 2016
Luke Cage, so that I can exclaim: "SWEET CHRISTMAS!!!"
helkat - 02:07pm, 24th April 2016
Deadpool, because I can relate to the sarcasm.
Henrik Chua - 02:16pm, 24th April 2016
Doctor Strange.
Socerer Supreme. And I like Benedict Cumberhatch.
Fixided - 02:27pm, 24th April 2016
No brainer, Mystique!
Imagine all the trolling you could do with the power of shapeshifting!
Kill the president and no one would know!Also, justice and yada yada blah blah blah
MGZnigel - 02:30pm, 24th April 2016
Deadpool, he is funny. ^^
Sale - 02:32pm, 24th April 2016
Wolverine! Because of his healing factor and extended lifespan. Just imagine all the things he saw and lived in his life so far and what he could in future (or will as Old Man Logan).
His healing factor allowing me to recuperate from any illness or injury, allowing me to just live the life as i want it.
And ofcorse claws - for bad guys who need to be tought a lesson :)
Nord - 04:00pm, 24th April 2016
Iron Man. He has all the cool toys.
Andrew - 04:44pm, 24th April 2016
Wolverine is my favourite! Strong and cool. Thx bub.
JanisMan - 04:50pm, 24th April 2016
Spider-Man my favorite superhero since i'm was a child.
Andy - 05:09pm, 24th April 2016
Magik. I love her already since she was abducted to Limbo in the early Chris Claremont era.
Shawn - 05:14pm, 24th April 2016
Thor. The graphics and sound make it feel like a true Thunder God.
Endlessslawter - 05:56pm, 24th April 2016
I would love to be kitty pryde the ability to phase and shift around and being as stealthly as a ninja would be the best!
Darkhall - 05:57pm, 24th April 2016
But in game and in comics I would like to be Thor, being the god of thunder, be able to be in Asgard a literal city of gods, have a hammer with unlimited power (lol that reference) over storm and lightning and last but not least have the most badass cape ever conceived in Marvel's history.
Beaulicious - 06:00pm, 24th April 2016
Deadpool. He's a constant reminder that life is not worth taking TOO seriously. Have a laugh, go live - and if you die - weellllll just wait till you respawn! buh-bye now.
ben - 07:02pm, 24th April 2016
any one with mental powers id never work again and play marvel hereos all the time
Soos - 07:33pm, 24th April 2016
Gambit. So any time I'm feeling down I could call on Rogue to cheer me up. Even if she zaps the life out of me. Love is always worth it.
Also, blowing up stuff.... and being a savate expert.... can't complain.
Dave - 07:51pm, 24th April 2016
Invisible woman because who hasnt wanted the ability to be invisible since they were a kid?
Alex - 07:56pm, 24th April 2016
Dr. Strange, the first reason being all the magic as everyone loves magic. But the second reason is that I can relate to the changes he went through to become The Sorcerer Supreme.
Sam - 08:23pm, 24th April 2016
Thor because he is a #$@%ing god. I mean, come on, no brainer.
Andrew - 08:23pm, 24th April 2016
Spider man. Sticking to walls, and spider sense would be the best.
Wade - 08:24pm, 24th April 2016
Deadpool, because of his great sense of humor and amazing healing factor.
Pandapool - 08:28pm, 24th April 2016
Doop, cuz doop is the best.
Victor - 08:32pm, 24th April 2016
Doom, because Doom is extremely powerful and is a dictator.
cade-king-1461527184 - 08:46pm, 24th April 2016
Iron Man, Because i wanna be a Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist.
barış-aslanel-1461530251 - 09:39pm, 24th April 2016
Thor, because he is not only a superhero but also a God!
Efrieum - 10:15pm, 24th April 2016
Cliche I know, but I would want to be Wolverine because of the regen and long life.
BernieTime - 10:34pm, 24th April 2016
Cyclops. In the 80's he was one of my favorites from the comics. Plus having Jean Gray as your Girlfriend isn't so bad.
