One of the 2010's Most Controversial Games is Coming to Switch
“Put everything on Switch!” is a sentiment often echoed by owners of Nintendo’s popular home console/handheld hybrid, but the announcement of 2015’s universally panned isometric shooter Hatred coming to the system might lead to some people second guessing their own wishes.
Announcement came by way of developer Destructive Creations’ official Twitter page, which featured an image of the game’s title screen running on the Switch alongside the message:
“Recently we revealed something regarding Nintendo Switch. This picture may give you a better idea about what is going to happen.
Are you waiting?”
For the uninitiated, Hatred is essentially a serial murderer simulator where player’s control a shamelessly edgy mass-shooter, whose single goal is to kill as many civilians as possible. While Destructive Creations justified the game’s content by claiming it was a direct response to rising industry trends such as “political correctness” and “game as art”, many critics found the title to be a failure, both as a controversial knee jerk reaction to the rest of the industry, and as an entertaining game in its own right.
Despite the lacklustre critical reception, the game managed to quickly attain “best seller” status on Steam following its release, and was met with “Mostly Positive” reviews on the site. There is currently no set release window for the Switch release.
Veldt Falsetto - 11:43pm, 15th April 2020
Oh, that game. Really? How is Nintendo ok with this?
Acelister - 11:36am, 16th April 2020
Seems they're fine with literally anything, as it can be age restricted? So long as parents actually use the function...
franjaff - 04:17pm, 16th April 2020 Author
The fact that it's getting ported to any other platform in general surprises me. I'm all for pushing the boundaries of what's accceptable in art through taboo subjects and controversy, but this game just doesn't seem to be particularly thought provoking or interesting to play.
Dombalurina - 06:28pm, 17th April 2020
I agree, I'm surprised it did well enough to justify a port. It's not funny enough to be a good parody, but it doesn't tell a story that justifies it as a drama either. If it was a good game then it wouldn't be such an issue, but it's not. It's just controversy for the sake of controversy.
Mister Woot - 08:33pm, 20th April 2020
Great balls of flaming monkey faeces who the h e double hockey sticks thought this was a good idea?