Infinifactory Preview
Infinifactory is an odd duck, part puzzler, part builder game, part sandbox.
The plot of the game is pretty good, driving along a lonely road, some aliens grab you and cart you off in true “Mr Hicks, I’d like you to meet my wife and my sister” fashion. Slap you into a red spacesuit, give you an incomprehensible safety briefing after a brief tutorial and throw you in a cell.
From here, you can munch on food pellets, review your progress helping your alien overlords make incomprehensible blocks, and continue onwards through the levels.
Zachtronics, the studio behind this game and personal favourite Spacechem, have built a 30+ level little gem that rises to the top of the cesspool that is Steam Early Access and shines like a diamond in a goats arse.
The audio logs you encounter from level to level are a nice touch, the first one being of some poor woman who is trying to convince herself that it’s all a dream and “I’d like to wake up now” as she steps out into a 30 foot plus drop (you find her suited body at the bottom of it) was particularly poignant. by the fourth one of these (the third is a dog) you get an inkling that maybe something is rotten in the state of odd-little-green-men-land and there’s a war going on, or at least the preparation for one.
Once you have passed that little intro you have a selection of blocks that act as welders, conveyors, platforms and so on. These you are required to use to get blocks from where they fall out of holes in a wall to an end point complete with a semi-transparent image of the required result. Once you have a solution, a histogram is shown to you telling you just how much better other players are, thus encouraging you to go back and “have another go, dearie”.
I would warn you of one thing though… this is digital crystal meth. It’ll stick its hooks in you and next thing you know your family will be staging an intervention because they've not seen you in weeks.
Add in the fact that it has Steam Workshop integration and you've got a real doozy of a game. I'm hooked, I reckon you will be too...