Animorfx - 11:06pm, 24th April 2016
Deadpool, who doesn't want to be nearly unkillable?
Boredpanda - 11:07pm, 24th April 2016
Iceman because I like to keep things cool
Babi Malk - 11:35pm, 24th April 2016
Scarlet Witch! Because reality sucks, but she can break it!
LILDOOP - 12:25am, 25th April 2016
Dr strange, because it would be really really cool to have the eye of agamotto following me around and i could do magic, and i could fly and have a cool mustache and aweosme hair. And i would be like a boss!
I would have said deadpool or dr doom, but i wouldnt want to have melted skin. :/
Capitan Lechuga - 12:59am, 25th April 2016
I would love to be Thor.
Just because Thor... But let's put something extra in here... Ultimate Thor... away with the cape... in with the 2 handed hammer...
FoxSpectre - 02:19am, 25th April 2016
Captain Marvel
Carol is the best ever and has the best powers. Maybe not the most powerful but still the best.
KnightOfValor - 02:53am, 25th April 2016
I have to go with the one and only merc with a mouth, Deadpool.
The reasons why?
1. Got to love that sarcasm and humor.
2. He has an awesome healing ability.
3. He's killed the Marvel Universe which makes him a total bad ass.
4. Despite killing the whole Marvel Universe he can be awesomely heroic at times.
5. He plays video games and even Dungeons and Dragons!
sean-clift-1461551984 - 03:41am, 25th April 2016
Venom, he's basically Spider-Man but way more badass.
rex-page-1461552352 - 03:46am, 25th April 2016
Probably Dr Strange.
Sorceror Supreme powers? Hook me up
mowmow - 03:57am, 25th April 2016
I would love to be forge and just tinker and make different inventions.
Phaze - 04:01am, 25th April 2016
Loki, something about having the power of illusions sounds like you could have some serious fun screwwing with people
WebDeath - 04:26am, 25th April 2016
I would like to be Venom.. Because I'd have an adaptable suit that could be used to provide Aid or Harm to those who would deserve it. That and it might be interesting to have a sudden taste for Brains. :P
CainMark0 - 05:38am, 25th April 2016
It would have to be my man Juggernaut. Who wouldnt want to be an unstoppable force. Plus the guy is nearly indestructable. Sign me up.
xionik - 05:49am, 25th April 2016
Thor. While all the cool armor and lightning powers would be awesome, there is just something oddly satisfying about getting dragged around by a hammer to get places.
Calvin Fermin - 06:22am, 25th April 2016
Hawkeye! He's my favorite of the Avengers, and he rocks it without superpowers!
Azrry - 06:42am, 25th April 2016
Ironman definitely. Have armor for every type of occasions.
jj - 06:45am, 25th April 2016
probably woolverine without the emotional scarring cuz who wouldnt want healing
Alexander Lee Knoche - 08:12am, 25th April 2016
Emma Frost , She can almost do anything with her powers over the mind and she is amazing with her control over other humans and mutants!
Clae Wilson - 09:13am, 25th April 2016
Captain America because dude is literally the perfect human, and because the shield is easily the coolest weapon in Marvel's arsenal. Maybe not the most powerful, but the coolest by far. Also, freedom rules.
Philipp - 11:11am, 25th April 2016
Spidey, he is a fun character and i would love to have his spider senses!
Charlotte - 11:13am, 25th April 2016
Kitty Pryde, because running through walls is awesome. And also.. purple alien dragon!
UserName001 - 11:18am, 25th April 2016
Psylocke - simply awesome and Psionics.
Dalriada - 11:50am, 25th April 2016
Star Lord. Mainly because mutations and powers are all well and good, but the ability to consistently deliver a witty quip is far more impressive. I'd love to be able to pull off a natty dance flourish mid-combat as well!
