X4: Foundations Update Eases Modding and Adds Player Stations
Egosoft has a good track record of providing support for their titles and X4: Foundations is proving to be no exception. Update 2.00 has been released and it brings with it a whole bunch of additions and changes for fans of the sandbox space sim.
Major additions include the ability for players to now own shipyards and other ship related facilities. This now allows you to automate the construction of ships from raw materials through to the end product enabling you to assist in war efforts or simply profit from faction disagreements.
On top of that, Steam Workshop support is now fully integrated which should allow easier access to the growing range of mods available for the game without you needing to fiddle under the hood.
Other additions include rebalancing how crew gain experience, the ability to name save games, an array of interface tweaks and a whole slew of bugfixes. You can view the complete list of patch notes on the game's Steam page here.
X4: Foundations is available on PC via Steam.