Disavowed - 12:49pm, 25th April 2016
Doctor Strange of course. He is the Sorcerer Supreme, don't need any other reason!
Fred - 01:02pm, 25th April 2016
Silver Surfer would be very cool to travel the stars and save worlds along the way.
n3m3s1s - 01:22pm, 25th April 2016
Scarlet Witch , because She can completely change the field of reality ... she can change the impossible ... turning the unlikely a certainty.
Alit Baconstrips - 01:41pm, 25th April 2016
Dr. Doom!
"I do as I choose.. and I answer to no one! "
Archenegger - 01:57pm, 25th April 2016
Spiderman - So that my sticky hands is actually my super power and not that...other thing...
hawkiel6 - 02:29pm, 25th April 2016
I would choose my favourite hero of all the Hulk but for many reasons, the hulk isnt all he seems, his main power if super strenght that is fueled by anger so the angery he gets the stronger he gets, but he also has over powers to go along with that like, heal factor (can actually be brought back from death, only when in hulk form), breathing underwater, he is actually able to see ghosts and that includes Dr strange when he is in astral form and he has super jump. And at one point when banner was actually able to get control over the hulk, he was actually given a presidental pardon for destorying an alien called metal master. So overall he is a very complete character with many powers and personalities but "Hulk strongest".
Denis - 02:54pm, 25th April 2016
Ironman, just your average billionare with a suit that makes him awesome :)
Nik096 - 03:23pm, 25th April 2016
Kitty Pryde's power
coz it looks rly fun. It would be so easy to troll people
Rick - 05:32pm, 25th April 2016
Hulk ... I get mad and hulk smash
Kale - 05:37pm, 25th April 2016
I'd go with Cable. 6'8", Telekinesis, slight telepathy, master strategist and all around badass.
Chadman - 05:56pm, 25th April 2016
I'd be Wolverine. I'd love to be a vigilante, but I'm worried about... y'know, dying. The healing factor would be amazing, and the claws/adamantium-laced skeleton/super-senses aren't too shabby either. Perfect powerset to wipe some crime off the streets, but not sooo powerful that I'd have to worry about the power corrupting me.
Bovrgator - 06:40pm, 25th April 2016
Dr. Strange, being able to do magic has always been a great dream of mine.
kkondziu - 07:12pm, 25th April 2016
Scarlet Witch
Because she can manipulete probability, warp reality, teleport, fly and she uses chaos magic
Screecher12 - 07:18pm, 25th April 2016
Captain America because he has the physical strength and political sway and to make a real difference in our country both on and off the battlefield.
Screecher12 - 07:19pm, 25th April 2016
Captain America because he has the physical strength and political sway and to make a real difference in our country both on and off the battlefield.
Moonbe - 07:21pm, 25th April 2016
I would love to be Professor X. The reason being is that helps others to reach their potential,helps and guides others with the use of their powers and gives homes to those shunned by family,friends and society.
Screecher12 - 07:22pm, 25th April 2016
Captain America because he has the physical strength and political sway and to make a real difference in our country both on and off the battlefield.
Gabriel - 08:00pm, 25th April 2016
These last days i wish i was Iceman, it is so damm hot in Brazil i can't even.
But other than that my favorite Hero is Emma Frost and it would be awesome have her powers. Mind control, illusion, diamond skin... no one matches her in telepathic and physical power!!!
Ninjoe - 08:03pm, 25th April 2016
Power man - Aka Luke Cage - dude is a beast! Strength and indestructable skin!? Sign me up! Iron fist is a good pal too.
SharklordJDB - 08:38pm, 25th April 2016
I would want to be Captain America, he represent the pinnacle of humanity, physically and morally
pucechan - 08:39pm, 25th April 2016
Deadpool - Breaking the fourth wall is the BEST super-power. The fact he's a sarcastic chap helps! :)
John Evans - 08:43pm, 25th April 2016
Because were exactly alike... except for the killing,regeneration and being funny parts...
TheSphericalCat - 08:44pm, 25th April 2016
Magik. Why? I mean, have you seen her sword?
Plus, after House of M she could speak japanese so it'll be easier to read manga and stuff...
Jim Hope - 08:51pm, 25th April 2016
Franklin Richards. He's so powerful, that Galactus is his herald.
Shadows-6 - 09:28pm, 25th April 2016
Iron Man - Because I want to be a Genius, Billionaire, Playboy and Philanthropist all at the same time. And I'm #TeamIronMan
Conmc - 09:34pm, 25th April 2016
Dr. Doom because only Doom can say things like " I was a God." "I found it beneith me."
It was, is and always will be.... DOOM who pulls the strings.
wodan - 11:02pm, 25th April 2016
I'd be Ant man because you could cut down on your cost of food and shelter and you could go anywhere! you could live in manhattan for the cost of a dollhouse.
Ridox - 12:25am, 26th April 2016
Professor X - who doesn't want to be one of the most powerful telepaths in all of Marvel? Stop time, read minds, warp realities!!
Psychics - 01:56am, 26th April 2016
I wouldn't mind being Jean Grey. Her powers are amazing and she has an unapologetically awesome personality. If I were her however, I probably wouldn't fight crime with my powers and instead use them for the more mundane things; seeing which of my friends secretly hates me, flying to and from class, moving cars out of my way while in traffic... but there would still be the possibility of being a costume crime fighter ;)
Qihan - 03:53am, 26th April 2016
I would like to be Remy - Gambit because then I'll be a suave and smooth guy who can get any chicks and destroy villans in a cool ass way with my deck of exploding cards and pimp cane.
Qihan - 03:54am, 26th April 2016
gekidio - 04:10am, 26th April 2016
Rogue because she can have any power!!
Carlos Melo - 05:54am, 26th April 2016
wolverine cuz hes badass
aintnothang - 05:54am, 26th April 2016
Psylocke. An assassin with telekinetic abilities. What's more badass than that?
thoo00 - 06:23am, 26th April 2016
War Machine,
Cause everyone wants to be a hero and i dont mind being a sidekick. :)
JFatt - 07:09am, 26th April 2016
I would love to be Deadpool because........CHIMICHANGAS. The true anti-hero, merc with a mouth and the ability to break the 4th wall effortlessly. Loved him in the comics as well as MH2016.
Geronimoooo - 07:21am, 26th April 2016
I would love to be Captain America - Steven Rodgers. He is someone I look up to. He has a strong sense of morality and can differentiate between right and wrong. He is my hero and he always will be, because no matter who tries to tell him what to do, he will always fight for what he believes is the right thing to do.
nicholas-kyshchun-1461669276 - 12:16pm, 26th April 2016
Iceman, what can I say, I love my drinks cold.
Quiet - 12:29pm, 26th April 2016
Deadpool without a doubt. Witty as hell, a lot smarter than he comes across as. Constantly breaking the 4th wall, and where he may falter from time to time he always ends up doing good things. Outfits are a complete win (Thorpool, Cosmicpool, Deadpoolio) A cadre of amazing other versions (Pandapool, Kidpool, Lady Deadpool etc etc etc. If all thats just not enough he's also a complete flat out badass.
bobovindo - 01:00pm, 26th April 2016
Spider-man because he is smart and agile and funny ... aaand he was my favourite childhood hero :)
unholytestament - 02:50pm, 26th April 2016
Hands down, Spider-Man. He has far and away been my favorite superhero ever since I was little. Strength, agility, intellect, and the invaluable spider-sense makes for a very entertaining hero when in the hands of competent writers. He has been involved with some of the best superhero teams (Fantastic Four, Avengers, etc.) and his book is responsible for some of my favorite spin-off characters (ex:Venom).
I'm also very excited about him turning up in the Civil War movie.
evocer - 03:42pm, 26th April 2016
This is a hard one.. so many to choose from.. my favourite is Iron Man since i was little... but ive always wanted to be Spiderman.. swinging from buildings helping people, saving the city.
Snuffy - 03:57pm, 26th April 2016
The Human Torch, so I could light evil wagons on fire!
cosmicwarbird - 04:15pm, 26th April 2016
I'd like to be Magneto, he's the master of magnetism and has one of the coolest powers. He's also a big representative of his cause, being an excellent leader. Although he may go over the top to achieve his goals, he and I are quite similar in the fact that we are very idealistic. Being able to fly, move objects from a distance and aiming for greatness in life, I think he would be the best option for me. Besides, he turns out to be a hero further in the Marvel Universe.
Babi - 05:33pm, 26th April 2016
I would love to be rouge. Being able to fly with super strength, and ability to drain powers would be so fun
darkphcenix - 07:14pm, 26th April 2016
Though she's not in marvel heroes yet, I would love to be Mystique. Just think about all the possibilities...
From the in-game heroes I would probably choose to be Black Panther. King of Wakanda, Wakandan technology, being SUPER smart and ever richer than Tony Stark?? Where can I sign up? :D
Nuckal - 07:17pm, 26th April 2016
Captain Britain. He's not an overly memorable character despite that though his power comes from magic that gives him powerful abilities like super strength and a forcefield which makes him invulnerable to harm. Really hope he becomes playable in this game someday!
DgUwLtb - 09:45pm, 26th April 2016
Hawkeye: Although He's got no power, He's still there trying to do the best he can, and people keep patronizing him, but he doesn't give a damn about it. He just wants to save the city by using a bow and arrows while his friends got powers. He shows that people can be powerful without powers!
Joripptaterchip - 10:59pm, 26th April 2016
I would be Nightcrawler. I have always loved the idea of teleporting. Also, I think I could get used to the blue skin =]. Swords are also way more interesting than guns, imo.
Gzussaves - 12:45am, 27th April 2016
Nightcrawler. Teleportation.. I could be Blue.. I would have 2 tails. The things I could do, and people I could bug. Plus really cheap travel expenses!
tany - 04:49am, 27th April 2016
Loki, because he has a really cool brother. He also can fly, teleport, make illusions, and freeze people.
Orphen - 05:53am, 27th April 2016
Wolverine because who doesn't want to be immortal.
Ladyaurora1ca - 07:10am, 27th April 2016
I think I'd be Lady Deadpool, Wanda Wilson. Her wise cracks are so me, though I am so not sarcastic at all! Plus, she now has her looks AND healing factor. Plus she makes things go BOOM! Additionally, she's much more aware of her surroundings than the other non-Deadpool crew peeps. I mean, come on, talk about being more intelligent and self-aware! And psychopathic. Truly an awesome all-around heroine!
Nattu - 08:16am, 27th April 2016
Iron Man, It would be so awesome to have suit like that.
Deathman115 - 08:28am, 27th April 2016
Iron Man would be my pick. I always thought it would be cool to have the suit. And he's a rich, genius, playboy, narcissitic jerk. Who doesn't want to be that?
AvengingSpidey - 10:11am, 27th April 2016
Spider-man because spider powers are awesome! I would be helping people and fighting crime. :-)
Mystiquen - 10:50am, 27th April 2016
I really love Scarlet Witch because her power is very massive as well as unstable, sometime i really want to close my eyes and vaporize all my sadness like her lol. in addition, she is like my mind and my characteristic: nothing can control me and estimate me like normal guy:D thanks for giveaway!
Chroaton - 12:34pm, 27th April 2016
I want to be Dr.Doom because he mastered both magic and science,he is a genius, also he have his own country,diplomatic immunity,army of robots, at one point he was a god, even Stark afraids to deal with him alone,and also he is badass
lo-ne-1461758552 - 01:06pm, 27th April 2016
I want to be Deadpool, cause he cant die, he's stronger and totally mad :)
inolimon - 01:08pm, 27th April 2016
Silver Surfer, that's obviously the best heroe yo ucan think of, roaming the space naked, choosing plantes to be destroy, there's nothing best
CraftyAK - 01:14pm, 27th April 2016
I think i would be Deadpool because he is funny, has guns and knows how to chop of a few limbs
CrashJupiter - 03:07pm, 27th April 2016
Absolutely Quicksilver. No more commute, get everything done quickly, and be able to have a chat with all the terrible drivers out there.
Yes, I have a road rage problem.
Notable_nobody - 08:43pm, 27th April 2016
Captain America!
I'm an extremely flawed person, heck we all are. Cap is nearly perfect in everyway, but doesn't flaut it like Tony does with his wealth and genius. Cap has respected for others(mostly because of the era he comes from.) particularly the little guy. It's not because of his powers I chose the Captain, but because of who he is as a person.
Pink Bunny - 09:42pm, 27th April 2016
Taskmaster. Why? Simple he can copy any fighting style. Why settle with Capt. America, Hawkeye, Daredevil, or Spiderman; when you can fight like any of them. Very underrated character that I've always liked form the start.
erik-magtibay-1461455311 - 10:04pm, 27th April 2016
Silver Surfer. why? i will use cosmic awareness to find terrorist group and stop them for killing people
Zurgi - 02:02am, 28th April 2016
Nightcrowler, because teleporting is awesome! You can get anywhere in a matter of seconds. He is X-men! It's so cool. He is one of my favorite characters.
h2o826 - 02:34am, 28th April 2016
Ghost Rider: GR is one of my top 3 superheroes of all time which includes Rocket Racoon and Deadpool. The main reason GR is my fav is part of his origin story that he gave his soul to Mephisto in order to save the life of his father. Aside form riding a motorcycle like myself, he is virtually immortal and has super strength. He can use helfire in different ways as well as helfire chains (each GR can do slightly diff things) and even breath helfire. GR is usually called / transformed when innocent blood is spilled which shows that he is a being to ward evil. Examples are pennance stare which can arguable be the most powerful power at least against evil - no need going Franklin Richards on me - which causes its victims to suffer and feel the pain of all those who had died because of that person. However my favorite superpower of all time from all superheroes is that GR cannot hurt the innocent and that is why he is my favorite hero.
DROCK - 03:43am, 28th April 2016
Jean Grey, because Phoenix.
CeilingPanda - 05:23am, 28th April 2016
Hulk, hulk smash, hulk no afraid, hulk big, hulk strong , hulk smash!
J. Cast - 06:49am, 28th April 2016
I have been wanting to purchase the Mega Pack since I started playing the game in Beta, but I just can't afford it.
As for the hero, I'd really like to be The Hulk. As Bruce Banner he has knowledge, and as The Hulk he has strength. It's a great combination. Not to mention he gets to slam Loki around on the silver screen!
The truth is, as someone who struggled with anger growing up, The Hulk is personal to me. As the "hero", his anger gives him strength, but it's also his weakness. It's two sides of the same coin. So that's why I would pick The Hulk.
Thank you for the giveaway! Good luck everyone!
DSBlind - 07:57am, 28th April 2016
I think I would go with Carol Danvers. Flight, Super Strength, Energy blasts, energy absorbtion, all of which go to 11 with Binary? Yes please.
mahaa - 08:02am, 28th April 2016
iron fist because i get to hang out with luke cage
Ian - 08:52am, 28th April 2016
I would be Doom so that I might rule all.
Removal - 09:11am, 28th April 2016
It took some thought but, I think I'd like to be Taskmaster. At the end of the day he's still mostly a human, no special powers or anything. If anything his lack of powers makes him even more unique in the world of Marvel, and his gray morality is something I loved. He also has a sick bromance going on with Deadpool.
Vayhn - 09:40am, 28th April 2016
I think I'd be Spiderman.
His jokes and sense of humor are probably as annoying as mine, so it would totally fit my personality regardless powers and responsability of course.
Thanks for the giveaway and good luck guys and gals!
CratosGoblin - 12:00pm, 28th April 2016
Iron man.
From childhood I was fond of high technology and freedom. Iron man is the man of the future, of course if you take not just Tony stark, namely Iron man.
For me Iron man has always represented the possibilities of mankind, the limit of which is almost immeasurable. And that's cool, we always strive for more and even if you do not achieve their goals, at least slightly pushing the boundaries.
Mordrigar - 03:44pm, 28th April 2016
Dr. Doom.
Not just because I'd like to be super genius and talented sorcerer. It would be amazing to be a real leader, a ruler. Great powers, great responsibilities. All within.
JoyV2 - 05:22pm, 28th April 2016
I am iron man.
Anne-Marie Large - 07:57pm, 28th April 2016
Scarlet Witch because her abilities are awesome!
Valvatorez - 08:39pm, 28th April 2016
Even though I am a dude I would choose Rogue.
Why only choose one super hero when I can have the powers of (almost) all them. :)
Valvatorez - 08:46pm, 28th April 2016
Missed an "of" at the end between "all" and "them".^^
William - 07:30am, 29th April 2016
Captain America because for all his physical strength his strength of character is greater still
JasonG - 02:41pm, 29th April 2016
Iron man
He's rich and got tons of cool, high-tech suits/toys. They said money is power.
zakuwarrior - 03:14pm, 29th April 2016
cyclops: why because Im firing my lazors!
Stolas - 03:28pm, 29th April 2016
Because there is no other Hero truly as selfless as Peter Parker. And let's not forget his incredible wit :^]
Pivo - 03:36pm, 29th April 2016
Mr. Fantastic, because of his genius.
Rytloc - 03:44pm, 29th April 2016
Rogue,because is best of best!!!!
Jinteki - 03:55pm, 29th April 2016
Vision, because I'd never have to use a door ever again. No more memory of me running into a clear screen door and completely taking it out...nope that never happened. Also the super strength, speed etc and all that would be nice.
artisan - 03:56pm, 29th April 2016
Thanks for the opportunity
For me I would be Loky, so i can bitch about everything and always yell at others.
BanHu - 04:18pm, 29th April 2016
I would be Rocket Raccoon, for various reasons:
1. I would be an engineer.
2. My best friend is Groot
3. I am a Raccoon.
What is not to love about Rocket?
Thanks for the opportunity to win this amazing pack.
Trueblaze - 05:00pm, 29th April 2016
Black Panther because he is king of his own country, in charge of the most important metal in the world and he married storm. what more can you want?
Arthusii - 05:25pm, 29th April 2016
I would love to be thor because I am a huge lover of norse mythology and feel that Marvel, in their attempt to reinvent it, has butchered one of the most interesting and mythos out there. Odin is a magnificent character and really deserves some redemption rather then just being the dude that sleeps... :D \m/
Dumalfalim - 05:48pm, 29th April 2016
Kitty Pride, not as much bad history as other heroes, less family drama and awesome powers to do things... like rob banks, or collapse an entire economy just by phasing through the good computer, fun things like that. Plus she's smart and pretty good with new technologies.
Thnk you for this giveaway !
Tomegun - 06:32pm, 29th April 2016
War Machine, you get the suit without the drama, and a billionaire friend...
alejandro-tello torregrosa-1461952122 - 06:51pm, 29th April 2016
Deadpool. He's ugly af but he's practically inmortal
Kavic - 07:12pm, 29th April 2016
Gambit, love his trademark explosive card throwing.
SadrianWynt - 08:30pm, 29th April 2016
My favorite would have to be Jean Grey. I love that she was one of the weakest members but over the years she gained lots of training and control and has become one of the most powerful mutants.
Ameliahoodx - 08:39pm, 29th April 2016
I would choose to be Emma Frost. Along with being extremely beautiful, she can become invisible, mind control people and even turn into a highly durable diamond.
ezequiel - 09:18pm, 29th April 2016
HULK.....SMASH! :@
AlphaV - 11:47pm, 29th April 2016
Super speed. All I need to make my life better. It saves me lots of trouble and I'll have much more free time if I can finish everything quick. One regret of life is not having enough time.
OrangeSquidHat - 12:16am, 30th April 2016
Bobby Drake aka Iceman has always been one of my favorite heroes. As he was one of the orginal X-Men with some of the koolest abilities. He was also one of the original team up characters with Spiderman and other heroes. His awesoem abilities include more than just freezing things but also taking the solid form of transparent ice after Ema Frost took control of him. He was able harness that power later to become more powerful. Another reason I really enjoy Bobby is that after House of M story, when he regained his abilities his new form was jagged ice form a lot more edgy.
Back in his origin story Bobby always 'loved' Polaris but when she denied him for Havok he split the X-Men. This was key moment as many of his struggles with the X-Men were to his true identity. As comics of old always told stories of American history through these fictional characters - civil rights movment was a huge one (people vs mutants and segration? - come on, I hope you paid attention in history class). In the Marvel Now all new all different Comics are trying to tie in to todays youth and generations and are trying to help people cope and get used to todays society. In Uncanny X-Men #600 Bobby Drake is revealed to be a homosexual and to me that is iceshattering (pun intended)! It is a great strive where the comic book storytelling can continue to tell the stories and tie in to todays society. Afterall these books have been driving acceptance for decades - why stop now? This issue helps me cope with my differences and allows me to confront my fears to my friends and family and hope for acceptance.
Geoff1138 - 03:27am, 30th April 2016
I would pick Spider-man. It would be amazing to have his powers!
ADAM KOTTWITZ - 04:03am, 30th April 2016
I know he is one considered by many to be one of the most overrated characters in Marvel, but my pick has to be Wolverine, aka Logan, aka Jimmy.
Why because he has one of the best healing factors and some badass claws made of an indestructible metal. I could add a lot more to this, but i'll keep it short. :)
DungeonDarren - 04:24am, 30th April 2016
I would want to be Spiderman because he is the one hero i can relate to. So many bills to pay, I was also bullied at school when i was younger. And I also live with my Aunt :)
Amalek - 05:18am, 30th April 2016
With the power of cyttorak he is maybe strong as hulk,only an empowered Hulk could defeat Him
DrPixel - 07:41am, 30th April 2016
Nightcrawler because, duh! Teleporting is the best, no question about it.
Semiurge - 08:06am, 30th April 2016
This might be weird considering he doesn't have powers, but still, I want to be Hawkeye.
He's human, and fights with a bow. He's on a team where people have magic hammers, indestructible shields, armors, super-speed, density control, and even the power to alter reality. But that doesn't stop him being a hero. Even when he gets beaten down by, idk, some Russian mobs? He doesn't care. He'll still help someone in need. And to be in a team filled with people who have these incredible powers and still fight with them without getting so intimated? That's cool.
NuggyNugs - 06:48pm, 30th April 2016
Rocket Racoon, because zipping around space would be amazing but zipping around space as an anthropomorphic racoon with a penchant for mayhem and destruction, that's perfection.
Nub_Soss - 06:57pm, 30th April 2016
Because smashing is fun
chimo_gamala - 08:55pm, 30th April 2016
Cyclops cause laser beams are awesome and he is smart enought to lead the x men, dont forget he made out with jean and emma
Rui_Bajouca - 02:15pm, 2nd May 2016
Moon Knight! It's not everyday ou die, ressurect and become the Avatar/Fists of Khonshu on Earth.
Plus, you can beat up hordes of thugs while wearing only your boxers:
So yeah, totally Moon Knight! Even if he's "slightly" unbalanced...Aren't we all?